And just when Ye Feng and the man in front of him were fighting, all the people around him stopped their work and surrounded them one after another. There were still many people making noise on one side.

On the second floor of the rest room on the other side, the white headed man and the bald man were standing at the window, looking at the scene in front of them. The white headed man said, "I'll say this guy is not simple, right?"

At this time, the bald man pondered, squinting at Ye Feng on the sports ground downstairs. He was fighting with another strong man, but he murmured, "polar bear? It's said that bullfighting Terrier has been doubting this boy? How could he have been sent out? "

As soon as the Pulsatilla heard this, his face suddenly changed. Just now, it happened so suddenly that they didn't expect that the Bullterrier would start to fight so soon, so they didn't pay attention to Ye Feng when they entered the rest room. They only noticed this when they heard the noise from someone outside. When they came to see it, they only saw that the polar bear was pressed by Ye Feng, strangling his neck and pressing his head to the platform I didn't notice who it was.

At this time, listening to the bald man, the white headed man walked towards the window. When he saw the face of the polar bear, he couldn't help but move. A word stuck in his throat.

Ye Feng said that he and the polar bear are old acquaintances. How could the polar bear do this? Is there something you don't know?

The white headed man frowned and pondered in his heart. He didn't understand the relationship between Ye Feng and the polar bear, but there was also a possibility that the bullfighting Terrier forced the polar bear to fight, and it was not rumored that the bullfighting Terrier always doubted the polar bear. In order to show loyalty to the bullfighting Terrier, the polar bear had such a scene?

The specific reason is not clear. Now he does not dare to talk much. Whether this scene is the duet of Ye Feng and polar bear or not will be known by looking at it.

At this time, Ye Feng and polar bear are still consuming. The most important thing is that Ye Feng doesn't know polar bear at all, so it's impossible for him to know that polar bear is under his body, and polar bear doesn't know if ye Feng doesn't know.

Ye Feng thinks that his strength is not small. He can't hold down the head of the polar bear. He didn't expect that the strength on the neck of the bear is so strong.

However, although it was only the first time, and just one round, Ye Feng also saw that the skill of polar bear was not simple, it was definitely a trainer.

Just now this polar bear came from the front. If it was a surprise attack from the back, maybe now the situation will be completely reversed. It may be the bear who was pressed under his body and strangled his neck.

Ye Feng immediately changed his strategy, but his strength can't be dispersed. He knows that people like polar bears learn killing skills. Once they give each other a chance, they may become passive after they seize it.

At this time, Planck also crowded in the crowd to watch. He saw that the polar bear was pressed by Ye Feng and couldn't move. He was worried about the polar bear unconsciously. In his heart, he was still saying, "polar bear, polar bear, aren't you very capable? Why can't you even pay for a little Jeter Lee?"?

On the second floor of the rest room opposite, the Yellow curly hair and the short fat man with a bald head are also looking at the scene in front of them. When they see Ye Feng and the polar bear are entangled, they can't help but frown. They all know how powerful the polar bear is.

But what they never thought was that Ye Feng was able to suppress the polar bear after the polar bear suddenly got angry, which shows that Ye Feng is absolutely not simple.

The most important thing is that Westerners evaluate a person's strength mainly by strength and size. Why a polar bear is called a polar bear is because his size is the same as that of a polar bear and his strength is incomparable.

Compared with the polar bear, Ye Feng is just like a little raccoon, but unexpectedly, the little raccoon presses the polar bear under its body and presses its head, which makes the polar bear unable to get up for a long time. This is completely beyond the expectation of the bald, short and fat man and the yellow curly hair.

At this time, Ye Feng also saw that the strength of the polar bear was greater than himself, and he could suppress the polar bear. In addition to his strength, another main reason was that he not only strangled his neck, but also pressed his hand on the back of his head, and also buckled the acupoints of the polar bear.

However, the skin and fat on the head of polar bear, a European and American brain, is thicker than that of ordinary people. Although the acupoints have not changed, the effect is not as good as that of dealing with other people.

At this time, Ye Feng is thinking about changing his moves and fighting ideas. At the same time, the polar bear also has the same idea. When he was asked to deal with an oriental little man, he didn't think of anything else. It's not worth mentioning at all.

It happened that bullfighting Terrier had been doubting himself. This time, it was the best time for him to prove himself to bullfighting Terrier, so he agreed without thinking about it.

In fact, when eating in the canteen, someone pointed out Ye Feng to him. When he saw Ye Feng at that time, the polar bear was confident that he could pay Ye Feng within three or five moves at most.

So the polar bear didn't use the method of back attack, but directly in front of Ye Feng, but the result was completely unexpected. Unexpectedly, the Oriental little man not only moved fast, but also had strong explosive power. After he threw himself into the air, he immediately restrained himself, and the thin arm and thin leg could hold him down I can't lift my head for a while.Polar bears know that at this time, at the window of the rest area, the two most effective men of bullfighting Terrier, Huang curly hair and the short fat man with bald head, must be watching their every move, and they will see all their actions clearly.

At this time, Ye Feng released his hand and jumped back. He knew that there was no chance for him to spend so much time with the polar bear. This guy was thick skinned. Even if he rode on his back and gave him a few punches, it would have no effect on him. It's not like fighting again. Just now, the polar bear suddenly jumped at him and he didn't have time to observe He, now everything starts from the beginning. If he carefully observes the polar bear himself, maybe he can find his weakness in him.

As soon as Ye Feng jumped away, the polar bear stood up and instinctively stretched out his fist to sweep behind him. However, Ye Feng had already avoided, and his fists were all empty.

When the polar bear turned around, he saw that Ye Feng was standing not far away from him, still and quietly looking at himself.

See Ye Feng so, polar bear also put away his despise enemy mentality, he seems to recognize the reality, a few moves is impossible to deal with Ye Feng.

When Ye Feng is looking at the polar bear, the polar bear is also looking at Ye Feng again. This Oriental little man is completely beyond his expectation. He must treat him as a person like them in the West.

At this time, outside the barbed wire fence, several prison guards came in, but they didn't mean to stop them. Instead, they squeezed into the crowd, lit cigarettes on each other, and looked at the scene in front of them with excited faces.

Since the warden began to collect money and decided whether to let the new inmates break through the three levels according to their personality, they lost a lot of fun. In addition, after the last battle between the Martians and bullfighting terriers, the Martians were locked up and bullfighting terriers kept a low profile. There has been no such scene for a long time.

The prisoners who watched seemed to be familiar with the prison guards. Some of them even squatted on the ground and began to draw circles on the ground with branches, shouting for people to bet, and even asked the prison guards to come and bet together.

The C.O. went over and took out a pack of cigarettes, threw it into the polar bear circle and said, "I bet the polar bear wins!"

Another C.O. hesitated for a long time and said to the C.O. who had bet before, "polar bear is powerful, but didn't you see just now that the new one can hold the polar bear down and don't let him get up. I don't think he is an ordinary person!"

After smoking a cigarette, he took a look at Ye Feng and the polar bear, took a deep breath, and threw a package of flue toward Ye Feng's circle, "I'm the new kid!"

When Planck saw this, he went to join in the fun and advised the prison guard who bet on Ye Feng, "that's the carelessness of the polar bear. Now you see they're going to start again, sir. I advise you to change your bet on the polar bear, or you'll lose soon!" Then he took out a few cigarettes and put them on the polar bear's side.

The prison guard who was holding Ye Feng took a look at Planck and immediately sneered, "aren't you a Pulsatilla man? Polar bear is a bullfighting Terrier man. If you don't deal with him, you will take him back?"

But Planck shrugged his shoulders and said, "if you don't pay, you can't deal with it. Gambling is gambling. I can't know that if I want to lose, I have to bet wrong. It's not the same thing!"

The C.O. laughed and said, "if I don't change, I'll detain this smelly boy. Isn't it just a pack of cigarettes?"

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