As expected, the warden continued to say, "in our Angolan prison, there are two rows of forces, one is the local faction, the other is the foreign faction, which means literally. But in order to show the democracy of the two forces, after all, the United States of America is the most democratic country in the world, and prison is no exception. Although you may not be from Louisiana, you can choose between the natives or the outsiders! "

At this point, the prison guard sneered, "if you are an expatriate and choose an expatriate, it's nothing. But if you choose the opposite, then the problem will come. You have to fight again with the thugs of the force you don't want to go to. The rules are the same as those above. It doesn't count to kill them!"

After listening to what the warden said, Ye Feng still didn't speak. He just looked at the warden.

But listen to the warden continue to say, he shrugged slightly, "if you can continue to live, then congratulations, you will usher in the third level!"

Then the warden just smokes a cigar and looks at Ye Feng, as if waiting for Ye Feng to ask questions.

Ye Feng sees in the eye, as the warden wishes to ask, "so, what is the third level?"

The warden said with a smile, "the third level is much more interesting. You have to leave Angan prison..."

On hearing this, Ye Feng frowned and said, "leave Angola prison!" What I think in my heart is that I try my best to come in, how can I leave easily?

When the warden saw Ye Feng's expression, he couldn't help saying, "you are strange. In the past, when I talked about the third level with other prisoners, I would laugh from the bottom of my heart and ask me, is it true? Why can't I see any joy in your face? "

Ye Feng said to the warden, "no, sir, I just don't think it's that simple!"

After hearing this, the warden immediately laughed, snapped his fingers and took a puff of cigar. Then he said to Ye Feng, "of course, it's not so simple. The purpose of letting you leave Angola is to go hunting!"

Ye Feng smell speech facial expression can't help but move a way, "hunt?"

At this time, the warden stood up, went to the window, opened all the curtains of the window, looked at the scenery outside the window, but said to Ye Feng, "I believe you should have heard our legend before you came to Angola prison. Even if you didn't, you should also see the situation around you on the way here. There are three baths here, and there is a forest in front of you It's full of all kinds of wild animals. There's not only miasma, insurmountable swamp, but also a large number of crocodiles. You must bring a prey back within the specified time! "

Ye Feng smell speech face suddenly move, the original warden said to leave Angola prison is this kind of leave law, but if so, Angola prison can still have a few survivors?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng asked the warden, "Sir, what I want to ask is, if every new inmate has to break through the three hurdles, how many of them can survive? Angolan prison has long become an empty city?"

The warden laughed and turned to see Ye Feng. "You're very careful. You're right..." Then he went back to his desk, sat down and snuffed out his cigar. Then he said to Ye Feng, "but it's true that every newcomer will face three hurdles, but I didn't say the most crucial thing!"

At this point, the warden suddenly converged his smile and looked at Ye Feng with a straight face. "If you have a chance to live, you must keep it in mind, rotten in your heart. Even if you sleep, you must always remember that in Angola, there is only one person who keeps his word. Who do you say it is?"

Ye Feng a listen to so, in the heart secret way, you said so, this person can also be who? Thinking, he looked at the warden immediately and said, "it's you, sir!"

The warden immediately gave a smile and said, "no mistake, Mr. Jack Lee. Prisoners have their own rules. I respect them, but I also have my own rules. As you said, if everyone had to break through the three hurdles, Angola would have no prisoners! So, the key decision is in my hands. Prisoners can ask new comers to break through the three hurdles, but I have to nod my head. Do you understand? Mr. Jeter Lee

Ye Feng smell speech immediately nodded, that is to say, only the warden nodded consent can not break three new prisoners can be exempted.

However, the warden said to Ye Feng, "I will not deprive prisoners of their freedom of entertainment. Now, I generally agree to do it once or twice in three months, and no more than ten times a year at most. Therefore, breaking the three hurdles now seems to become a festival and a culture in Angola."

Ye Feng hears the warden say so, can't help but frown a way, "the officer tells me these, is to have a word to say with me?"

The warden shrugged his shoulders and said, "what I said is obvious, Mr. Jeter Lee. How direct do you want me to say?" Seeing Ye Feng looking at himself, he sighed, "I thought you were a smart man, but I was disappointed. Well, since I've wasted so much talk with you, I might as well say a few more words. Directly, Mr. jetty Lee, your life and death are in my hands. As long as I nod now, tonight will be the long lost day of Angolan prison Today, I believe the prisoners under my jurisdiction will be very excited! "Ye Feng understood the warden's meaning, immediately said, "but the officer can also not nod, right?"

The warden then said with a smile, "of course, you can not nod, but the decision of whether I nod or not is not in my hands, but in your hands! Do you know what to do? "

Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "since the chief said so directly, I will ask the chief how much it needs!"

The warden immediately snapped his fingers and said with a smile, "smart man, I just like to talk to smart people! I don't charge too much. I'm going through three passes. One pass is a finger! "

Ye Feng frowned slightly and said, "300000?"

But the warden said with a smile, "Mr. Jeter Lee, your life is too worthless, isn't it? That's right. I've even charged 30000 yuan, including the female prisoner who left me just now. As you can see, her family conditions are limited, let alone 30000 yuan. Even if it's 3000 yuan, I can't get it together. But I'm a compassionate person by nature. Of course, I don't want to see such a beautiful woman beaten up. Even if I'm lucky enough to last, I can't make it up To go for bear or crocodile, so I give her the condition is to accompany me to sleep three times, once count a pass! Today, this is the third time that she has paid off all her debts. Look how relaxed she is when she goes out

Ye Feng smell speech, this just understand that just now that female prisoner here endure the prison leader's abuse, originally is for this reason.

Then he took a deep breath, held back his anger, and said to the warden, "so what's my price?"

The warden immediately said, "you are not the same. If you close one million, you will be charged three million. Isn't that expensive?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "how to pay? I don't have any cash with me in Angola. I can't swipe my card here, can I? "

The warden said with a smile to Ye Feng, "of course, I can't trade here. I'm a public servant. How can I do these illegal things in my post?"

Ye Feng felt uncomfortable listening to this, but the warden continued to say, "I can tell you a card number. You can call someone outside you and let him remit it to my designated account. I'll make sure after I check it!"

When Ye Feng heard this, he couldn't help hesitating. He didn't care about the three million dollars, but he was thinking, the warden is so greedy, whether he can give him more money. Since the warden has such a big appetite, it's better to feed him once, and it's convenient for him to do things later.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said to the warden, "money is not a problem, but I still want to buy a few things!"

when the warden heard this, he laughed immediately. "I knew you were a great person. I can tell you that in Angola I has the final say, except that I can't give you freedom and exceed my authority, and everything here can be bought with money!"

Speaking of this, the warden leaned forward and leaned against Ye Feng, "but everything here has a price. I have to see your requirements before I can set the price!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "I don't want to work!"

The warden immediately nodded and said, "this can be done, but you have to go every time you work. This is the task above. I have to use attendance to deal with injuries, but you can not do it after you go!" Then he put up two hands and said, "it's not too much to charge you two million yuan for such a long sentence, is it?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng said with a smile, "not much, not much at all!"

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