But John looked at Hendry, and then sneered, "it's not like we've never seen this kind of confession to cover up the truth. If he was hired to kill someone, it's too fanciful to think that this kind of confession can cover up for the employer behind him!"

But Hendry said to John, "officer John, I think you should be clear that my client can counter charge you with slander and slander for your non substantive accusation."

Without waiting for John to speak, Hendry immediately said to John, "moreover, I'd like to remind officer John that my client is willing to admit all the charges that can be put on the table in this case. Under the condition of cooperating with your police, I hope your police don't deliberately make trouble for my client. Even if my client doesn't pursue you, I'll do my best His representative lawyer, I will also reserve the right to investigate for my client! "

John can't help but look at Hendry a few more. He only thinks Hendry is a novice in law. He didn't expect to speak, but he doesn't feel like a novice. He can fully grasp and make use of every loophole in his speech.

Ye Feng said to John at this time, "what you and I said is the truth, there is no water at all. I killed Brooke because he was too compelling. If you doubt it again, I can overturn all my previous confessions and refuse to admit any charges!"

John said with a sneer, "do you think the justice in the United States is tailor-made for you? If you say yes, you will admit it. If you say no, you won't admit it?"

Hendry said to John, "what my client said is absolutely right. First of all, you don't have any direct evidence to prove that the seven corpses in the night scene were killed by my client. Just because of this, you can't convict my client completely if there's no suspect."

John frowned when he heard Hendry say that. In fact, John knew very well that what Ye Feng and Hendry said was absolutely right. Although all the evidence on the scene seemed to point to Ye Feng, the law of the United States is like this. As long as there is any doubt in the case, the interest of the doubt belongs to the defendant, and then it may eventually become a suspected crime It is a typical case.

John thought immediately toward Ye Feng and Hendry said, "when shooting in the private room, salina should be in the private room. She should have witnessed the incident. As long as we find salina, there is no doubt about your guilt!"

Ye Feng smell speech but toward John a smile way, "you also said, you want to find salina! The question is, can you find it? "

Listen to Ye Feng say so, John's heart can't help but move, staring at Ye Feng, thinking in his heart, salina and George should not have been killed by Ye Feng's accomplices, right?

But think about it and think it's impossible. According to Ye Feng's way of killing Brooke, salina is just an ordinary dancer, and George is also the general manager of the night show. If Ye Feng wants to kill them, he can completely finish the action in the private room. Why do he have to kill them?

Thinking of this, John had a headache again, but he heard Ye Feng continue to say, "and even if you find salina, can you guarantee that salina's confession must be what the police need?"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, John can't help looking at Ye Feng with a slight frown. After a while, he said to Ye Feng, "Jeter Li, what's your wishful thinking?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I admit that I killed Brooke and his six subordinates. This case should be over. I don't care how you publicize to the outside world and how you solve the case. The result I want is one. I will be convicted and closed as soon as possible!"

John can't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "the more anxious you are to close the case, the more it shows that there is a problem!"

Ye Feng then looked at Hendry on one side and said, "give me a cigarette!"

Hendry immediately lit a cigarette for Ye Feng. After Ye Feng took a sip, he looked at John and said, "since you have to get to the bottom of it, I can tell you that if you investigate my past, you only find out my financial situation, but you don't find out my other problems?"

John stares at Ye Feng. After a while, he says, "we also found that you divorced three years ago, and your only daughter died in a car accident!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately toward John way, "just ask, suffered from a series of attacks, I can't appear tired of the world plot?"

On hearing this, John frowned at Ye Feng and said, "that is to say, you kill Brooke selectively!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, I want to end my life as soon as possible, but I don't want to hurt innocent people. A big drug lord like Brooke deserves to die. Just as he took the initiative to offend me, then I'm just making a contribution."

After listening to what Ye Feng said, John stared at Ye Feng for a long time and then asked, "when did you learn your marksmanship?"

Ye Feng immediately said to John, "this is the United States, officer John. It's legal to hold a gun. I played with a gun a long time ago! Is the shooting normal? What's more, it's not difficult for those people in Brooke to kill themselves with one shot, is it? "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, John hesitated to look at him and then asked, "what's the relationship between you and salina? Why do you stay in that hotel, and the first floor of that hotel is the night show where salina is located. Is there no such coincidence? "Ye Feng continued to say to John, "a few years ago, salina played an evening performance in New Mexico. I went to see it. Just after she finished, she came home and met the local hooligan. I saved her. After that, we left phone calls, but we didn't contact each other all the time!"

Then Ye Feng took another puff. These stories need to be made up now. Even if they are made up quickly, they need to be thought about. After all, he is not facing an ordinary audience, but an experienced police officer.

After a puff of smoke, Ye Feng continued, "this time I wanted to commit suicide. When I was surfing the Internet, I saw a video taken in the elevator of that hotel. I saw the poster of Salina behind the elevator. I wanted to meet salina before I died!"

John immediately frowned, "so you're a deal in the hotel?"

After taking a deep breath of the cigarette, Ye Feng shrugged and said, "you can understand that!"

At this time, John snuffed out the cigarette in his hand and lit it again. It seems that what Ye Feng said is more like a fact.

Ye Feng then said to John, "originally, I was going to find a place to solve myself after meeting with salina, but I couldn't sleep at night, so I went to the night show and happened to meet Brooke. After that, things were the same. He felt that the relationship between me and salina was different, so he took me as a threat and asked salina to submit..."

As soon as John heard this, he frowned and then said with a smile, "you are tired of the world, and Brooke is going to kill you. Isn't that what you want? Why are you fighting? "

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move, immediately also smoked a cigarette, immediately toward John way, "are you listening to me? Brooke is threatening salina with me. If I die, what will happen to salina? "

But John said coldly, "salina is just a physical deal with me You care so much about her? "

But Ye Feng said, "don't you remember what I said before? You can understand it as a transaction, but there was no transaction between us. We could have gone to bed, but in the end we didn't. I don't know the specific reason. You can understand it as I counseled or didn't want to at the last moment, so nothing happened between us. We just chatted in the room for a while! "

John looked at Ye Feng in amazement and said, "salina is a dancer who dances at night. It's no surprise that she has a meat business..."

But Ye Feng said to John, "as a policeman, don't be so arbitrary. She is a dancer, but she never does this kind of business..." He said with a slight sigh, "but then again, I thought so, but after I met her in the hotel, I knew I was the same as you. I was wrong!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng looked at John and said, "it's not the key. The key is that I was pointed at my head by Brooke at that time. Thinking about my life, I was mediocre, mediocre, and did nothing serious. If I died with Brooke, I would have contributed to the society! That's what happened after that! "

When John heard this, he looked at Ye Feng in a daze. He didn't speak for a long time. If Ye Feng's words are true

Thinking of him, he immediately asked Ye Feng, "then why did you lie before? Or hide this? For salina? "

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