Hendry is holding a cigarette case for a while in a daze. His mobile phone rings again immediately. When he picks it up, he sees that it's the police station's phone. He connects immediately, but he hears that Ye Feng wants to see him.

Hendry answered, put down his mobile phone, immediately picked up his things and went out of the door, only to find that his car was not in the yard. This reminds me that he left at the door of the police station yesterday, and immediately went out to stop a taxi.

Sitting in a taxi, Hendry took out his cigarette case. His eyes never left the cigarette case in his hand. His mind was blank.

Soon the car arrived at the door of the police station. After getting off the car, he saw that his car was still at the door of the police station. He couldn't help walking over and squatting down to look at the bottom of the car, but still didn't find it.

After entering the police station, Hendry soon arrived at the door of the interrogation room. After pushing the door in, Ye Feng was not there. At this time, a police officer came to say that Ye Feng had been taken to the detention room to have a rest. Now someone came to mention him.

Hendry sat at the table with the packet of cigarettes in his hand, his eyes still fixed on the cigarette case, his mind still blank.

At this time, at the door of the interrogation room, Ye Feng came in under the guidance of the police. After Ye Feng sat down, he immediately handcuffed his hands on the back of the chair.

After the police officer left, Ye Feng nodded to Hendry and said, "how about it? Have you had enough sleep? "

Hendry just regained his mind and said to Ye Feng, "I've only slept for four hours. How can I sleep enough?"

Ye Feng looked at Hendry and said, "it's hard for you!" Then he immediately said, "did you get the phone last night?"

Hendry immediately nodded his head and said, "yes, but he said on the phone that it had nothing to do with him, it wasn't done by him!"

Ye Feng hears the speech for a while to ponder, in the mouth murmur a way, "if is not what he does, can be who?"? Is it John's own enemy

Hendry's attention was still on his cigarette case. Ye Feng looked in his eyes and said, "don't you smoke? This cigarette is for me? "

When Hendry heard this, his heart suddenly moved. Instinctively, he was going to recycle the cigarette box. He said, "no, I bought it when I saw it on the road!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng stared at Hendry and said, "give me one..."

On hearing this, Hendry's face moved slightly, but he didn't take out his cigarette immediately. Instead, he looked at Ye Feng and said, "I see you are addicted to smoking. It's bad for your health to smoke so much!"

Ye Feng stares at Hendry and says, "are you hiding something from me?"

Hendry said quickly, "no!"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said to Hendry, "if you come into contact with my case, you will inevitably encounter some problems you can't imagine before. I hope you don't hide them from me. Maybe I can help you solve them!"

After pondering for a while, Hendry said to Ye Feng, "when I went back today, there was a man who claimed to be Brooke's younger brother, Zhang Wei, who came to me!"

Ye Feng smell speech brow a wrinkly looking at Hendry way, "he didn't to you how?"

Hendry shook his head and said, "he just asked me to give you a message that since you want to solve this matter as soon as possible, he will try to kill you!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow is again a wrinkly, immediately a shrug a way, "want to kill me of person a lot of, don't matter, he has what ability to just come!"

Then Ye Feng looked at the cigarette in Hendry's hand and said, "give me the cigarette. Don't be afraid of nicotine poisoning. I have a big life!"

Hendry's heart moved again when he heard this. After staring at Ye Feng for a moment, he forced his cigarette box to become a ball and threw it into the garbage can on one side. "Don't smoke too much..."

Ye Feng took a look at the cigarette in the dustbin, then looked at Hendry and said, "in addition to Zhang Wei, who else has contact with you?"

Hendry was silent for a while, but his face was full of embarrassment, and even his forehead began to sweat.

Ye Feng sees in the eye, say at this time, "that cigarette is someone to give you, in the cigarette already poisoned?"

Hendry immediately looked up at Ye Feng and said, "how do you know?"

But Ye Feng said, "you are so nervous, and you know nicotine is harmful when you smoke cigarettes, but there will be no problem immediately. You are so worried that I smoke your cigarettes. Isn't it obvious that cigarettes have been tampered with?"

After taking a deep breath, Hendry nodded to Ye Feng and said, "someone put the cigarette in my house when I was sleeping. When I wake up, call me and ask me to bring the cigarette to you. But I don't know if the cigarette is poisonous, and the other party didn't say it clearly."

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng looked at the garbage can not far away and said, "you take the cigarettes!"

Hendry looked at Ye Feng in surprise for a while. Then he went to take the cigarette, put it on the table and looked at Ye Feng.

After staring at the cigarette case for a while, Ye Feng said to Hendry, "you take all the cigarette cases apart!"

Hendry immediately according to Ye Feng said, first take out all the cigarettes inside, and then take apart the cigarette box, into a flat carton.Ye Feng asks Hendry to push the carton in front of him again. After staring at the carton, he asks Hendry to take down the tin foil on the cigarette case and put it in front of him. After looking up, he asks Hendry, "do you have any pencils in your briefcase?"

Hendry smell speech immediately take out a pencil from the bag, Ye Feng immediately toward Hendry way, "you will the whole tin paper white this side black, don't too hard!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Hendry knew Ye Feng's meaning. He took the tin foil and looked at it. It seemed that there were some words on it, but there were only marks. He immediately took a pencil and daubed it on it.

Soon after Hendry filled the whole sheet of tin foil, he picked it up and looked at it. He frowned and said, "no words? Only one picture

Ye Feng immediately asks Hendry to face himself with the tin paper. When Hendry turns the black side of the tin paper towards him, Ye Feng immediately understands that the paper is a design of anchor.

Hendry saw Ye Feng did not speak, immediately asked Ye Feng, "what does the anchor represent?"

Ye Feng didn't say a word. He looked at the crumpled cigarette on the table and said to Hendry, "light me a cigarette!"

Hendry looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "how dare you smoke this cigarette?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "there is no poison in the cigarette. His purpose is to let you bring the information in the cigarette box to me!"

Hendry looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "if you want to bring information, just let me take it orally. What do you do with so many tricks?"

Ye Feng said to Hendry, "only he and I can understand this information. He doesn't want you to know it!"

Hendery looked at Ye Feng and said, "what does this anchor mean?"

Ye Feng said to Hendry, "it has nothing to do with you, and it has nothing to do with this case. You don't have to worry about so much. Now your information has been brought to me, and he won't look for you again. You can rest assured about that!"

Then he said to Hendry, "light a cigarette!"

Hendry looked at the cigarette on the table, picked up one and smoothed it for Ye Feng. Then he handed it to Ye Feng's mouth and lit it for him.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng looked at Hendry and said, "now that John is dead, what new treatment will the police have for my case?"

Hendry said to Ye Feng, "I just woke up. I have to ask later."

Ye Feng said to Hendry, "don't wait for a while. Go and ask now! I'll wait for you here! "

Hendry smell speech immediately stand up, but still surprised to see is smoking Ye Feng way, "you really no problem?"

Ye Feng knows what Hendry means. He asks himself if cigarettes are really nontoxic. He immediately takes a deep breath of the cigarette and sprays it on Hendry's body. In this way, he tells Hendry that there is no problem with cigarettes.

Seeing this, Hendry breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked Ye Feng, "you really don't want to tell me what the anchor pattern means?"

Ye Feng looked at Hendry and said, "if you really want to know, later, when I finish what I want to do, I will tell you!"

Hendry heard Ye Feng say so, also did not ask more, immediately left the interrogation room, went directly to the director's office.

After knocking on the door of the director's office, he heard a voice inside. Please come in. Hendry immediately pushed the door in.

Just entering the door, Hendry said to the director, "when can I close my client's case?"

The director looked at Hendry and said, "are you worried, or is your client worried?"

Hendry shrugged and said, "of course I'm in a hurry

At this time, the director said to Hendry, "we have investigated and investigated all the evidence clearly. We have started the procedure of reporting it to the prosecution. I believe it will not be long, at most three days, before we formally prosecute your client!"

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