Hendry knew that Ye Feng had been waiting for this time, but when he heard the director say so, he thought it was too fast. The case happened last night, and the prosecution started immediately in three days?

When the director saw Hendry staring at himself, he couldn't help looking up at Hendry and said, "what are you staring at me for? Isn't that what you and your client need to see? "

Hendry looked at the director curiously and said, "I hope so, but it's too fast, isn't it? Have you collected all the evidence? "

The director shrugged his shoulders and said to Hendry, "at present, all the evidence can prove the homicide of jetty Lee. The collection of other evidence will not affect the subsequent trial. If jetty Lee is found to design a new case, we can continue to prosecute and add criminal law to Jetty Lee!"

listen to the Secretary's remarks, Hendry is in a deep mood, and the law in the United States can do this, but such a conviction is rare. Unless it is the darkest time in the United States, it is only too soon to convict a framed person. Otherwise, even if the evidence is accurate and the suspect confesses, it will take about a week or three days. It's rare to bring a public prosecution.

This has to make Hendry full of imagination about Ye Feng's ability, or Ye Feng's friends outside are operating this thing.

Hendry stares at the director for a while, and doesn't ask him much. Maybe this case is beyond the control of the director.

Hendry walked all the way back to the interrogation room until he sat opposite Ye Feng and said to Ye Feng, "prosecution will start in three days at the latest!"

Hearing Hendry say this, Ye Feng nodded and said, "three days, it's OK. Although it's still very slow, it's estimated that according to the judicial procedure of the United States, it's already the fastest speed!"

Hendry a listen to this, immediately toward Ye Feng said, "this is absolutely the fastest speed!" Said with surprised eyes looking at Ye Feng way, "what method did you use in the end?"

Thinking that Ye Feng's only contact with the outside world here is himself, he immediately changed his tongue and said, "to be exact, it should be your friend!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I've been staying here. I don't know the details. It's in vain for you to ask me!"

Hendry pondered for a while. He wanted to ask a lot of questions, but now he asked Ye Feng. For one thing, Ye Feng didn't know the situation outside. For another thing, even if ye Feng knew, he wouldn't say anything more.

Thinking of this, Hendry got up and said to Ye Feng, "then it's easy. I'll go back to the bar association to prepare some things that I need to go to court, and then I'll help you go through the legal proceedings."

Ye Feng smiles at Hendry and says, "in fact, you don't need to prepare for anything. Then I will plead guilty in court!"

Hendry also thinks that he really doesn't need to do anything. Anyway, everything has been arranged for Ye Feng, and he will admit his guilt. The next thing is to follow the procedure.

Soon after two days, Ye Feng and Hendry, who were locked up in the police detention room, were informed that they would have a court session the next day to prepare in advance.

Ye Feng has no preparation, even when he received the notice, he just went to sleep.

Hendry also seems to be relatively calm. He prepared some basic materials casually, put them in his briefcase, and went on to do his own business.

In these two days, Hendry also took over a divorce case. He felt that the divorce case was more tortuous and bizarre than that of Ye Feng.

The next morning, Hendry prepared the documents and went to the court to wait. After a while, Ye Feng was brought by the police. According to the procedure, the lawyer can communicate with the client independently before the court session.

But Ye Feng and Hendry didn't say anything in the meeting room. Hendry brought a pack of cigarettes to Ye Feng to let him smoke enough.

When Ye Feng finished smoking a few cigarettes, the preparation time before the court session was almost used. When Hendry got out of the conference room, he just saw a group of people come in, headed by Zhang Wei in a suit.

Zhang Wei saw Hendry come out, immediately walked toward Hendry with a smile, "Hendry lawyer, what a coincidence?"

Hendry looked at Zhang Wei and looked at him. However, he saw that Zhang Wei extended his hand to him like a gentleman. Although he was a little repellent to Zhang Wei, he politely extended his hand and shook it with him.

Zhang Wei patted Hendry on the shoulder and said, "it's going to be hard for you today!" Then he looked at the door of the conference room behind Hendry and said, "where's your client?"

Hendry looked at Zhang Wei in surprise and said, "what do you want to do?" Then he lowered his voice to remind Zhang Wei, "this is the court. Don't mess around!"

Zhang Wei was stunned and said with a smile, "lawyer Hendry, do you think too much? If I really want to do something, I would have done it on his way to the court. Why wait here? I'm not so arrogant

Then Zhang Wei shrugged, patted Hendry on the shoulder and said, "don't worry, I'm just curious about what the man who killed my big brother Brooke looks like. I just want to see him!"Just then, Ye Feng was brought out of the meeting room by the police. As soon as he came out, Zhang Wei saw him and immediately walked towards Ye Feng with a smile.

Walking to Ye Feng, Zhang Wei immediately said with a smile, "Hello! Are you kit Lee Said also politely toward Ye Feng stretched out his hand.

Ye Feng can't help frowning and looking at Zhang Wei in front of him in a suit and shoes in surprise, "do we know each other?"

Zhang Wei immediately shrugged his shoulders at Ye Feng and said, "I didn't know him before, but I should know him now. Hello, my name is Zhang Wei. I used to work with Brooke!"

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard this. Ye Feng heard Zhang Wei's name from Hendry's mouth. He asked Hendry to give him a message, saying that he would not let him go.

Zhang Wei sees Ye Feng staring at himself and immediately smiles. He wants to reach out and pat Ye Feng on the shoulder, but he is stopped by the police. "The court is going to open soon. If you have anything to say, you can talk about it later when you visit the prison!"

Zhang Wei shrugged his shoulders with a smile and said, "just one word, officer!" Then he said to Ye Feng, "brother, I thank you for killing Brooke. If you don't kill him, I'm still an assistant under him. Now, I have all the resources in his hands..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Weili said with a smile, "to tell you the truth, I really want to thank you. If I can, I can put a table of wine to thank you, but I can't help it. Who is Brooke my big brother? I have to revenge for him!"

Hearing the speech, the police immediately reminded Zhang Wei, "I warn you, your words have constituted a crime of intimidation..."

Zhang Wei immediately made a look of fear and said to the police, "officer, don't scare me. My list is relatively small. I'll just say it later!"

After the police glared at Zhang Wei, they immediately said to Ye Feng, "it's time to go to court!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but look at Zhang Wei, and then follow the police toward the front.

Zhang Wei stood looking at Ye Feng's back, then said aloud, "brother, don't worry, after you go in, I will find someone to take good care of you!"

Seeing the police looking back at him, Zhang Wei immediately explained, "officer, don't get me wrong. What I said about care really means literally!"

Hendry could not help shaking his head, and then went into the court room. At this time, there were many people sitting in the court room. Zhang Wei also came in with a group of younger brothers and went to the front position to find a place where there was no one to sit down.

The prosecutor's lawyer was already in place at this time. After seeing Hendry come in, he said to Hendry, "I heard that your client has completely pleaded guilty?"

Hendry shrugged. "That's what it is

The prosecutor's lawyer said with a smile, "then you're relaxed!"

Just then, the judge came in, and everyone stood up and began to salute the judge.

After everyone sat down, the judge opened the case file, looked at it and said to the prosecutor, "I heard that the defendant has pleaded guilty?"

The prosecution immediately said, "yes, your honor! But that doesn't prevent us from prosecuting him! "

Hearing the speech, the judge nodded and said, "since the defendant has pleaded guilty, the next thing is the procedure, so everyone should hurry up and end the case as soon as possible!" Then he looked at Hendry and said, "defense lawyer, do you have an opinion?"

Hendry immediately got up and said, "I have no problem!"

Hearing the speech, the judge immediately said to the prosecutor, "then let's start!"

At this time, Ye Feng was brought out by the court police, and the prosecutor's lawyer immediately walked up to Ye Feng and said, "Mr. jetty Lee..."

Next, it's true that as the judge said, everything is just going through the procedure. Ye Feng truthfully answered all the questions of the prosecutor's lawyer, and confessed to the charge of murder. Finally, after a quarter of an hour's rest, the judge sentenced Ye Feng to 59 years' imprisonment for murder.

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