Hendry is pulling Ye Feng's collar at this time, with a look of anger. He feels that he has been completely used by Ye Feng. Now he is not as simple as Ye Feng's lawyer, but more like his accomplice.

But Ye Feng said to Hendry with a straight face, "if you think about it carefully, I am the one who is anxious to make a decision. If I make such a case, will this case be delayed again and again? What's in it for me? "

Hendry's heart moved when he heard this. He took a look at Ye Feng and loosened his collar. Then he sat opposite Ye Feng and looked at Ye Feng.

According to what Ye Feng said, it's true. Ye Feng's purpose is to rush to Angola prison. If there is a new lawsuit now, Ye Feng's case will not be heard until when.

Think of these, Hendry can not help but sigh, looking at Ye Feng way, "so that is not your people do?"

But Ye Feng shrugged and asked Hendry for a cigarette. He frowned and said, "I can't say it well!"

Hendry a listen to this words, eyebrow also wrinkled, stare at Ye Feng to see, "you also say not good?"? What do you mean

Ye Feng did not speak, just smoking cigarettes, looking at Hendry a trance.

Hendry stared at Ye Feng for a long time. At this time, he frowned and said, "if you want to enter Angola, it's just a cover. If it's false, then all your words won't hold true!"

But Ye Feng said to Hendry, "if so, I killed Brooke at that time, and I could escape. Why should I stay from the head?"

Hendry said to Yefeng, "maybe your target is John?"

But Ye Feng sneered, "if my goal is John, why should I kill Brooke first and then put myself in prison? Besides, it's very easy to kill John. As you can see, a bomb can solve the problem. Why do you have such trouble? "

After listening to what Ye Feng said, Hendry fell into meditation again. Ye Feng was right. In fact, in the United States, it's very easy to kill one person, including the police. Besides, Ye Feng still killed seven people. Even if ye Feng didn't use the bomb, it's estimated that if Ye Feng wanted to do it himself, John would not be able to run away. Therefore, his conjecture is not logical.

Thinking of this, Hendry thought of what Ye Feng said just now. He asked him if ye Feng's colleagues outside did it. He said he couldn't say it well? What's the meaning of this?

Thinking of Hendry, he immediately asked Ye Feng, "what you just mean is that you are not sure if your colleagues have done it?"

Ye Feng can't help but look at Hendry again after hearing the speech, nodded and said, "yes, I'm not sure!"

Hendry listen to Ye Feng said, immediately fell into a period of meditation, after a long time, heart immediately is a Lin to look at Ye Feng.

He suddenly thought of John's conjecture about Ye Feng. Maybe Ye Feng was hired to kill Brooke, but Ye Feng asked himself to make this call. In fact, the other party is not Ye Feng's partner, but Ye Feng's family.

So this is what Ye Feng said. In fact, he doesn't know all his actions at home. Even Ye Feng may be a pawn of the other party.

Think of this Hendry a little flustered, if it is true, Ye Feng's case for a while and a half will be impossible to end, not only Ye Feng, and even himself, may be involved in a case that is likely to make them lose their lives.

Hendry can't help regretting that he shouldn't have taken over the case.

Ye Feng then looked at Hendry and said, "what? Do you regret taking over my case? "

Hendry listened to Ye Feng's words, looked at Ye Feng, nodded and said, "yes, if I knew this case was so complicated, I would really consider it carefully!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile to Hendry, "since you know that I even killed seven people, it is doomed that you will take over even if you know that the case is so complicated, after careful consideration!"

Hendry can't help but look at Ye Feng. After a long time of meditation, he thinks that he really has such a temperament. At the beginning, he heard that Ye Feng killed seven people, but he was not scared away?

So just as Ye Feng said, even if he knew in advance that the case was more complicated than he thought, he would take over after hesitation, which was decided by his own personality.

Thinking of this, Hendry couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and saying, "if you didn't lie about everything, but now John really died after I called your so-called friend. If there was no contact, I wouldn't believe anything I said. I'm a novelist. I thought about countless possibilities, but only in novels. There are not so many possibilities in real life Coincidence? "

Ye Feng was smoking a cigarette, looking at Hendry and said, "this only shows that your life experience is not enough!"

Hendry can't help but frown and say, "what do you mean?"

Ye Feng said to Hendry word by word, "in fact, the real life is far more cruel and ugly than you think, and more YY than you think! There are many things you may not think of when you write novels! "Hendry heard Ye Feng say so, can't help thinking for a while, then nodded, "I agree!"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said to Hendry, "now I need you to help me contact my friends again!"

Hendry a listen to this words, the heart immediately move, frown to see to leaf Feng way, "still contact him?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "you help me ask him, his sister also want?"

Hendry frowned and looked at Ye Feng. He didn't speak for a long time. After his phone call just now, John was killed. Although it may not have something to do with his phone call, it has had a psychological shadow on him.

Think of here, Hendry had to hesitate, now his call to the other side, what will happen again?

Ye Feng see Hendry a hesitation, immediately shrug a way, "if you don't want to, even!"

Said Ye Feng also added a way, "before I and you said, now also count, if you want to quit now, still have time!"

Hendry took a deep breath, his mind flashed all kinds of ideas, and finally said to Ye Feng, "I won't quit!"

Ye Feng looked at Hendry with admiration and said, "you are really brave!"

Hendry said to Ye Feng, "anyway, I'm the one in the case now. If it's really related to your friends outside, I'm afraid it may not be that I want to quit. I can't help it!"

After listening to Hendry's words, Ye Feng said to Hendry, "sorry! It's not my intention to involve you! "

Hendry didn't say much. At this time, he stood up and took a look at Ye Feng. He said, "is that what I asked?"

Ye Feng said to Hendry, "one sentence is enough!"

Hendry nodded and then went out of the interrogation room. When the police officer at the door saw Hendry come out, he couldn't help looking at him in surprise. He just heard the explosion. He only paid attention to the situation outside the yard wall, but didn't notice when Hendry entered the interrogation room.

See Hendry out, the police officer immediately came to the interrogation room door to cumbersome up, to Hendry way, "after no permission, you can't enter so freely!"

Hendry looked at the officer and asked, "how's officer John?"

The man could not help sighing, "the power of the explosion, people can not see the original appearance, what do you say?"

Hendry couldn't help sighing. He didn't say much. He thought it was unnecessary to ask, so he turned and walked away.

This time, he walked out of the yard of the police station and took a look at the car that just exploded. At this time, he didn't know whether the car was put out by someone, or whether it was put out after there was nothing to burn. At this time, it was just smoking.

There was only one keel left in the car, and John's body was carried down and taken away. There were many people talking on the side of the road, and the police came in and out of the police station from time to time.

Hendry went to his car, his hand was on the doorknob, but he didn't open the door. The loud bang just now seemed to reverberate in his ears.

He thought that John was still a living person one moment ago, and he would disappear the next second. If the other party also installed a bomb in his car, would he end up like this.

Thinking of this, Hendry immediately bent down under his car and looked at the base of the car. After he found no abnormality, he was completely relieved.

But he still didn't open the car door. There are so many kinds of bombs now that he may not be able to distinguish them with his naked eyes. He finally stopped a taxi and took out his mobile phone after getting on the bus. He called the previous number again.

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