Zhang Wei couldn't help staring at Hendry for a long time before he said, "can you tell me?"

Hendry shrugged and said, "that's right!"

But Zhang Wei immediately said to Hendry, "are you against your profession as a lawyer?"

After hearing the speech, Hendry nodded to Zhang Wei and said, "count, but I know my client won't mind if I say this!"

Zhang Wei was smoking a cigarette and staring at Hendry for a long time before he said, "you say!"

Hendry said immediately, "he has no grudge against Brooke, and John was not killed by his men!"

Zhang Wei couldn't help staring at Hendry for a moment, then said with a sneer, "why kill Brooke?"

Hendry said to Zhang Wei, "this is against the standard of my profession as a lawyer, but I believe John must have said something to you before he died, so you should know more about it!"

Zhang Wei said to Hendry immediately, "all I know is that he has confessed his guilt and doesn't like John to go on digging, so John's death must have something to do with him!"

Hendry sighed, "that's all I can say. If you don't believe me, I can go to the interrogation room of the police station and ask for you again, but I believe the answer is the same!"

After staring at Hendry for a long time, Zhang Wei said to Hendry, "since he has completely confessed his guilt, what else do you want to do?"

Hendry said, "I can tell you that. He really doesn't want this case to take too long!"

Zhang Wei looked at Hendry thoughtfully for a moment, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "now John is dead too. Since he doesn't want to delay too long, he can help him, and then I can help him too!"

When Hendry heard this, he wanted to ask something, but finally he didn't say anything.

Zhang Wei just finished smoking a cigarette. He got up and patted Hendry on the shoulder and said, "you can help that Jeter Lee. You can also bring a word to him by the way. His life must stay in Louisiana! I'll see him soon! "

After that, Zhang Wei didn't wait for Hendry to say anything. He turned and walked towards the door. When he got to the door, Zhang Wei also turned back to Hendry and said, "by the way, Mr. Hendry, I sincerely say that your book is rotten and lacks life experience. If you want to experience what life is, you can find me. I think I can help you! I hope your next book sells well

After that, Zhang Wei smiles and goes out of the door. Soon the sound of the car engine comes out of the yard. In a moment, the car drives away.

With a sigh of relief, Hendry immediately went to the door, opened it and looked outside. Then he closed the door and locked it. Then he went to the sofa and sat down on it.

Hendry thought he was going to die here like John, but Zhang Wei didn't even move his finger.

However, Hendry frowned when he thought of what Zhang Wei had said to himself. He didn't mind Zhang Wei saying that his book was rotten. After all, having written books for so many years, he has long understood that a book can't be liked by everyone. If someone likes it, someone must dislike it or even hate it.

What does Zhang Wei mean when he tells Hendry that Ye Feng's life will be lost in Louisiana and that he will meet soon?

With this doubt, Hendry fell asleep directly on the sofa. After all, he was entrusted to go to the police station last night. He stayed up all night and still hasn't slept well.

In his dream, Hendry saw John again. He stood in front of his car and laughed at himself strangely. After he got on the car, there was a loud bang, and the whole car was blown up.

Hendry immediately sat up and found that he was on his sofa. He was in a cold sweat all over his body. He was afraid of what happened in his dream.

Then he looked at the time. He had only slept for less than four hours, and it was almost lunchtime. He immediately went to the bathroom to take a bath.

As soon as he came out of the bathroom, his mobile phone rang. He immediately went to pick it up and looked at it. It was an unfamiliar number. After he got through, he heard a hoarse voice coming from the phone.

Hendry frowned slightly, but listened to the humanity on the phone, "if you don't want to die, you can continue to write your suspense novels in the future, just do as I say!"

Hendry's heart suddenly moved when he heard this, but he felt that he had finally come. He took a deep breath and said, "who are you? What do you want me to do? "

The person on the phone said, "look at the coffee table in front of you. Is there a packet of cigarettes?"

Hendry immediately looked at the coffee table when he heard that there was a packet of unopened cigarettes there. He couldn't help feeling that he didn't smoke, and he couldn't have cigarettes at home.

He bought cigarettes for Ye Feng yesterday, and he opened the seal. Thinking about it, he turned his pocket and found out the packet of cigarettes.

Zhang Wei came here yesterday, but the cigarettes he smoked are not of the same brand as this one, and it is impossible that he left them. So how did this packet of cigarettes appear on his coffee table?Thinking of Hendry, he immediately went to the door and found that it was easy to open. However, he remembered that it was locked in the morning. Thinking of this, he was shocked.

The hoarse voice in the phone continued, "don't make a fuss. If I can't get into your room, what qualification do I have to call you?"

Hendry felt that his spine was a little chilly, that is to say, the other party came in to put down the pack of cigarettes while he was sleeping, but the other party could easily enter his home, which was terrible.

But the husky voice on the phone continued, "what you have to do is, when you go to see Jeter Lee today, if he wants to smoke, give him this pack of cigarettes!"

Hendry was puzzled. "Why? Why do you want to change the flavor of his cigarette

Husky voice a smile way, "change a cigarette flavor for him?" Then he had a laugh, but the laughter was as hoarse as his voice. In addition, it came from his mobile phone, which made it very harsh.

Finally, the husky voice stopped laughing and said, "yes, you think I'm changing his taste."

Hendry immediately picked up the cigarette on the table. After a careful look, he found that the plastic wrapping paper on the outside of the cigarette box should have been put on the back.

He couldn't help saying to each other, "did you do something in the cigarette?"

But the husky voice said, "you don't have to worry so much, just do as I say!"

But Hendry said, "is this cigarette poisonous?"

The husky voice was silent for a while, but Hendry continued to say, "if it's poisoning, why don't you directly poison the cigarette in my pocket? Anyway, it's easy for you to enter my room, and it's not difficult to poison the cigarette?"

Hoarse voice way, "I don't want to explain too much with you, you just do as I say, otherwise next time I enter your room, it's not just put down a pack of cigarettes so simple, even if I don't want your life, I will take one thing from you!"

Hendry said to the husky voice immediately, "you want me to do this, at least let me know why? What's in the cigarette? What's going to happen when he's done? If I don't know that this cigarette is poisonous, I will give it to him to smoke. I'm a murder on purpose! "

Hoarse voice but cold hum a way, "do you have bargaining room?" Then he said, "look at the glass on the tea table in front of you!"

Hendry immediately looked at the glass when he heard the words. He was still thinking about what the guy had done on the glass, but he saw that the glass broke apart with a bang.

Hendry was shocked. It was obviously the result of being hit by a gun. That is to say, the other side has been aiming at him with a gun. If he can hit the glass on the coffee table, it means that he can aim the gun at him at any time.

At this time, the husky voice on the phone continued, "this time it's a glass, next time it might be your heart, or your head!" Then he hung up.

Hendry then sat on the sofa, put down his mobile phone, looked at the cigarette box in his hand, and pondered for a while. It seems that this man and Zhang Wei are not in the same group, and they must not be in the same group with Ye Feng.

And it's obviously related to the case that Brooke was shot. After all, he has been involved with Ye Feng now. If he can be involved with Ye Feng, the threat he meets must be related to the case that Ye Feng committed.

Hendry pondered for a while, looking at the cigarette case in his hand. Just as he said to the guy before, if the cigarette is poisonous, if he smokes it for Ye Feng, it means that he has poisoned him.

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