Not long after the prisoner's working time ended, Ye Feng was brought back to his cell by the prison guards. Just as the Pulsatilla and Planck had just come back, they were sitting in the cell to rest. Seeing Ye Feng coming back, they could not help looking at Ye Feng.

After entering the door, Ye Feng watched everyone stare at himself for a while, and then lay down on the bed to rest.

When Planck saw this, he said to the white headed man on one side, "boss, this boy must have been called by the warden."

The Pulsatilla nodded and said, "I haven't received the notice. It seems that the boy has also given the money."

Planck could not help but said with regret, "that's really a pity. I thought I had fun!"

The anemone said to Planck, "there are few brushes that can kill Brooke and put him in prison alive!"

But Planck whispered to the Pulsatilla, "boss, I haven't had a chance to tell you. When I was working in the afternoon, I received the wind. The bullfighting Terrier had already received the wind. He said that Zhang Wei would let in the wind and let him do this Jeter Lee. He said who would kill this boy, a million dollars. It seems that he killed the bronck you said !”

As soon as the Pulsatilla heard this, his face suddenly moved and said, "why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Planck said with an aggrieved face, "I've never had a chance to work in the afternoon! Later, there was a fight. I forgot about the three disturbances. I only remembered when I saw the boy coming back. "

The Pulsatilla then stood up and said to Planck, "where's the cigarette?"

Planck immediately and magic, the hands of one more, handed to the Pulsatilla.

The Pulsatilla glared at Planck and said, "give me the whole bag, and the lighter!"

Planck then handed the whole package of cigarettes and lighters to Pulsatilla. But Pulsatilla came to the bed of Ye Feng with cigarettes and lighters. Then he knocked on the bed pillar of the man in the lower bed and said, "you Go to the top bunk

The man immediately stood up and said yes, standing by the bed and packing up his things.

The Pulsatilla immediately knocked on the iron pillar beside Ye Feng's bed in the upper bunk. Ye Feng looked at the Pulsatilla, but he said with a smile, "if you don't understand the rules, don't sleep in the upper bunk. Come to the lower bunk!"

Ye Feng said, "it's the same everywhere you sleep!" But the man in the lower bunk had already put his things on the upper bunk. He didn't show any affectation and came down directly from the upper bunk.

At this time, the Pulsatilla sat to the bedside, took out a cigarette and handed it to Ye Feng. He said to Ye Feng, "sit down and talk!"

Ye Feng took the cigarette and sat by the bed looking at the Pulsatilla, but saw that he took out a lighter to light a cigarette for himself. He immediately put the cigarette in his mouth and made his way there.

After the cigarette was lit, the Pulsatilla also lit one, but Ye Feng secretly said, why did the Pulsatilla change its attitude?

But Ye Feng didn't ask much. Since the Pulsatilla took the initiative to find it, he would take the initiative to explain why.

Sure enough, after taking a puff of cigarette, the Pulsatilla slowly puffed out the smoke, then looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you know you're going to be in trouble?"

Ye Feng eyebrows slightly a wrinkle, smoking cigarettes, shaking his head, "I don't know!"

The Pulsatilla said bluntly to Ye Feng, "Zhang Wei has let in the wind outside. If anyone kills you, it will be a million!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help smoking cigarettes, brow a wrinkly way, "my life seems quite valuable!"

The white headed man then said to Ye Feng, "but don't worry, although we have received the news, we won't make this kind of money, but the people on the bullfighting Terrier side are not necessarily. Those guys don't talk about morality. Besides, a million dollars is not a small number. There is no shortage of everything here in Angola, or there is no shortage of blood licking outlaws!"

Then the Pulsatilla added, "I can smell the fragrance of the wine collected by the warden from you. It seems that you have given money to the warden, but you don't expect this guy to help you. Maybe he can help you with cigarettes, drinks and so on. But when it comes to life, he usually sits on the wall, Maybe he will play a gamble with his colleagues to see how long you can last! "

The white head Weng said and smoked a cigarette, eyebrow slightly a pick toward Ye Feng said, "anyway, your money should have been transferred into his account, you now life or death, he didn't ask! How many prisoners died in Angolan prison? No one will ask! When the time comes, he will have your body thrown at the bathze or the forest, and there will be no bones left in one night. Some people really ask, saying that you have attempted to escape from prison and been eaten by crocodiles or wild animals, which is perfectly normal! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at the Pulsatilla and said, "so what should I do now?"

The Pulsatilla looked at Ye Feng and said, "are you Chinese? Not from Louisiana, right? "

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I'm Chinese, not from Louisiana!"

Upon hearing this, the Pulsatilla immediately nodded and said, "no, that's the best. I'll introduce our boss to you then!"Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help but a wrinkle ground looking at the white head Weng way, "you are not the eldest brother?"

The Pulsatilla said with a smile, "I'm the leader of this cell, but you don't know that there are two forces in the Angolan prison. One is bullfighting terriers, the local prisoners in Louisiana, and the other is our outsiders. Our leader is called Firestar! No longer in our building, he killed the number one thug on the Bullterrier side a few months ago and was put in solitary confinement. It's estimated that he will come out in a few days. I'll introduce him to you when he comes out! "

Ye Feng nodded and asked the Pulsatilla, "is the polar bear a bull terrier or someone on your side?"

Upon hearing this, the Pulsatilla looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you know polar bears?"

Ye Feng said to the Pulsatilla, "I knew him a long time ago. I heard that he was in Angola. This time I came in, so I asked."

At this time, the Pulsatilla smoked a cigarette and looked at Ye Feng and said, "are you familiar with polar bears?"

Ye Feng listen to the tone of the Pulsatilla is not right, quickly said, "not too familiar, there have been a few of the fate of it!"

The Pulsatilla immediately said, "the polar bear is local. If you don't know him very well, you'd better not inquire about him. Now you ask me if I'm ok. If you wait for the Martians to come out and know that you ask the bullfighting terrier and have friendship, you're finished!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the brow can't help a wrinkly ground looking at the white head Weng way, "Mars person exactly is who person?"

The white headed man looked at Ye Feng and said, "I can tell you this. Before I came in, I thought I was cruel. At that time, my wife was found stealing. I killed my wife, his lover, her lover's family, including the servants! Seven or eight people were killed, almost like you! But after I came here, I realized that compared with the people here, the people I killed are nothing, let alone Martians. Even compared with you, the seven or eight people I killed and the seven or eight people you killed are not the same concept! "

Then the Pulsatilla immediately took a deep puff of his cigarette and said, "the seven or eight people you killed, compared with the Martians, are not a concept at all. He killed 23 people in total, and these 23 people are all special forces level, not counting other people, plus some ordinary people, it is estimated that 50 people will be killed before, after and after!"

He said in a low voice, "even in Angolan prison, he has killed more than a dozen prisoners!"

Ye Feng's face moved slightly when he heard this. If he only listened to the words of Pulsatilla, the Martian was really not an ordinary person.

The Pulsatilla looked at Ye Feng and said, "now that we know the Martian's strength, we don't want to go out when we come in. It's worse to say that Angola will be our home in the future, and we will be here for the rest of our life. So how can we tolerate other people here in our own home? Headmaster, you just come in, you don't understand a lot of things, and you will encounter people who don't understand Just ask me, lest something should happen! "

Ye Feng knows that the purpose of Bai touweng and himself is to win him over and become a member of their group, but it's easy to understand that it will be the same everywhere, and there's nothing wrong with strengthening his own strength.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to the Pulsatilla, "please take more care of me in the future!"

The Pulsatilla patted Ye Feng on the shoulder, nodded to Ye Feng and said, "don't worry, we'll be brothers here in the future. If there's anything, we'll stand out for you!"

Then he lowered his voice and said, "but since you're on our side, if we have something to do, you can't refuse to ask for your help!"

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