After they finished, they all stared at Ye Feng. While looking at Ye Feng, the Pulsatilla said to them, "in fact, I knew this guy was not a simple person, so that's why I wanted to protect him!"

Then the Pulsatilla immediately added, "and the most important thing is that we don't know the news that Jeter Lee killed Brooke. The warden certainly knows it. You all know what kind of way the warden is. For a man like Jeter Lee, it's impossible to buy him if he doesn't have a million to ten thousand, but you hear that the boy has broken in The activities of three passes? No This shows that the boy is not short of money! "

A few people can't help but look at Ye Feng when they heard that. The bald man then said to him, "what you said is reasonable, but our worry is not unreasonable. No one can guarantee whether he is acting for others, and whether the money is paid by himself or by someone behind him?"

The white headed man frowned at the bald man and said, "what do you mean?"

The lion immediately said, "don't worry about it for the time being. Let the Bullterrier look for him. Let's observe the situation."

The bald man added, "that's right. If he's just a scapegoat, he'll be killed. It's not a pity at all. If it's not, it's estimated that the role of Bullterrier won't be his opponent. If it's serious, it's not too late for us to fight again, is it?"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, the white headed man couldn't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time. Then he nodded and said, "that's reasonable!"

Huapi then said with a smile to the Pulsatilla, "I said Pulsatilla, you may have taken advantage of the Martian's absence recently, and you want to show yourself too much?"

The Pulsatilla looked at the dazzled skin immediately, then hummed coldly, "what do I need to show?"

Huapi then said with a smile to the Pulsatilla, "you know that. Last time, because of your wrong information, li long, who is the most important Martian, died. Li Long is also a yellow man. So you are going to get this Jeter Lee to please the Martians?"

The white headed man's face suddenly moved when he heard this, but the bald man said, "don't mention it any more. It's settled for the time being!"

With that, the bald man immediately stood up, took the plate to one side, put the dirty plate and chopsticks in, and immediately turned around and left.

On the other side, a black man came to help the bald man wash the dishes.

At this time, Huapi and others stood up and walked away with their plates. Just like the bald men, they put the plates directly into the pool. The black man continued to wash them, while the other prisoners could only wash their own plates.

At this time, the Pulsatilla looked back at the four people walking away. When he looked back at Ye Feng, he found that Ye Feng had finished eating and left the table. At this time, there was no trace.

Seeing this, the Pulsatilla immediately stood up and walked towards the pool. As he walked, he looked for Ye Feng, but he saw that Ye Feng was washing dishes not far in front of him.

When the Pulsatilla walked past, Ye Feng had finished washing and walked out of the canteen. Every time after dinner, there was a rest time. There was a barbed wire fence outside the canteen, which was the resting place. At this time, the people who had dinner had gathered there, playing ball, chatting and chatting.

After Ye Feng went out, he also went in directly. The Pulsatilla threw the plate into the pool. Naturally, someone came to help him wash the plate.

But when he just went out, Planck had already come over and said to the Pulsatilla, "boss, this boy is too unruly. He didn't even say hello to you at dinner and left?"

The Pulsatilla couldn't help but look at Planck, and then he said to Planck, "go and follow him, and pay attention to whether the Bull Terrier will trouble him. If you have anything, please report it to me at any time!"

When Planck heard this, he looked at the Pulsatilla and said, "boss, do you mean to ask me to supervise him?"

The Pulsatilla shrugged his shoulders and said, "you can understand it as you like. Anyway, from today on, your task is to watch him, or to supervise him in your meaning. You have to report anything to me!"

Planck can't help but ask the Pulsatilla, "when is the supervision?"

After taking a deep breath, the Pulsatilla said, "just supervise him to be killed by the bull terrier, or he will kill him!"

As soon as Planck heard this, he patted his chest and said, "OK, boss, don't worry. I'll take care of this little thing."

The Pulsatilla nodded, and then walked out of the canteen with Planck, just to see Ye Feng sitting in the stand beside the basketball court not far behind the barbed wire.

The Pulsatilla took a look at Ye Feng, and then said to Planck, "go now, be natural. Don't let him think you are looking at him!"

After Planck said he was relieved, he went in through the door on one side of the barbed wire fence, but the Pulsatilla didn't go. In addition to this mental activity venue, there is also a leisure room in which you can play poker, chess, billiards and other entertainment items. However, ordinary Angolan prisoners can't get into this kind of place, they only have to go to Pulsatilla and go to it Only the big guys like them can go in. Naturally, a few big guys from bullfighting Terrier can also go in.In the past, for the right to use this leisure area, Martians and bullterriers fought each other more than once. Originally, the warden was also in charge of it. Only once did the state leadership come to inspect it. On the same day, there was a fight. The warden was severely punished and almost removed. Since then, in order to prevent this kind of thing from happening again, the warden went to the sports rest ground At the other end, he found an empty room, cleaned it up, and built another rest area. Anyway, a few tables and a few sets of playing cards are not worth much money. In this way, he effectively stopped the direct collision between the high-level forces of the two sides, and indeed avoided many direct conflicts.

Planck quickly walked into the playground and sat on the stand at the other end of the basketball court, staring at Ye Feng.

But see Ye Feng is sitting over there staring at the basketball court players, also don't know what to look at, it seems that is to appreciate others playing.

At this time, in addition to Planck, a group of people were staring at Ye Feng near the table tennis table, and they seemed to be whispering something.

In the rest room at the other end, several people are standing in front of the huge landing window, and their eyes also fall on Ye Feng.

One of them, with long yellow curly hair, said to the man on one side, "do you bet that this boy will survive today?"

Another short, bald man said, "who did you send?"

And yellow curly said, "it's a polar bear!"

The bald fat man couldn't help saying, "polar bear? How can you send this boy? I heard that bullfighting Terrier is doubting this boy! "

Huang curly hair shrugged his shoulders and said, "sending him means bullfighting terrier. Bullfighting Terrier doesn't say the reason, but according to my estimation, it's because he suspects this boy that he sends this boy. If he does it, it means he has no problem. If he doesn't do it, it's just to solve both at once. Isn't it killing two birds with one stone?"

The short fat man with a bald head could not help laughing when he heard the speech, "bullfighting Terrier is really unique! I didn't expect that! "

Yellow curly said with a sneer, "but I don't know if this polar bear's skill is the opponent of this guy!"

"I heard that this polar bear was a retired special forces soldier and killed a lot of people when he came in. His skill should not be too bad!" he said

Just as he was saying that, he said, "look, the polar bear has gone towards the boy!"

Seeing this, he immediately followed the Yellow curly hair's eyes and saw a strong man walking towards Ye Feng near the table tennis table.

At this time, Ye Feng also noticed that a strong man was coming towards him. His brow immediately wrinkled, but he saw that the man was staring at himself. He immediately knew what the other person's purpose was.

The person to his face before and after, directly a brisk step toward Ye Feng rushed up, all of a sudden jumped on Ye Feng's body.

Ye Feng has been ready for a long time. At the moment when the other side pours on him, he immediately avoids and makes the man pounce on the air.

Ye Feng didn't give the man the chance to get up, so he jumped directly on the strong man, and with one hand he held the man's neck, with the other hand he grabbed his hair and knocked on the edge of the grandstand steps.

However, that person seems to be not an ordinary person. As soon as Ye Feng pressed him, he immediately began to exert himself on his neck. His whole neck became thick, and his veins began to show up. He was not pressed down by Ye Feng.

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