Hendry then nodded to John and said, "we have reached a consensus. My client now gives me full power to represent him!" Then he took the contract out of his briefcase and showed John Ye Feng and his signature.

After a look, John nodded at Hendry and said, "what do you mean by sole agency?"

Hendry said to John, "that is to say, my client's demands have been told to me. Next, I will negotiate with you, the police, the prosecution and the court!"

John sneered, "isn't that bullshit? He is a murderer now. We still need to ask him many questions. How can he give you all his power? And he's hiding behind? "

Hendry shrugged his shoulders and said, "officer John, you may have misunderstood me. I mean, my client confessed to the seven homicide cases before, and he accepted all the charges! We will also fully cooperate with the police and the prosecution in their investigation. "

John could not help but frown at Hendry, surprised, "he confessed?"

Hendry immediately nodded, "yes, my client confessed to the murder of seven people! Of course, you have to try your best to try him again, but it must be on the premise that I am present! Otherwise, I'm afraid my client won't say a word! "

Hearing this, John immediately sneered and looked at Hendry and said, "since your client can even admit the murder of seven lives, why are you afraid that we will not try him?"

Hendry immediately said, "I repeat, your police have the power to try any prisoner, but my client also has the right to be tried in the presence of a lawyer!"

After hearing the words and staring at Hendry for a long time, John opened the door of the interrogation room, "yes, I'll ask him some questions now, you can accompany him!"

Hendry heard John say so, immediately followed in, sat on Ye Feng's side, reminded Ye Feng, "officer John will have to take some temperature on you later, you can answer or not answer!"

Ye Feng asked Hendry, "what I want you to say to him, have you said?"

Hendry immediately said to Ye Feng, "it's all said, and it shows your attitude and mine!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately nodded, this just see to sit opposite of John way, "then no problem, you can ask, I have nothing to avoid!"

John listen to Ye Feng so say, immediately ask Ye Feng way, "why do you want to kill Brooke?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I told you before that he wanted to kill me in the private room. I robbed his gun and killed him. Next, his men came in to kill me, so I even killed them!"

John frowned and sneered at Ye Feng and said, "Jeter Lee, I hope you can be frank. We saw in the video of the night hall that besides you entered Brooke's private room, salina, the popular dancer of the night, and George, the manager of the night, had entered Brooke's private room."

Ye Feng smell speech to nod a way, "they are indeed to once go in, but later walked again!"

John immediately asked Ye Feng, "what are they doing in there? Why did you leave again? "

Ye Feng said to John, "Brooke pointed a gun at me and asked salina to go in. Of course, salina will go in..."

John immediately interrupted Ye Feng and said, "you haven't mentioned it before!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I have nothing to do with salina's killing. What can I do with her?"

John immediately asked Ye Feng, "what's the relationship between you and salina?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "friend I just met!"

John said incredulously, "friend?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "that's right, friend!"

But John continued to sneer, "you look down on our Louisiana police. You think you and salina took them in the hotel room upstairs for a few hours, then had dinner in the restaurant on the second floor, and then you guessed that they were separated!"

Ye Feng had already thought about it, so he didn't intend to hide it. After hearing John finish, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "yes, she and I are friends. I live in this hotel. When salina knows, she goes to the hotel to see me. Then we have a dinner together. Then I go to the night show to hold her. Then it happens that Brooke wants to use me to coerce salina to accompany him and ask for help with a gun Hold me, even kill me You know what happened after that! "

John listen to Ye Feng so say, can't help staring at Ye Feng to see for a long time, also didn't speak, at this time point on a cigarette to look at Ye Feng.

In fact, Ye Feng's words can work logically. Brooke's lust is well known. John, the poster of Salina, has some impression that she is absolutely a beautiful man. Brooke is not surprised. In addition, if you think there is something between salina and Ye Feng, Brooke's position and strength in Louisiana make you want to bully others Not surprisingly, even if it is like Ye Feng said, to kill him also belongs to the normal understandable range.

So if you look at it from the surface, what Ye Feng said is completely reasonable.But the problem is that Ye Feng's killing method is too skillful, not like ordinary people, and Brooke has made too many enemies in Louisiana, which makes John have a lot of reverie.

And even now that Ye Feng's logic is so reasonable, John still doubts that Ye Feng's killing Brooke is not as simple as it seems.

John was smoking a cigarette and staring at Ye Feng. He didn't speak for a moment.

Hendry then said to John, "officer John, if you have no other questions..."

John did not wait for Hendry to finish, and immediately said to Ye Feng, "we have been trying our best to find salina and George. As long as we find them, we will know if you are telling the truth!"

But Ye Feng shrugged, "whatever you want!"

John immediately stares at Ye Feng and says, "Jeter Lee, we have also conducted a detailed investigation on you. Your identity is just an ordinary truck driver? Why don't I believe that? Truck drivers must be your superficial work, but in fact you are engaged in the business of killing people secretly, right

But Ye Feng couldn't help laughing and said to John, "officer John, do you rely on yourself to solve the case in YY? According to what you said, don't say I'm a killer, just say I'm the president of the United States

But John sneered at Ye Feng and said, "if I don't have some evidence in my hand, I really won't say that!"

Then John looked at Ye Feng and said, "we have investigated your bank account. You have only one bank card, and there is no running water for a long time. If you live in the United States, if there is no running water in the bank, at least there will be several credit cards. According to the results of our investigation, your shipping company gives you a salary of $5600 per month, which can only help you survive Do you usually have no other expenses? As far as I know, the worst room in that hotel costs 520 dollars a night, while the room you are in is high-end in that hotel. The cost of a night's accommodation is 1250 dollars, and the ticket for the night show is 1000 dollars! It's not something you working class can afford! And you work in New Mexico. What are you doing in Louisiana this time? "

But Ye Feng said to John, "everyone's consumption level is different! Everyone has a few friends. I don't have to explain everything to you! "

John saw Ye Feng so, can't help but sneer, "if you don't explain these clearly, I really doubt that you have a different purpose to kill Brooke, even if salina and you are friends, I can also doubt that you just use Brooke's fancy of Salina as a means to hide your real purpose!"

Ye Feng looked at John without saying a word, and Hendry immediately said to John, "officer John, all this is your guess. If you have any evidence to prove that my client killed Brooke for other purposes, just take it out. If not, I hope you can deal with it on the matter!"

Before John spoke, Hendry immediately said, "and I must remind officer John that my client has confessed to the crime of homicide, and has nothing to defend. He has cooperated with the police very much."

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