After more than an hour's rest, Ye Feng really felt that he was going to sleep. After all, in the detention room of the police station, Ye Feng didn't sleep much.

But just as he was about to fall asleep, he heard the sound of "Kuang, Kuang, Kuang". He was woken up again. He raised his body a little and looked at the place where he made the sound. But he saw a man in prison guard's clothes just passing by the iron gate. With a baton in his hand, he went to knock on the iron gate of the next cell, and the sound of "Kuang, Kuang, Kuang" came out again.

Ye Feng saw that the inmates of other beds had already started to get out of bed. He also jumped down from the upper bed. Just as Planck came over, his shoulder hit Ye Feng's shoulder.

But just like he didn't feel it, he walked towards the iron gate without any difficulty. At this time, the voice of the Pulsatilla behind Ye Feng said, "I'm going to work now!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning, originally listen to bring yourself in, that prison guard said that every time there is music as a signal, he didn't hear the music, ah, can't help but toward the Pulsatilla way, "don't you mean to take music as a signal?"

The Pulsatilla looked at Ye Feng and said, "isn't that the sound just now music?"

Ye Feng knew that when Bai touweng said this, he immediately knew that the musical sound of Bai touweng was just the sound of the prison guard beating the iron door with a baton.

After Ye Feng and the Pulsatilla walk to the door, they immediately see that there are prisoners in the corridor starting to walk out of the corridor in order, and they all look fierce. But among so many prisoners, only one prison guard opens the door here, and none dares to do anything. This is contrary to Ye Feng's understanding of European and American prisons This should be a paradise of violence, a hell on earth, but I didn't feel it at all.

The prison guard unhurriedly unlocked all the doors, and soon arrived at the door of the cell where Ye Feng was. After opening the cell door, the people inside walked out orderly without crowding or robbing.

After waiting for Ye Feng to walk past, the C.O. takes a look at Ye Feng and says, "you don't have to go to work. You'll go to the warden's office with me later! Follow me first

Ye Feng listened to what the prison officer said, nodded and didn't speak. He didn't want the prison officer's baton to greet Ye Feng's arm immediately. "Whenever I talk to you in the future, I have to answer, yes, sir!"

Ye Feng frowned, but saw that the prison guard was staring at him, thinking about the purpose of his coming, so he had to endure for the time being, "yes, sir!"

The Pulsatilla and Planck are looking back at Ye Feng. Planck can't help but snort. He always feels that this guy should be boasting or taking the blame for others?

When the prison guard opened all the prison doors and all the prisoners on this floor went out, the prison guard locked the main iron door at the end of the corridor and then said to Ye Feng, who had been following him all the time, "follow me!"

Ye Feng took a look at the other prisoners who had already gone to the corridor. They were going downstairs, and then he said loudly to the prison guard, "OK! Sir Then he followed the guard and went to the elevator on one side.

After entering the elevator, the C.O. pressed the button on the first floor and went to the first floor. Then he left the building and went to another six story tube building on one side.

After arriving at the tube tower, the C.O. takes Ye Feng into the elevator again until he reaches the sixth floor of the top floor, and then walks out of the elevator. Then he passes by the corridor and walks towards an office at the end.

At the door of the office, Ye Feng heard the voice of Jiao Chuan coming from the office.

"Here, don't listen to what you shouldn't listen to, and don't look at what you shouldn't look at!"

Ye Feng this just returned to God, loudly said a, "got it, sir!"

At this time, a man's feeble voice came from the office and said, "who's outside?"

On hearing this, the C.O. went up and knocked on the door. "Sir, Jack Lee has brought it!"

There was no sound in the office for a long time. After about two minutes, I heard a sound coming in.

After hearing this, the C.O. opened the door and went in. Ye Feng followed the C.O. and saw that there was a lot of space in the office. Behind the desk, there was a white man who looked like he was in his forties, with curly hair and a beard. At this time, he was holding a cigar in his mouth.

On one side of the desk, there is a small window of 1.2 meters. The bed is messy. There are several pieces of tissue paper on the ground on one side, which is obviously a battlefield that has just been fought.

When Ye Feng followed the guard to his desk, the warden took a look at Ye Feng and nodded to the guard, "you go out first!"

The guard immediately stood at attention and saluted, then left the office, leaving Ye Feng standing at his desk.

After smoking a cigar, the warden squinted at Ye Feng and said, "are you kit Lee?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, sir!"

But the warden looked up and down at Ye Feng several times, and then said with a sneer, "did you kill Brooke?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "yes, sir!"

But the warden said with a sneer, "just come in, do you know the rules?"Ye Feng didn't speak yet, but the warden said to Ye Feng, "don't be so stiff here. Sit down and talk!"

Ye Fengxin next move, but still said, "thank you, sir!" I just sat down.

The warden waited for Ye Feng to sit down. Then he said to Ye Feng, "do you know what I'm looking for?"

Ye Feng said immediately, "I don't know, sir!"

The warden said to Ye Feng, "don't you know? Do you know who Brooke you killed? That's the biggest drug lord and the biggest gang leader in Louisiana. You didn't come to our Angolan prison. The reward order has come in first! You know what? "

Ye Feng said with a slight frown, "I just heard..." He added, sir.

The warden stares at Ye Feng and says, "you don't seem to know our Angolan prison. Every newcomer here has to go through three levels! These are the rules of prisoners. They have been in existence for decades. Sometimes, although we are officials, it's not easy to break these rules. Do you understand? "

Ye Feng didn't reply. He really didn't know why the warden wanted to talk to him.

Warden smoking cigars, see Ye Feng did not speak, immediately frown a way, "it seems you still do not understand what I mean!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "I really don't know, sir, please speak up!"

The warden narrowed his eyes and stared at Ye Feng for a moment. Then he shrugged his shoulders. He was still sitting there half slanted. At this time, he looked at Ye Feng and said, "since you don't understand, I'll teach you. Don't say the officer didn't care for you!"

Ye Feng nodded, in the heart already tired of, but said, "thank you, sir!"

The warden immediately said, "the so-called" three passes "is that on the day when there is no work on the weekend, the inmates will give their hearts a welcome party!"

Ye Feng knew that the welcome dance must be no more than that simple. It must have something to do with passing the three levels.

Sure enough, the warden said, "first of all, there will be one chosen by all the inmates. They think that the best one to fight is to have a friendly match with you!"

Ye Feng sneers in his heart. What kind of bullshit friendly match is not a lesson for the newcomers. However, Ye Feng also feels that what he hears now is more and more like the Angolan prison in his imagination.

The warden continued, "all the friendly matches, it doesn't count to kill!"

Ye Feng eyebrows move, did not say a word.

The warden looked at Ye Feng, smoking a cigar and said, "when you can live through this, you will worship the dock!"

Ye Feng still doesn't understand, but he didn't ask. Since the warden called him over and said these things to himself, he would take the initiative to explain clearly.

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