Ye Feng looked at John for a long time without saying anything. After a long time, he said, "do you want to solve a case or change your career to gossip?"

Hendry also reminded John, "officer John, now we're talking about the case!"

Ye Feng closed his eyes at this time. It seems that he chose Brooke as the dead man and Hendry as the lawyer. However, John did not choose the right lawyer.

If this John keeps pestering, he doesn't know how long he will stay in this police station. He has no patience to continue spending time with John in this police station.

After closing his eyes, Ye Feng, in the face of John's question, did not answer a word. John frowned and said, "every detail is the key to solving the case. I have to straighten out a lot of questions!"

Ye Feng then opened his eyes and said to Hendry on one side, "I refuse to answer any questions. Ask him to go out. I want to talk to you alone!"

Hendry sniffed at Ye Feng and then said to John, "do you hear me? My client refuses to answer any questions now!"

John then stood up and said to Hendry and Ye Feng, "you have the right to refuse to answer, but I also have the right to continue to investigate! Don't think that silence is your shield. There are many details in your case worth considering. I will thoroughly investigate them! "

With that, John went out of the interrogation room without looking back. After Ye Feng asked to turn off the monitoring in the interrogation room again, he said to Hendry, "I don't have time to spend with him here. Please contact someone for me and ask him to help me solve it as soon as possible!"

Hendry frowned and said, "are you trying to solve officer John?" Then he looked at Ye Feng in surprise, and then he said, "in the United States, the crime of killing police can be very big, and I'm just your lawyer, I won't help you commit a crime!"

Ye Feng looked at Hendry and said, "when did I say I would kill him?" Then he immediately asked Hendry for a cigarette and lit it. Then he said to Hendry, "I just want you to help contact someone, and then ask them to find a way to get rid of this real John!"

Hendry looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully. After a long time, he said to Ye Feng, "it seems that you are more complicated than I thought! How can you transfer officer John, who is in charge of this case? "

Ye Feng shrugged at Hendry and said, "I just think my friend can do it, but I'm not 100% sure if it can be done."

Hendry then stared at Ye Feng and said, "it won't be so simple. Since you have spoken, this thing will be done. Otherwise, you won't ask me to do it!"

Speaking of this, Hendry said to Ye Feng in a deep voice, "now I even begin to doubt whether I am doing the right thing!"

Ye Feng said to Hendry, "I have told you what I can tell you. No matter how deep it is, there is no need to let you know, and it has nothing to do with this case. The only thing I can guarantee is that this case is not related to other cases in Louisiana as John suspected. My purpose is to go to Angola prison! I have nothing to do with any other cases, anything and anyone! Do you understand? "

When Ye Feng finished, he saw Hendry pondering at himself for a long time, as if he was digesting what he said.

He then added, "although we have signed the contract, if you want to shrink back now, I can also agree!"

Hendry immediately said, "but the interview that I promised before doesn't exist!"

Ye Feng stares at Hendry. After a long time, he sighs a little. He chooses Hendry. At this time, he doesn't know if it's right. At that time, he thinks that he took advantage of Hendry's curiosity to let him take over the case. At the same time, he agrees with his own practice.

But now it seems that Hendry is not very concerned about this case. He is only interested in himself. So in the final analysis, we should start from this point if we want Hendry to stand in his own position.

After taking a deep puff of his cigarette, Ye Feng said to Hendry, "you guessed me right before. I'm really a bit similar to the protagonist of your new book, so..."

As soon as Hendry heard this, he immediately said to Ye Feng, "OK, I'll contact you as a friend! But I have to make it clear in advance that I'm not going to give you the order to kill officer John! "

Ye Feng said to Hendry, "the only thing I can guarantee is that what I want you to say is to keep John away, but I can't guarantee the result! I can't be responsible for John's life and death! There's so much uncertainty in the world! "

Hendry eyebrows can not help but wrinkle, Ye Feng hard on the table, a pair of eyes sharply looking at Hendry way, "you only choose to accept or not to accept the right! If you think there is a problem now, you can quit now, but as long as you want to continue, then don't ask too much about my affairs like John. I will tell you what I should. I won't tell you anything that has nothing to do with this case! I will fulfill my previous promise. Now it's time to test whether you believe me. If you believe in me, you can continue. If you don't believe in me, you can pull me down. That's simple! "After listening to what Ye Feng said, Henry's trade-off, after all, sitting in front of him was a Murderer with seven lives, and this was a case. Looking at Ye Feng's calm state, Hendry even understood John's suspicion of Ye Feng. Even as Ye Feng's representative lawyer, he thought Ye Feng would never be so simple.

But what Ye Feng said is really worth thinking about. Originally, Ye Feng didn't have to tell him that Ye Feng planned to go to Angola prison to save people. But now that he told himself, it shows that at least so far, the feeling he gave Ye Feng is still trustworthy.

But on the contrary, the question also came. Ye Feng asked himself whether he believed that Ye Feng had confessed to himself. Other things, at least in this case, he had confessed.

After taking a deep breath, Hendry nodded to Ye Feng and said, "OK, I believe you!"

Ye Feng nodded with satisfaction, and then gave a number to Hendry. He said to Hendry, "just tell me my general situation, and say that I have done everything I should do. Next, he should know how to do it!"

Hendry browed slightly and said, "don't remind him not to kill officer John?"

Ye Feng Wen Yan slightly sighed, "it seems that you still do not completely believe me, OK, you can remind him!"

Hendry then got up and nodded to Ye Feng. Then he turned and walked out of the interrogation room towards the end of the corridor. Then he took out his mobile phone and dialed the number Ye Feng gave him.

Although surveillance is turned off in the interrogation room, there are also communication jammers to prevent many prisoners from making direct contact with the outside world when they meet with lawyers alone.

Although this is bullshit, because since the prisoner can meet and chat with the lawyer alone, even if there is no communication, the lawyer can bring out the information, but the law of the United States is often like this.

After all, when legislation and regulations were made, lawyers at that time had more professional ethics than they do now. But so far, they have been doing so for so many years, and no one has ever thought of changing their ways. They have been in use until now.

When Hendry dialed the number, the conversation came through and a low voice said, "who?"

Hendry immediately said to the phone, "I'm the lawyer representing jetty Lee. My name is Hendry. Mr. jetty Lee, please let me give you a brief introduction to his current situation!"

Before Hendry finished, the person on the phone interrupted directly, "don't introduce him. I fully understand his situation. Just say what he means!"

Hendry said immediately, "he asked me to tell you that he had done all he had to do. Next you should know how to do it!"

The phone immediately said, "you still need us, don't you? Ok... "

Hendry suddenly thought of something and immediately said, "by the way, he asked me to tell you that there can be no more innocent lives!"

On the other end of the phone, he pondered for a moment, then said, "is that what he said?"

Hendry's face moved slightly, his heart was cold, and after swallowing a mouthful of saliva, he said, "yes, his purpose is to go in. Now there are seven lives, enough for him to go in. His purpose is fast, so there's no need to add charges now!"

The other side is a silence, said a know, immediately hung up the phone.

Hendry put away his cell phone and looked out of the window for a moment of silence. At this time, a voice behind him said, "what? Is your client hard to deal with? "

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