Listen to Hendry say so, Ye Feng nodded to Hendry, "OK, I won't give you less lawyer fees!"

Hendry then looked at Ye Feng. After a long time, he said to Ye Feng, "in fact, I don't care about the lawyer's fees! I can help you, but what I need is not money. I have a heartless request. I wonder if Mr. jetty Lee can promise me? "

After hearing that Yan smoked a cigarette, Ye Feng said to Hendry, "as long as you can meet my requirements, I can consider any conditions!"

Hendry immediately said to Ye Feng, "in fact, a lawyer is just my profession. I have another identity. I'm a writer of crime novels!"

On hearing this, Ye Feng could not help but look at Hendry in surprise. However, when he looked at this guy's literary style carefully, he really had the temperament of a scholar. He said to Hendry, "I can't see it!"

Hendry immediately said to Ye Feng, "yes, my colleagues always say that when they know it. To tell you the truth, one of the main reasons why I am a lawyer is to facilitate me to write books. After all, there are few occupations that allow me to contact criminals!"

After staring at Hendry for a long time, Ye Feng said to Hendry, "do you mean you want to interview me?"

Hendry immediately nodded and said, "yes, but it's not an interview. I just want to get some information from you to understand the criminal's psychology and mental process."

Ye Feng pondered for a while, but heard Hendry immediately say, "this time the subject of my new book is about a transnational spy Although it doesn't match your identity, the cases involved are similar to yours. The protagonist committed a crime intentionally in order to go to prison After hearing your request, I thought of my novel... "

Then he saw that Ye Feng didn't answer all the time, and immediately said, "you can rest assured, Mr. Jack Li, as long as I involve the part related to you, I will bring the manuscript to you before the book is published, and I will send it to the publishing house only if you agree!"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng and Hendry said, "I can promise you, but it must be after I get out of prison!"

Hendry looked at Ye Feng and said, "Mr. jetty Lee, I don't think you understand the case you are involved in. You have seven lives in total, and you have to plead guilty and even ask to settle the case as soon as possible. Don't you know that once you are convicted, you may not be able to leave Angan prison in your life?"

Ye Feng said with a smile to Hendry, "of course I know, but I also know that I will leave Angola! I'm sorry for the wrong words I used just now. What I said about getting out of prison may not be a regular way! "

Hendry can't help but be stunned. Of course, he understands the meaning of Ye Feng's words. The so-called release from prison is nothing more than two ways of normal prison release and escape. Ye Feng says that it is not necessarily a regular way, so there is only one way to escape from prison.

Hendry can't help looking at Ye Feng in consternation. He is anxious to go to Angola prison, but his ultimate goal is to escape. This is enough to arouse Hendry's interest in Ye Feng.

Thinking of Hendry, I can't help looking at Ye Feng and saying, "Mr. jetty Lee, excuse me, I'm really a little surprised. You're going to rush into prison and eventually break out. What's your purpose?"

After staring at Hendry for a long time, Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's OK to tell you that I went in to save someone!"

Hendry a listen to this, face suddenly move, Ye Feng and he said, will be an impending crime, he can't help but toward Ye Feng way, "you are not afraid I report you?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "you said that as a lawyer, you have the obligation to keep a secret of my conversation with you. Besides, I'm just talking about it. You can believe it or not. Even if the police come to me and ask me what happened after my imprisonment, I won't admit it!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng leaned forward slightly to look at Hendry and said, "besides, I believe you are a person who takes your identity as a writer more seriously than that of a lawyer! Besides... "

Said Ye Feng and deliberately after a pause, this just said, "you are not saying that the protagonist of your new book is an agent, spy?"? I believe I can give you a lot of useful information besides this case! "

Hendry a listen to this, complexion immediately move, Zheng Zheng ground looking at Ye Feng, Ye Feng said already again obvious.

What information can Ye Feng give his spy protagonist? He is just a murderer at the moment, but he obviously implies that he is an agent or spy?

In addition to Ye Feng's previous performance, he said that he deliberately killed a heinous person in order to enter the Angolan prison. At the same time, he went in to save people, and then he would escape. All these signs show that Ye Feng's identity is indeed mysterious, and may even be the prototype of the protagonist in his new book.

Think of here, Hendry can't help looking at Ye Feng way, "you mean, you are the agent?"

Ye Feng took a puff of his cigarette and shrugged to Hendry, "I didn't say anything. Everything is your guess. You can think that I'm bragging, but it's up to you to believe it or not."Hendry hesitated for a while, his eyes staring at Ye Feng's eyes, and finally asked Ye Feng straightforwardly, "can I believe you?"

Ye Feng continued to lean forward, looking at Hendry with the same eyes, and asked Hendry in the same tone, "so! Can I trust you? "

Hendry smell speech a dismay, immediately the contract on the table again to Ye Feng in front of a push way, "you can believe me! Sign the contract

Ye Feng looked at the contract and then said with a smile to Hendry, "I'm handcuffed!"

Hendry immediately laughed, then got up and went to the door of the interrogation room. He called a policeman and said, "I want to sign a customer contract with my client. Please help him release the handcuffs!"

The police asked Hendry to wait for a moment, and then went to report the situation to John. John was in the office looking at the legal documents just sent to his desk. As they saw, all the people were killed by one shot, and the only one who died by two shots was the same as his guess, because he was born with a crooked heart, so Ye Feng made up for it again One shot, which is enough to prove that Ye Feng is a professional killer, which means that this case, as Ye Feng said, is not caused by accidental conflicts, but is likely to be carefully planned by Ye Feng.

John was hesitating when he heard the report from his subordinates that Hendry wanted to sign a customer contract with Ye Feng. He frowned and said, "what does this guy think? This lawyer is obviously a rookie in law. How can he even take a fancy to him? What kind of wishful thinking is it? "

However, he was surprised that his subordinates were still waiting for his order. John couldn't help looking at his subordinates, and then he thought that it was useless to disagree with them, and he had no right to appoint a lawyer for the criminals.

Thinking of this, John nodded to his subordinates and said, "let them sign!"

Subordinates immediately return to the interrogation room, enter the door to open the handcuffs to Ye Feng, but also untie Ye Feng's right hand, so that he can sign.

Ye Feng took up his pen and signed the English name of Jet Li at the signing of the contract, which pushed the contract to Hendry and said, "I fully believe you, but don't let me down!"

Hendry also immediately picked up the pen to sign the contract, then took it up and showed it to Ye Feng. Then he said to Ye Feng, "don't worry, I will try my best to help you!"

Ye Feng nodded his head with satisfaction, but simply said, "with your words, I'm relieved!"

Hendry then stood up, put away the papers on the desk, screwed on the cover of the pen, and said to Ye Feng, "wait for my news!"

Seeing that Ye Feng nodded to himself, Hendry immediately went out to the door of the interrogation room. As soon as he opened the door, he saw John waiting at the door.

When John opened the door, he took a look at Ye Feng who was sitting inside, but he saw that Ye Feng was looking at himself with a smile.

After he had closed the door of the interrogation room, he asked Hendry, "do you agree with your client?"

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