After the verdict, Ye Feng was taken to the prison car on the spot and transported to Angola prison to serve his sentence. Hendry's relationship with Ye Feng is temporarily over.

Because of Ye Feng's confession, Hendry didn't help Ye Feng plead not guilty, but because of Ye Feng's confession and confession plot, he helped Ye Feng reduce his sentence from 72 years to 52 years, which is also a help to Ye Feng.

After Ye Feng got into the police car, the prison car immediately began to drive towards the Angolan prison. When Hendry left the court, he found that Zhang Wei and his men, who were still sitting on the hearing bench, had already left.

What Hendry didn't know was that Zhang Wei and his men were driving closely to the side of the prison car transporting Ye Feng to Angola prison.

Zhang Wei sat by the window, his eyes staring at the prison car. Ye Feng just leaned back against Zhang Wei's car. At this time, he heard the police officer on one side saying that there was a suspicious car approaching. Then he looked back out of the window.

Zhang Wei saw Ye Feng looking back at himself, and immediately waved to Ye Feng. The corner of his mouth rose slightly, but he didn't say anything. However, the two cars were far apart after all. Even if he wanted to say something, Ye Feng might not hear it.

At the beginning, the police on the prison car also paid attention to Zhang Wei's car, but Zhang Wei kept a certain distance, and there was not much deviant behavior. Although they were on guard secretly, they didn't take it as it was on the surface.

One hour's drive, Ye Feng looks out of the window and feels that the road is getting more and more remote, with woods on both sides. From time to time, you can see wild wolves or bears in the woods. Moreover, the oil road is very narrow, belonging to a one-way lane, and Zhang Wei's car has already disappeared.

After driving on the asphalt road between the trees for nearly 40 minutes, I finally saw a tall wall and gate tower in front of me.

After the prison car arrived, the iron door of the gate tower slowly opened, and the prison car directly drove in. After parking in the open space, the police got off and let Ye Feng get off.

Ye Feng got out of the car and was immediately handcuffed again. He took the opportunity to take a look at the surrounding environment. There were armed guards on the door, but the fence at the door was not far away. It was only about a mile away. The rest of the place was a simple iron fence. Outside the iron fence was a swamp, and occasionally animal bones could be seen.

Without waiting for Ye Feng to take a closer look at the details of the Angolan prison, the police gave him a push, "what are you looking at? There will be plenty of time in the future!"

Then he escorted Ye Feng to a building not far in front of him. Ye Feng noticed that it was an old four story building. After entering from a gate on the first floor, a prison guard came to hand over it immediately.

After the police handed Ye Feng to the prison guard, they signed the handover document, and then the police left.

The two guards immediately took Ye Feng and continued to walk along the corridor towards the front. In front of an iron door, they entered a room with a desk and a wall behind it.

A C.O. sat at his desk, took out a plastic basket and put it in front of Ye Feng, "put everything in!"

Ye Feng understand each other's meaning, his purpose is to come in, so also didn't say much, not a moment Kung Fu took off a pure, body anything is left.

The C.O. at his desk classifies Ye Feng's things and puts them in a sealed bag. Then he puts them away and lets Ye Feng enter a door behind him.

After pushing the door, Ye Feng found that it was a simple shower. Ye Feng immediately went to take a shower. As soon as he came out, a prison guard came and threw a suit of prison clothes on Ye Feng. He said impatiently, "change it quickly!"

Ye Feng put on his prison clothes and immediately followed the prison officer out of the shower. Then he saw a prison officer open the iron door and push Ye Feng in. He continued to take Ye Feng to the front. When he reached the end of the corridor, Ye Feng found a zigzag building. In the middle of the building was a huge open space, surrounded by iron fences. There was a basketball court in the middle , and the table tennis table, but it looks very old. It's not windproof time, so there is no one in the open space.

Soon Ye Feng was led into the elevator by the C.O. when he got to the third floor, the C.O. gave him to another C.O. waiting at the entrance of the elevator. He took the elevator to go back.

The person who took over Ye Feng was a brown guard, who should be from Southeast Asia, or an Indian. He had a baton in his hand, his hands behind him, and asked Ye Feng to follow him to the front.

As they walked along, the prison guard and Ye Feng said, "from now on, you are the prisoner of Building 1 in Angola. In the future, you have to abide by the rules here. When you hear the wake-up music at 6 a.m., you have to get up and wash in five minutes, including going to the toilet. You have to stand at the door of the cell in five minutes, and then go to the canteen for dinner. The meal time is 15 minutes, This includes cleaning up the tableware and putting it in the designated place, and then taking a 20 minute morning break. When you hear the music, the morning break will be over, and you have to work with other prisoners! The lunch time at noon is 11:30, so you will go to the dining hall at about 11:10. The demonstration time is still 15 minutes, the rest time after dinner is half an hour, and then continue to work. The evening time is 6:00, and the meal time is the same as a quarter of an hour. Then you take a rest for 20 minutes after dinner and start to go back to your respective cells. The cell light off time is 9:00 in the evening! "When prison guards say this, Ye Feng follows them all the way. When they pass by the cells in the corridor, they see some prisoners standing behind the iron railings and staring at Ye Feng. However, they don't constantly provoke prisoners like in American movies.

But Ye Feng from these looking at his prisoner's eyes, see is more than provocation to make people shudder indifference.

As soon as the prison guard finished the rules, he stopped in front of the iron door of a cell. Then he took out the key to open the iron door and said to Ye Feng, "you will live in this cell in the future. Remember your position and start to find your way back tomorrow!"

Then the guards went in, and the prisoners in the cell sat by the bed, looking at Ye Feng and the guards coldly, without a sound.

The C.O. walked to a bed and knocked on the edge of the bed with a baton. "This is your bed in the future. You sleep in the lower bunk!"

Ye Feng smell speech toward the bed looked at, but see the lower bunk at this time is sitting a strong body, hair braided white people, the tendons on the flesh is full of colorful tattoos, he just coldly looking at Ye Feng, silent.

The C.O. then walked to the door and said, "after dinner, you get your toiletries from the canteen!" Then he walked out and kicked the door. Then he slammed the iron door and locked it, and walked away immediately. However, the sound of the guard's boots was still echoing in the corridor, until the sound became smaller and smaller, and there was no sound at all.

Ye Feng then observed the situation of his cell, a total of eight upper and lower bunks, that is, a cell is 16 people, in addition to his bed sat a person, the other are two people.

Ye Feng went to his bed, but he saw the braided hair sitting there. He immediately laid it down and snorted, "you sleep in the upper bunk!"

Ye Feng heard speech stopped a step, looked at sleep in the lower bunk of Mahua braid, what also did not say, went there to climb on the upper bunk, lying on top.

Seeing this, people in other bunks didn't say anything. They were lying on their own beds. The whole prison was quiet, which made Ye Feng a little unaccustomed. This feeling was different from the prison in his impression.

Just when Ye Feng was lying down, a man came to Ye Feng's bedside and clapped his hand on the railing.

Hearing this, Ye Feng opened his eyes and looked over, but saw that it was a black man with very thick lips. He opened his eyes and said, "come down, Pulsatilla is looking for you!"

Ye Feng frowned and immediately sat up on the upper berth. However, the floor of the cell was not very high. He sat on the upper berth, his waist was not straight, and his head was against the ceiling.

Ye Feng in the heart secret way, no wonder that twist braid want to sleep bottom bunk, good or bad bottom bunk sit up, don't need to top the plank of top bunk.

After he jumped down from the upper bunk, before he had time to talk to the thick lipped black man, he saw the black man walking towards the inside and to the innermost bed. Then he stopped and looked back at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng hesitated for a moment, then walked over to the innermost bed. The first thing he saw was a man sleeping in the upper bunk with bandages tied on his head. Obviously, he had just been injured. There was a man lying in the lower bunk with white hair, wheat skin and muscles, but no tattoos. He was of Western race.

At this time, the black man did not know where to take out a cigar and handed it to the Pulsatilla, and then, like magic, he lit the cigar to the Pulsatilla.

After taking a sip, the Pulsatilla said without raising his head, "I'm not used to looking up and talking to people!"

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