Without looking back, Hendry recognized that the voice was John's. at this time, he looked back at John, but saw that John was walking towards him with a cigarette in his mouth. He walked to his front and then lit the cigarette.

After staring at John for a moment, Hendry shrugged his shoulders and said, "any client is just a client. Everyone has a different personality. They won't do what they want!"

Hearing that, John didn't speak. He went to the window and looked away. After smoking a cigarette, he said to Hendry, "do you think your client is innocent?"

Hendry looked at John and said, "how can my client be innocent? He has pleaded guilty, that is to say, before he overturns his confession, he is a suspect of murder. The reason why he is still suspected is that he has not been convicted by the court! "

Hendry immediately said to John, "we lawyers are different from you policemen. You should pursue justice. Our goal is to protect the rights and interests of the client. Whether he is a murderer or an ordinary citizen, this is the fundamental difference between us."

John could not help but look at Hendry, then nodded and sighed, "yes, you represent the rights and interests of the parties, which is determined by the characteristics of your profession, and has nothing to do with individuals!"

Hendry could not help nodding and said, "yes, officer John, you'd better understand!"

John was staring at Hendry for a long time, but he didn't speak. Hendry's heart was a little hairy.

After a while, John said, "but if in the process of your contact with your client, your lawyer finds that they have new criminal evidence to prove that your client is involved in other cases besides the current cases, will your lawyer cooperate with the police or help the client keep a secret?"

Hendry couldn't help but be surprised. He stared at John for a long time without saying a word. He knew that this was not just a problem encountered by his own lawyer. It was a problem faced by lawyers all over the United States. Was he on the side of morality or law, or was he on the side of professional ethics?

Over the years since the founding of the United States, since the legal nature was determined, there has been a bar association. Everyone has chosen the third one to stand on the side of upholding the professional ethics of lawyers.

Hendry looked at John. He wanted to explain something to John, but in fact, Hendry suddenly realized that John had been a policeman for so many years. He was a member of the judicial circle. He didn't know how many cases he had come into contact with and how many lawyers he had met. How could he not know the criteria that the bar association has always adhered to.

Hendry now also want to clear, John still think he is young, maybe there is still morality, maybe easy to be persuaded by him, say some words against Ye Feng.

Thinking of this, Hendry said to John, "I don't think it's better for us to meet more."

John shrugged and said, "it's nothing. I'll just say it casually." Then he looked at the time, "you see, this night has passed, and I have to go back to make up for it!"

Hendry also looked at his watch and said, "I'll go and tell my client that I'm going back, too."

John peep looked at Hendry with a smile, then waved to Hendry and went downstairs.

Hendry went to the interrogation room where Ye Feng was and explained to Ye Feng that he had already called there.

After Ye Feng said, Henry said, "I'll go back first. Don't worry, I'll be interested in this case. I'll make up for it. I'll come and continue to negotiate with the police immediately!"

Ye Feng nodded, in fact, he was a little sleepy, lying on the table to sleep directly, waving to Hendry, "then I won't send it!"

Hendry didn't say much. He left the interrogation building immediately. When he walked out of the gate of the police station, he saw John standing next to a private car at the intersection. He waved to Hendry and said, "lawyer Hendry, do you need a ride?"

Hendry saw that John's intention was quite obvious. He couldn't find any clues from his client. He wanted to put the breakthrough of the case on himself. He really regarded himself as a ticket lawyer, which was so unprofessional.

In essence, Hendry didn't want to work as a lawyer for long, but since he is now a lawyer and he is also an authentic law student, how can John's words break the iron law of the bar association which has been practised for more than 200 years? Although it is true that some people in the profession of lawyers have done so, Hendry has told himself since his first day as a trainee lawyer that since he has done so, he should take it seriously.

So Hendry just gave John a polite smile and said, "no, I drove here myself!"

John then said to Hendry, "we've been busy all night, and Hendry's lawyer hasn't had breakfast, has he? Shall I invite you to breakfast? "

Hendry said to John impatiently, "officer John, I don't know how you solved the case before, but if you want to get any information about my client from me, I think you've got the wrong person! I also want to remind you that although we are all in the legal system, we should be antagonistic. If you do this again, I am afraid that I will go to your police chief to complain about you and hinder judicial justice! "With that, Hendry walked to his car without looking back, opened the door and sat in.

John shrugged, then opened his door, sat in, lit a cigarette, took a puff, and then started the car.

Hendry just put the file bag in his hand, found the car key and inserted it into the key hole. There was a loud bang, which shocked his car.

Hendry felt that his ears were almost tinnitus by the loud noise. When he came back to himself, he saw that the car in front of him was full of flames and overturned on the side of the road. The whole car was burning rapidly. He couldn't see the original car for a long time.

However, Hendry was sure that the car belonged to John. As soon as he was confused, he opened the door and looked at the burning car. For a moment, his mind was blank.

On the way, many people came to see it, some called the police immediately, and some called emergency.

A few policemen came out of the police station. When they saw the scene in front of them, their faces changed. Some people rushed towards the car with a mouthpiece, and they were spraying at the car.

Hendry looked at the scene, his ears buzzing, and felt as if his legs and feet were walking in front of the car.

At this time, the only thing he could think of in his mind was that Ye Feng asked himself to make the phone call for him, saying that he wanted Ye Feng's friend to help John. At that time, he also reminded the other party not to kill him, but how long has it been since John was killed?

Hendry felt his legs softened and sat down on the floor. He felt that he had been cheated by Ye Feng and became his accomplice. Maybe his phone call was to inform Ye Feng's colleagues outside to kill John.

Thinking of this, Hendry immediately rushed into the police station and ran directly to the floor where Ye Feng's interrogation room was. The police at the end of the door stood in front of the railing and looked out of the yard. It was obvious that the explosion had shaken the whole police station.

Hendry to the door directly push the door into, but see Ye Feng is also a face surprised looking at Hendry way, "what's the sound outside? Is it an explosion? "

Hendry rushed directly to Ye Feng, grabbed Ye Feng's collar and pulled, "it's you It's your call... "

Ye Feng frowned at Hendry and said, "is it John?"

Hendry glared at Ye Feng angrily and said, "what else do you pretend? It must be your call

But Ye Feng said to Hendry, "my purpose is to support him to stop investigating this case, and don't you remind him not to kill John?"

Hendry said with a sneer, "in fact, what I said is not important at all. The important thing is to call. In fact, I didn't say anything, and he knew everything. At that time, I should have thought that what they were waiting for was the phone, which had nothing to do with the content of the phone, right?"

Ye Feng didn't speak. He was surprised. Didn't Virgil want to go into Angola to save his sister? If so, he should be the same as himself, hoping that his side can close the case as soon as possible. Killing John will only cause extra trouble and delay the time of the case. Ye Feng thinks there is something strange about it.

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