After the phone rang for a while, the low voice came from the mobile phone again and said, "what's the matter?"

Hendry said immediately, "Jeter Lee, let me ask, do you want your sister again?"

The voice on the phone said, "you tell him I didn't do it! There's someone else! "

Hendry heard this, his heart suddenly moved, "you mean, it's none of your business?"

The other end of the phone said, "just tell him what you said, and I don't need to explain anything! But I'll find out who did it! "

Hendry was confused and didn't know whether to believe what the person on the other end of the line said. Just at this time, the other end of the line had hung up.

Looking at the mobile phone, Hendry hesitated, whether to tell Ye Feng the news, but he thought that since Ye Feng asked him so, it must be Ye Feng who already had the answer.

Hendry quickly drove back to his home, which was an exclusive small courtyard surrounded by such courtyards. It was the time for these people to go to work.

However, although Hendry lives here, it seems that he is not very familiar with his neighbors. Apart from the work of the bar association, he spends the rest of his time hiding in front of the computer in his room, tapping the keyboard and writing things in his mind.

Hendry went into the yard and went to the door. As soon as he touched the doorknob, he felt something was wrong. He immediately turned around and wanted to leave. However, he saw that several people had entered the yard door behind him.

And then the door of the room slowly opened, and a man's voice said, "lawyer Hendry? Come in and have a chat

Hendry looked at a man sitting in the dark of the room, looking like he was wearing a black shirt and trousers. He sat there motionless, flipping through a book in his hand.

Hendry wanted to run at this time, but found that the two men who came in behind him had already reached into their arms to get something, probably a pistol.

The man in the door said with a smile to Hendry, "lawyer Hendry, if I were you, I would not run away. Besides, I came to you not to cause you any trouble!"

Hendry hesitated for a moment, then walked into the door. As soon as he entered, the door was closed, and the two people outside the yard immediately stood on both sides of the door.

Hendry saw a man standing behind the door and in the corner of the living room. The man sitting on the sofa in his living room had black hair and looked like an oriental. The book in his hand was his last novel the witness of disappearance.

After reading a page, the Oriental reached out and dipped his hand in saliva on his mouth, then turned to another one. He didn't speak until he read the general one. He shook his head and said, "your novel is a bit off the mark, and the ending is not good. If it's me, there are many ways to make a person disappear, just like it doesn't exist in this world. Why just hide it Come on? "

Hendry was not interested in hearing other people comment on his novel when he looked at the man and said, "who are you? What do you want me to do? I don't know you at all

At this time, the Oriental man put the lost witness on one side of the sofa. Then he stood up and straightened his shirt. Then he looked at Hendry and said, "I forgot to tell you. My name is Zhang Wei!"

Hendry looked at Zhang Wei and said, "what do you want me to do?"

Zhang Wei said with a smile, "in fact, you already know it, don't you?" Then he went to Hendry's side, put his hand on Hendry's shoulder and patted, "I know you just took a case. It's the murder on the ground floor of the stuland hotel. You're the lawyer for the murderer Jeter Lee!"

Hendry actually realized that it might be related to the case when he felt something wrong holding the doorknob. However, Zhang Wei said it himself, and his heart was still cold.

Hendry unconsciously felt that his heart was a little empty. Although he knew that it might be dangerous to follow this case, he still came near without hesitation. However, when he was really in danger, whether he was afraid of harm was two things.

Zhang wei walked around Hendry and said, "I know this case is the biggest one you've dealt with since you became a lawyer. How do you feel about this case?"

Hendry took a deep breath. He knew that it was no use to be afraid now. He could not hide himself. He simply gave up. He immediately said to Zhang Wei, "I don't know what you want to know? And who are you? "

Zhang Wei then stood in front of Hendry. After looking at Hendry for a long time, he sat down on the sofa and said to Hendry, "I'm not afraid to tell you that the victim of this case you contacted, Brooke, is my big brother!"

Hendry could not help but feel a move when he heard the speech. He frowned and looked at Zhang Wei. Brooke was a white man in the West. Zhang Wei was obviously a yellow man in the East. He could not be the eldest brother in blood. There was another kind of eldest brother. He could only be the eldest brother in the underworld.

Seeing Hendry staring at himself, Zhang Wei shrugged his shoulders and said, "that's right. Don't look at me like that, either!"

Hendry took a deep breath and said to Zhang Wei, "what do you want to know when you come to me?"

Zhang Wei took out a cigarette and lit it. Then he said to Hendry, "I don't mean anything else this time. I just want to meet the lawyer who killed my elder brother. Maybe we will have many chances to see each other in the future."Hendry sniffed at Zhang Wei and said, "the murderer has confessed! The law will punish him! "

But Zhang Weimei said, "law? You talk to people like us about the law? Don't you think it's funny? "

Hendry took a long breath and said to Zhang Wei, "I mean, there's nothing I can do for you! Because the murderer has confessed! "

But Zhang Wei said with a smile, "Mr. Hendry, I think you must have misunderstood me. In fact, I don't want you to help me do anything against the law. I just want to know what the real picture of the murderer is!"

Hendry said immediately, "it's against our standards as lawyers!"

Zhang Wei couldn't help laughing when he heard the speech? law? It seems that Mr. Hendry is a good citizen and a good lawyer who is principled and law-abiding at the same time

Then he stood up and looked at Hendry with a smile in his eyes. "If so, why did you help the killer kill officer John?"

Hendry's face changed when he heard this. "I didn't!"

But Zhang Wei said with a smile, "what's the phone call you made by your accomplice in the police station? After the phone call, officer John was killed. How dare you say it has nothing to do with you? "

Hendry hears the speech and immediately looks at Zhang Wei in surprise. How does Zhang Wei know about his phone call for Ye Feng in the police station?

Seeing Hendry staring at him, Zhang Wei immediately took a puff of his cigarette and shrugged, "what's the matter? Do you feel shocked that I know about it? "

Indeed, as Zhang Wei said, he was shocked that Zhang Wei's hand could reach the police station.

But Zhang Wei continued to say to Hendry, "don't be surprised! In Louisiana, nothing is impossible, you are still alive, but who can guarantee that you can see the sun tomorrow? "

Hendry stares at Zhang Wei and says, "are you threatening me?"

Zhang Wei shrugged with a smile and said, "no, I'm just a kind reminder. In Louisiana, it's not only Brooke, but also Zhang Wei. In fact, many people are running for Brooke's death. I'm the first one to come to you. I won't hurt you, but who can guarantee that the next one to come to you will treat you as well as me!"

Hendry immediately said to Zhang Wei, "what do you want to do?"

Zhang Wei immediately said, "I need you to bring a word to the murderer!"

Hendry immediately said, "you have people in the police station. It's very easy to give him a message. Why do you want to pass me?"

Zhang Wei said to Hendry, "I don't want to hide it from you. My man in the police station is dead!"

Hendry frowned and said, "dead?" Thinking about it, he suddenly looked at Zhang Wei and said, "do you mean John Is it your man? "

Zhang Wei immediately sneered, "otherwise, why do you think I know you called the killer?"

Hendry suddenly remembered that after he called the person Ye Feng asked for, John appeared behind him. Maybe at that time, John heard his phone and disclosed the news to Zhang Wei before he died.

Hendry thought, looking at Zhang Wei curiously, and said, "what do you want me to say to him?"

Zhang Wei said, "why?"

Hendry was surprised. "Why?"

Zhang Wei nodded and said, "yes, that's why? Why kill Brooke, why kill John! "

After taking a deep breath, Hendry said to Zhang Wei, "if he didn't cheat me, there's no need to ask him again. I can tell you the answer!"

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