Ye Feng smell speech saw a white head Weng, haven't thought much, the leg immediately was kicked a foot, he also didn't think much, along with the situation squatted down, looking at the white head Weng.

Obviously, the Pulsatilla is very satisfied with Ye Feng's present posture. After smoking a cigar, the smoke sprayed on Ye Feng's face, "what did you do to come in?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "little things, I'm sure I can't compare with the big guys sitting here!"

The Negro impatiently patted Ye Feng on the back of his head, "don't talk nonsense. You can answer whatever the boss asks!"

Ye Feng looked back at the black man. When the black man saw Ye Feng looking back at himself, he immediately opened his eyes and stared at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng then turned around and looked at the Pulsatilla and said, "kill!"

But the Pulsatilla sneered, "kill? Who can enter Angola is not a murderer? "

The black man said to Ye Feng, "big brother means that you killed several people. Why did you kill them? Who did you kill?"

After hearing this, Ye Feng said, "I killed seven people, but for no reason. There were six people I didn't know, and only one was named Brooke..."

Black smell speech a sneer way, "Yo, can't see you boy, look gentle, so cruel?"? Killed seven people? "

The white head Weng smell speech but facial expression move, originally still lie on the bottom bunk bed, at this time immediately sat the body, stare Ye Feng way, "what did you just say? What's the name of one of the people you killed? "

Ye Feng said to the Pulsatilla, "Brooke? If I remember correctly, it should be called this! "

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, the Pulsatilla asked Ye Feng, "what does he look like?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I didn't pay much attention to it. I think it's more common. In my forties, those six people all called him boss, maybe his subordinates!"

the white headed man's face suddenly changed, and he didn't speak for a long time. He was smoking a cigar, and his eyes seemed to be a little distracted.

When the Negro saw that the Pulsatilla didn't say a word, he immediately kicked Ye Feng's ass with his feet, "why did you kill someone? Don't tell me why? "

Ye Feng said immediately, "I really don't know why! If I have to give a reason, it may be that I have been in Angola prison for too long, so I want to come in and have a look! "

On hearing this, the black man was stunned, and then said, "I'm so arrogant Scare me, right? " Then he pulled Ye Feng up and said, "new comer, I tell you, don't kill seven people to be an old bird. I tell you, in Angola, everyone is heavily in debt. Although I killed only three people in those years, do you know who those three people are? They're all the local underground boxing champions... "

Ye Feng nodded, looked at the black man insincerely and said, "fierce, really fierce!"

Seeing that Ye Feng had no fear of himself in his eyes, and his tone seemed to show extreme disrespect for him, the black man immediately yelled at Ye Feng and said, "did you come to Angola to die?"

Then he put out his hand and hit Ye Feng directly on the bridge of his nose. At this time, the Pulsatilla stood up and grasped the black man's fist.

Seeing this, the black man immediately said to the Pulsatilla, "boss, this new comer is too arrogant I have to teach him a lesson and set the rules here for him! "

Instead of talking to the black people, the Pulsatilla stood in front of the black people and said to Ye Feng, "are you the one who committed the crime in Louisiana? Is there a mole on Bruce's nose

Ye Feng can't help nodding and said, "it's in Louisiana. When you say that, it seems to be true, but I didn't pay much attention to it!"

The Pulsatilla looked at Ye Feng for a long time, finally nodded and said to Ye Feng, "you go to have a rest first!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded, "that what, nothing, I went to rest, something you talk!" Then he took another look at the black man and walked towards his bed.

Seeing this, the black man immediately said to the Pulsatilla, "brother, this guy That's it? "

The Pulsatilla sat down by the bed and said to the black man in a deep voice, "Planck, don't be impulsive. Do you know who this boy killed?"

Planck could not help frowning when he heard the speech. "He said it was like Brooke! In the United States, there are tens of millions of people who call this name. Ordinary people can't do it. What else can we pay attention to? "

The anemone said to Planck, "but in Brooke, Louisiana, there's only one!"

Planck could not help frowning more tightly, looked at the Pulsatilla in surprise and said, "who is this Brooke?"

The white headed man then said to Planck, "you've been in for a long time. You can't see the outside world clearly. This Brooke is the biggest drug lord in Louisiana, and also the top ten gangster in the United States! The six men he said are probably retired special forces! He can kill six in a row. It's not easy! "

After hearing this, Planck took an incredible look at Ye Feng, who was already lying on the upper bunk. He was surprised and said, "is there any mistake? I see that the boy is a counsellor. He has no meat. Can he kill the drug lord? What about the special forcesAt this time, the Pulsatilla touched his chin and pondered, "but I don't know if the Brooke he killed was Brooke of Louisiana!"

Planck said to the Pulsatilla, "the boss, you shouldn't have stopped me just now. Let me fight him, and you can tell right away!"

But the Pulsatilla said, "you can't fight him. If he didn't kill Brooke, or he bragged, you'd kill him too!"

He smoked a cigar and continued, "but if he didn't lie, he killed Brooke, Louisiana. If you fight with him, you won't get any advantage. Maybe you can take your life in!"

Planck said with a sneer, "don't say I don't believe he killed Brooke at all. Even if he did, I don't believe I would give him my life!"

But the Pulsatilla said, "you don't have to worry, do you? We don't need to try it ourselves!"

When Planck heard this, his face suddenly moved. He looked at the Pulsatilla in surprise and said, "boss, what do you mean?"

The Pulsatilla said, "in the Angolan prison, besides us, who else is there?"

Planck said immediately, "that's bullfighting Terrier, of course!"

The Pulsatilla immediately said, "yes, let the Bullterrier to try him. If he is not killed by the Bullterrier, he will be killed. If he has a feud with the Bullterrier, he will have to take refuge in us. In Angola, he will not survive with a hard fist, but with power Otherwise, no matter how hard his fist is, he will not be able to fight against the whole Angola! "

Upon hearing this, Planck's face suddenly moved, and then he extended his thumb to the Pulsatilla and said, "Gao, boss, why didn't I think of this plan of killing two birds with one stone?"

At this time, the Pulsatilla was smoking a cigar, glancing at Ye Feng, who was lying on the upper bunk, and then said to Planck, "use your brain when you are in trouble. I have told you for a long time that people who can enter Angola don't have a bag! You always don't believe it

Planck immediately said with a smile, "that's why you're the boss. I'm your Valet!"

But the Pulsatilla said to Planck, "I'll tell you that. Don't forget, we have only one boss here!"

Planck immediately shrugged his shoulders and muttered, "in my eyes, only you are the boss!"

The Pulsatilla immediately glared at Planck and didn't speak much. After smoking his cigar, he also lay on the bed and closed his eyes.

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Planck climbed to the upper bunk and lay on it to have a rest. Now what they have to do every day is very physical. It's rare that they can have a rest at noon today.

The whole cell at this moment suddenly fell into a silence, Ye Feng lying on the upper bunk, although closed his eyes, but did not sleep.

Ye Feng is feeling the atmosphere of the Angolan prison. Now he has just come in. Anyway, he is a newcomer. He must be familiar with the situation here first.

After all, Ye Feng knows that the prison in Angola is different from that outside. No matter how hard your fist is, you can't stay up 24 hours. It's impossible to prevent others from harming you 24 hours. So here, you should get used to the philosophy here.

What's more, I haven't even heard about Monica's whereabouts now. If she causes more trouble, it will only add obstacles to her own work. These people may not be as good as they want to help, but if it gets bad, they often can't take precautions.

So this time in prison is totally different from Cao Yihai's virtual world, where he has no worries about going to prison, and here he has a purpose, so before the goal is completed, Ye Feng plans to take a low-key route on the unnecessary premise.

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