While he was eating, Planck came over and sat on the side of the Pulsatilla, but the Pulsatilla looked up at Planck and said, "is this where you sit?"

When Planck heard this, he couldn't help but be surprised. He looked at the Pulsatilla in surprise. It turned out that before Ye Feng came, Planck was where the Pulsatilla went. He was almost the Pulsatilla's bodyguard. But after Ye Feng came this year, the Pulsatilla didn't let himself sit with him?

But Planck didn't say anything. He stood up with the plate and sat down in the back seat. However, when he left, he took a fierce look. He didn't remember his hatred to the Pulsatilla, but his hatred to Ye Feng was even worse.

Planck didn't like Ye Feng at all. In fact, he didn't like Ye Feng for any reason. Since he saw Ye Feng for the first time, he felt that he didn't like Ye Feng. Now, with the fact that the Pulsatilla seems to be one of them, Planck is even more upset.

As soon as Planck left, several big men came, all of them with dragon and phoenix patterns. However, tattoos on European and American people are so common that they don't mean anything.

It's just that Ye Feng knows it's not a good fault when he sees these people's eyes. Each one seems to have a story in his eyes, and the tendons on his body know it's a practitioner.

And the most important thing is that Ye Feng can see from the way the Pulsatilla looked at them. The Pulsatilla's attitude towards them is obviously different from that of Planck just now.

As soon as a few people sat down, a bald man looked at Ye Feng, but said to the Pulsatilla, "Pulsatilla, isn't your Valet Planck? Yes? Now I've changed my taste. I'm also interested in yellow people? "

Other people also joked, "yes, Pulsatilla, your taste is more and more special!"

The Pulsatilla shrugged and said, "let me introduce you to some of you. This is the one who has just been put into prison, Jeter Lee!"

After that, he introduced Ye Feng to the big men. The nickname of the bald man was bald man. Another tattoo on his face was Huapi. Another eyebrow was very thick and his lips were very special. He was a bit like a black man, but it was also a white man called Chuanlong, and a short man with curly hair called lion.

Ye Feng nodded to several people one by one. At last, Bai touweng and Ye Feng said, "these are the strongest people under the Martian people, known as the four King Kong!"

Old man Guang said with a smile to the Pulsatilla, "Pulsatilla, don't make fun of us, what four King Kong, we are under the control of the Martians, and our status can't be compared with you!"

Huapi also said with a smile, "you are the Martian's think tank. You are known as the white headed military strategist. Everything Martians do is assigned to us through you!"

The Pulsatilla immediately said with a smile, "don't make fun of me, boss!"

However, the Dragon said with a smile, "don't belittle yourself. What we say is the truth!" Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "what did you come in for, man?"

Before Ye Feng spoke, the Pulsatilla immediately said, "he's the one who killed Brooke!"

A few people smell speech complexion is all move, originally still hippy smile face of, at this time all is a face to look at leaf maple, looked up and down for a while.

The lion who didn't speak all the time looked up at Ye Feng and said, "you are Zhang Wei, the boy who offered a reward and killed you with a million dollars!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, the bald man said, "your life is very valuable!"

Ye Feng shrugged, did not speak, continue to eat.

At this time, the Pulsatilla said to several humanitarians, "now the people on the other side of the Bull Terrier have received the wind. It is estimated that they will attack him soon!"

Baldheaded man smell speech at this time toward a nearby table looked in the past, but saw there are a few people are staring at this side, but did not find the Bull Terrier trace.

Seeing this, the bald man couldn't help saying to the white headed man, "Bull Terrier didn't come to dinner today?"

The Pulsatilla shrugged and said, "I don't see it. I don't know what he's up to!"

At this time, the Dragon said to the bald man, "I heard that bullfighting Terrier is ill. It's in the doctor's room!"

The white head Weng frowned and said, "this boy is as strong as a cow at ordinary times. When did he get sick after so many years? Is he ill at this time? "

Huapi then said with a smile, "don't you know that Martians are going to come out and hide deliberately?"

"No!" said the bald man and the white headed man in one voice

Pulsatilla said, "Bull Terrier is not inferior to Martians. If you fight alone, Martians may not get much advantage. Moreover, this time, Martians have been injured and have been raising Bull Terrier for several months. It's estimated that they haven't raised Bull Terrier well, so it's impossible!"

The bald man snorted, "maybe it's just for this time!"

"What happened this time? What's the matter? "

Baldheaded man smell speech immediately see to leaf maple, immediately toward leaf maple way, "it seems that you will be a trouble!"

The Pulsatilla nodded and said, "yes, he must have told us how to deal with Jeter Lee. That's why he deliberately hid in the medical room, trying to get rid of the relationship with this matter!"Channeling dragon is surprised to see Ye Feng, and then said, "your boy is not small, bullfighting Terrier to kill a person, but also to hide in person, afraid of getting involved?"

The white headed man then said to several people, "maybe he knows that Jeter Lee will become our faction after he comes in, because Jeter Lee is not a native of Louisiana, so this matter naturally has something to do with us, so he will avoid suspicion?"

But the Dragon said, "that's not so much. How many outsiders come in every year? Does everyone have to avoid suspicion in bullfighting? "

But the Pulsatilla said, "every year many outsiders come in, but not every foreigner can have a reward."

When they heard this, they were all silent for a long time.

Channeling dragon looked at Ye Feng at this time, and then said to the Pulsatilla, "Pulsatilla, let's talk about it alone?"

The white headed man's heart moved, and then he took a look at Ye Feng and the bald man. Then he said to Ye Feng, "go to the other table first! I'll have a chat with some of the elders! "

Ye Feng hum a, carry to turn dish to walk to next door a table to sit down, eat meal from the way.

After staring at Ye Feng for a moment, the bald man said to the white headed man, "now that the Martians are not here, bullfighting terriers must have started recently. Once we start, can we help the boy then? If you don't help, you seem to have accepted him, but if you save him, you are bound to have a direct conflict with bullfighting terriers! "

The white headed man frowned at the bald man and said, "what? Are you still afraid of bullfighting people? "

But the bald man snorted, "I'm not afraid of bullfighting terriers. Will I be afraid of their people?" Then he said to the Pulsatilla in a deep voice, "but don't forget, what did the Martians tell us before they went in? Before he comes out, don't have a head-on conflict with bullterriers. He's not afraid that we will suffer losses. Moreover, once a head-on conflict arises, many things can't be controlled. In case of an uncontrollable situation, after the Martians come out, who will bear the blame? "

But Chuanlong kept staring at Ye Feng and said, "if it's for his brother, the Martians will scold him. The big deal is that he's suddenly beaten. It's worth it for his brother. But the boy's origin is unknown. Why do we make a big deal to protect him? What benefits can we get? "

At this time, the white headed man said to the bald man and the dragon, "you all have a point, but the Martians have told us before that we are not the same people as bullfighting terriers. As outsiders, we must naturally unite together. We should try our best to protect all the outsiders who come in, and not let them be bullied by bullfighting terriers. If this time, we will not be bullied by bullfighting terriers We let the Bullterrier kill the boy. Will the outsiders who come in later believe that we can protect them? Don't mention the new ones, even if they are our little brothers, what will they think of us? What do you think of Martians? "

The bald men were all silent. The Martians did say that they were bullied by bullfighting terriers. It was only after the Martians came in that they united them and gradually formed a force that could compete with bullfighting terriers. The main reason why they could unite the outsiders is that It can provide protection for outsiders and prevent them from being bullied by bullfighting and local people.

The lion didn't say a word, but said, "I heard that Brooke is a famous drug lord in Louisiana. None of his men are mortals. I also heard that this boy killed Brooke and killed six bodyguards of Brooke at one time. If this rumor is right, this boy named Jeter Lee is not mortal!"

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