Ye Feng understand the meaning of Pulsatilla, he is to tell himself, find them to do backing, is to do things for them in return.

On the surface, Ye Feng didn't say anything, but nodded. The Pulsatilla patted Ye Feng on the shoulder and said, "have a rest first. I'll go to dinner later. I'll introduce some of our eldest brothers to you."

Ye Feng nodded again and said thanks to the Pulsatilla. After seeing the Pulsatilla go away, he lay down in the lower bunk and closed his eyes. But he was thinking about the words of the Pulsatilla.

Polar bears are another group of powerful people. Being imprisoned in the cell of Pulsatilla, they are forced to rely on the influence of Pulsatilla for the time being. In this case, it will be more difficult for them to get in touch with polar bears.

As soon as the Pulsatilla came to his bed and sat down, Planck came over and whispered to the Pulsatilla, "boss, what are you talking to him about?"

The anemone said to Planck, "this boy is not simple!"

Planck could not help but look at the Pulsatilla, and then looked at Ye Feng, who was lying on the bed with his eyes closed. With a slight frown, he said to the Pulsatilla, "isn't it simple? Why can't I see that? This guy doesn't seem to have any temper so far. Look at the people in our cell, who didn't come in with a little temper and blood. Later, he was convinced, but he was also convinced. This guy is very good. Up to now, I haven't seen any blood from him. I can't say that he really came in on behalf of others! "

However, the Pulsatilla said to Planck, "it's because he didn't show his temper that I said that this guy is not simple. It's not terrible for him to come in and play roughshod around without seeing the reality clearly and relying on his own force. What really makes you feel terrible is this kind of person who is silent and can never guess what he is thinking in his heart. It's not terrible What kind of people do not make a name for themselves, they make a name for themselves

Planck looked at the Pulsatilla in disbelief, and looked at Ye Feng in surprise. It seemed that he didn't agree with the Pulsatilla's words.

At this time, the Pulsatilla patted Planck on the shoulder and said, "Planck, I tell you, this guy, you'd better not mess with him, or you'll suffer!"

Planck didn't say a word, but he didn't accept it. How could a counsellor who didn't dare to say a word become an unfathomable person in his boss's eyes? He really didn't believe this evil.

Soon it was dinner time, and the guards came and began to release the prisoners one by one. When Ye Feng was in the cell, the Pulsatilla deliberately went to Ye Feng's side and walked out of the cell with him.

In a low voice, the Pulsatilla said to Ye Feng, "follow me later. Don't underestimate the canteen. Although it's just a place to eat, it's a place with many troubles. If you don't pay attention, you may offend people and cause a scuffle."

Ye Feng nodded and said thanks to the Pulsatilla. He followed the army out of the cell and went to the canteen on the first floor. The canteen was a spacious hall with countless tables. Many prisoners had already begun to line up here.

According to Bai touweng, the canteen is an area with frequent incidents. There should be many prison guards here to prevent any incidents out of thin air and stop them in time. However, Ye Feng found that there are only four prison guards in the canteen, one in each corner of the canteen lobby, and they are only equipped with a baton and other weapons.

Moreover, when prisoners arrive at the canteen, they are not as neat as they were when they first came out of the cell, and there are many people jumping in line.

And the Pulsatilla with Ye Feng did not line up, has been walking towards the front of the line, along the way from time to time someone said hello to Pulsatilla.

The Pulsatilla also did not say a word, just nodded slightly, those people looking at the Pulsatilla next to Ye Feng is a raw face, can not help but look at a few more.

Ye Feng has been following the Pulsatilla to the forefront of the team. At this time, he saw a short white man in the front row. Seeing the Pulsatilla, he immediately stepped back, "boss Bai, I'll take a good place for you!"

The Pulsatilla immediately nodded and said to Ye Feng, "here, you are at the back. When you get there, there are only leftovers and fruits left. If you want to eat well, you must be at the front!"

Ye Feng can't help but look back at the words, behind the queue has to fight for the sake of jumping in line, but for the Pulsatilla jumping in line, there is no one nearby to speak, just surprised who is standing beside him.

There were only two or three people in front of them. They soon arrived at Ye Feng and Bai touweng. They passed by the tableware department, picked up a set of tableware respectively, followed the three people in front, and soon arrived at the staple food area.

After all, it's an American prison. The food is still a bit westernized, but there are steamed bread and spaghetti.

Ye Feng asked for a steamed bun and a bowl of noodles. When he went to the front supplementary food area, they were all fried steak and vegetable salad. There were few varieties, and the choice was obvious.

Ye Feng asked for a steak and a vegetable salad, but the Pulsatilla forked the steak on Ye Feng's plate with a fork and put it back to the original place. Facing the humanity standing behind the dishes, "here's a special one!"Ye Feng smell speech brow a wrinkly, this steak still have special offer? Just now the Pulsatilla forked his steak, and he was still surprised. At this time, he saw that the man forked a piece of steak from under the dishes, and his face suddenly moved.

This steak looks like less bone and more meat, and it's twice as big as the one Ye Feng chose. At the same time, it looks better than that one.

The white headed man then said to Ye Feng, "don't look at the things on the table here in the future. You can't see the real good things!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately and nodded, and Pulsatilla way a thanks.

When we got to the fruit area in front of us, there were bananas, apples and oranges on it. But when the people standing there saw that the Pulsatilla had passed, they immediately brought out a fruit platter from below.

The fruit platter is not only washed and cut, but also has more varieties than the surface, such as pineapple, mango and strawberry.

The Pulsatilla handed the fruit platter to Ye Feng and asked him to take it. Then he turned and walked towards the dining table, but he said to Ye Feng, "just a piece of platter, we can't eat more!"

Ye Feng took things to sit in the past, put down the things in his hand, this just toward the Pulsatilla way, "these guards don't care?"

The Pulsatilla looked at the guard standing at the opposite corner, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "they don't care about this. For a little food, they don't want to be enemies with us, and this is the default! Think about it. Who are we holding in Angola? Who came in didn't take a few lives? There's no need to rush us for a little food. If we all unite at that time, even if we can't escape and kill more than a dozen prison guards here, it's not a problem. The people above can't bear it! "

Ye Feng listened to what the Pulsatilla said and nodded. He didn't ask any more. He looked back at the prisoners who were still waiting in line. Several of them, like the Pulsatilla, could get special things. It was estimated that their identities were not simple.

Soon, when several people went to line up, they kept staring at the table of Ye Feng and Bai touweng. The Bai touweng then said to Ye Feng, "those are bull terriers. They are not the same way as us. Don't provoke them!"

Ye Feng frowned at the Pulsatilla and said, "are we afraid of that side?"

The white head Weng immediately said, "it's not afraid. It's the Martian affair last time that caused too much trouble, so the warden gave an order. If one side makes trouble again, it's the other side. So now both sides are restraining. No one is willing to do it first, so as not to cause trouble for their own side!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding when he hears the words. Bai touweng means that the two forces of Martians and bullfighting Terriers are in a truce under the pressure of the warden.

Just thinking about it, the Pulsatilla immediately looked up at Ye Feng and said, "your old friend!"

Ye Feng can't help but follow the eyes of the Pulsatilla to see the past, but he is thinking about what old friends he has here. The only thing Pulsatilla can say about old friends is that he and the polar bear he mentioned.

However, there is a whole line of people in line, Ye Feng is not sure which is the polar bear.

The white headed man then said to Ye Feng, "don't say hello to him. Once you say hello, not only people on our side will think you are very strange, but Bullterrier people will immediately suspect polar bears. At that time, your old friend may be in danger!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding when he hears the speech, but he's in the dark. He wants to say hello to the polar bear and have a talk with him. The problem is that he doesn't know the polar bear at all. He doesn't know who the polar bear is in the whole row there.

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