At this time, Ye Feng is concentrating on looking at the polar bear. In addition, there is a loud noise coming out of his ears.

Polar bear is also staring at Ye Feng at this time. In order to prove himself to bullfighting Terrier, he has already killed Ye Feng. Anyway, there is no death penalty, and it is impossible to go out here all his life. It is not a problem for them to kill one more person.

And Ye Feng's skill is beyond his expectation, and it also arouses the fighting spirit of polar bear.

Polar bear looking at Ye Feng is staring at himself, know that he and his power gap is too big, must be looking for his own weakness.

Polar bears know that the Oriental people are known for their agility. They can't give Ye Feng too much observation time. They have to use the fastest time to knock each other down. In this way, their strength advantage is still there. As long as they delay one second more, their advantage will be less.

Thinking of this, the polar bear immediately rushed up to Ye Feng, opened his hands, leaned forward, trying to lower his gravity point, keeping his balance and killing a large area.

Ye Feng saw that the polar bear rushed towards him. His open hands were like eagles holding both hands. He completely dodged from left to right and blocked the space he could escape.

Although the polar bear is big, it's not slow. In the blink of an eye, it's in front of Ye Feng. In addition to preventing Ye Feng from dodging, it can also form a encirclement.

Before and after Ye Feng's face, Ye Feng didn't want to get out of the way. That's better for polar bear. He just closed his arms. As long as Ye Feng was held in his arms, he would not let go. With his own strength, as long as his hands were together, ye Feng could be strangled alive with his own strength.

Ye Feng looked at the white polar bear with open arms to hold himself, he immediately stretched out his hand, a grasp of the polar bear's hand.

Polar bear did not expect that Ye Feng not only did not escape, but also took the initiative to pull his hand. He was still secretly glad that although he planned to strangle Ye Feng in his arms, he knew that it was only his wishful thinking, and Ye Feng would never wait to die.

But when Ye Feng takes the initiative to grasp his hand, the polar bear thinks that this is also his chance. He wants to take advantage of Ye Feng's grasp and at the same time, he also wants to counter Ye Feng's hand. As long as he can grasp Ye Feng's hand, Ye Feng will not want to escape.

However, Ye Feng's hand is just like oil spilled. No matter how much he wants to grab his hand, he feels that Ye Feng's hand is just like loach, slippery and not lost, completely out of his control.

And Ye Feng's hand, at this time, forced to pull back, while the polar bear's body was moving forward, immediately pushed his hand back. Suddenly, the polar bear felt a sharp pain in his wrist, and could not help humming.

While Ye Feng was humming, he immediately tried his best to pull the polar bear over. At the same time, his whole body soared up, his legs bent slightly, his knees advanced, and immediately hit the polar bear's jaw.

Suddenly, the polar bear felt as if his chin was about to be broken by Ye Feng's knee, and this was not over. Ye Feng was about to fall down, and his other hand directly strangled the back of his head. Taking advantage of the situation, he rode directly along his neck, and his legs firmly clamped the polar bear's neck.

At this time, Ye Feng's whole body began to fall back. His back was completely close to the back of the polar bear, and his hands were on the ground. Taking advantage of the moment when his hands were on the ground, he concentrated all his strength on the leg of the polar bear's neck. With a twist, the polar bear could not take precautions, and his mountain like body fell to the ground in an instant.

Even at this time, Ye Feng did not stop moving. At the moment when the polar bear fell to the ground, his legs were still tightly around the neck of the polar bear. At the same time, he grasped the hands of the polar bear with both hands. He pushed and pulled hard. His fingers took advantage of the situation to hold the acupoints on the wrist of the polar bear. With a strong press, the polar bear immediately felt that his arms were not on his own The shoulder of oneself is the same, ache also can't say ache, it is to have no consciousness completely general.

Ye Feng immediately turned over on the polar bear. When he exerted his strength on his legs again, he actually picked up the polar bear directly from the ground and threw his body into the air. After falling on the ground with a bang, Ye Feng immediately released his legs and rushed up. He sat on the back of the polar bear and put his left hand on the neck of the polar bear He grabbed the polar bear's hair with his right hand and pulled it back to form the same posture as at the beginning.

However, all this only happened in less than a minute. The people who were still making noise at the scene had already looked silly and completely forgot to shout and make noise again.

However, on the second floor of the rest area on one side, the Yellow curly hair was carrying a cigarette in his mouth. At this time, the old man with his mouth open dropped the cigarette directly on the ground.

The baldheaded, short and fat man is also at a loss. I feel that what happened just now is like watching an action movie. The key is that the movie still lets you see exactly one move. However, Ye Feng didn't see the process of subduing the polar bear at all. It seems that Ye Feng is playing with the polar bear like a monkey. The polar bear has endless strength, but it's still very weak There's no chance to fight back.Polar bear what force value, yellow curly hair and baldheaded short fat man is the most clear, even if it may not be Ye Feng's opponent, but it is impossible to completely do not have the ability to fight back, but the fact is in front of them, let them have to admit.

On the second floor of the opposite rest area, the Pulsatilla and the bald man are also watching. Polar bears often have conflicts with people on their side. In the past, polar bears used to kill people on their side, but now polar bears are killed by people, and they can't move when they are pressed on the ground. It's a bit beyond their imagination.

The Pulsatilla also felt that Ye Feng and the polar bear agreed that the polar bear deliberately lost to Ye Feng, but at this time, Ye Feng strangled the polar bear's neck, and the veins on the nale's arm were bulging, and the polar bear blushed and the neck was thick. He didn't want to be faking. Ye Feng really wanted the life of the polar bear.

In the crowd, Planck's eyes were wide open. At first, he didn't believe that Ye Feng, the Oriental little man, had any ability. However, when he saw this scene, Planck couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. He thought that the Pulsatilla told him not to offend him. At that time, he was not angry. Now, it seems that the Pulsatilla has foresight, his ability and polar bear There's no way to compare. Polar bear is paid by Ye Feng, but he estimates that he can't do it.

At this time, the prison guard who bought Ye Feng said with a smile, "this boy is really not simple!" Then he reached for the cigarette on the floor.

Another C.O. blocked his hand and said, "it's not over yet. The polar bear is not dead yet. It's not the end of the game."

Then he immediately yelled at the polar bear, "polar bear, are you so useless? Get up for me... "

With a cry from the prison guard, people around responded and immediately began to shout, "polar bear, get up..."

Ye Feng then heard these people calling the name of the polar bear, his heart suddenly moved, the original attack on their goods is the polar bear?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng's hand around the polar bear's neck relaxed a little. Then he leaned forward to the polar bear's ear and said, "are you a polar bear?"

The polar bear had a little chance to breathe, and immediately gasped, thinking about how to get Ye Feng off his back.

At this time, Ye Feng continued to say in the polar bear's ear, "Tom!"

Polar bear smell speech brow a wrinkly, leaf maple what meaning, he completely don't understand.

Ye Feng saw that the polar bear couldn't understand what he said, so he thought that Tom's name might not be his real name, or it wasn't the name he used when he contacted the polar bear.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said in the ear of the polar bear, "Heaven's way! Monica! Do you understand? "

As soon as the polar bear heard this, his face moved slightly. Then he said in a deep voice, "are you here to save Monica?"

Listening to the polar bear saying this, I was relieved. I was really afraid that there were two polar bears in the prison. Then I and the polar bear at the moment said this, didn't I expose my purpose?

But listening to the polar bear say so, Ye Feng know that he did not find the wrong person, immediately released his hand, and then stood up.

Seeing this, the polar bear turned over, lay on the ground and looked at Ye Feng breathlessly. After his face moved slightly, he sat up and said, "I lost!"

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