When people saw the polar bear admit defeat, they couldn't help looking at each other. Planck said directly to the polar bear, "shit, I said polar bear, are you really fake? That's the way to admit defeat? "

The polar bear's face moved slightly, and his eyes glanced at the second floor window of the rest area. He saw that the bald, short and fat man and the Yellow curly hair were staring at him. After a slight sigh, he said, "if you lose, you lose. What's the truth?"

Ye Feng then stretched out his hand toward the polar bear, looking at the polar bear, but the polar bear patted Ye Feng's hand, but did not let Ye Feng pull himself up. Instead, he stood up and looked at Ye Feng. The corner of his eye moved slightly. After glancing at Ye Feng, he walked away.

When people saw that the polar bear had gone away, the defeat was irreparable. They immediately complained and scolded that the polar bear had caused them to lose cigarettes.

The only one who won was the C.O. who bought Ye Feng and grabbed all the cigarettes on the ground with a smile. Cigarettes were not worth money to him at all, but for prisoners, that's two things. They often sold cigarettes to prisoners. A box of cigarettes with only a few dollars was in their hands, and each one was ten dollars. Sometimes it was more than their death salary in prison How many times more.

Generally speaking, the warden turns a blind eye to these things. After all, many people know the benefits that the warden receives from the prisoners. If he hinders the people below to get rich, it's hard to guarantee that someone will poke his affairs out. Only when everyone gets rich together is the best result.

The prison guard just took in the cigarettes and sold them to the prisoners. The prisoners in Angola prison have no money. They still have some wages when they go to work every day. Although it's not too high, they can afford one or two cigarettes a day.

At this time, on the other side of the lounge upstairs, the white headed man and the bald man also looked surprised. Ye Feng's skill is so quick that he solved the polar bear with just a few moves. It is estimated that only Martians and bullfighting terriers can match him?

"It seems that this boy really has some skills, which proves that Brooke was killed by this boy himself!"

The Pulsatilla nodded and said, "that is to say, we must draw this boy to our side, otherwise if he and bullfighting Terrier are on the other side, he will be our more difficult opponent in the future!"

Huapi shrugged and said, "I'm rather worried about polar bears. That guy has not been trusted by bullfighting terriers. This time, he was asked to solve Jeter Lee, but he was solved by others. It's estimated that the days after bullfighting terriers will be even worse!"

The white headed man looked at them and took a deep breath before he said, "now, are you still against me wooing Jeter Lee?"

After hearing the words, the three people looked at each other. Huapi and Chuanlong shrugged and went downstairs. The bald man said to the white headed man, "do as you originally thought."

When the bald man finished, he immediately went downstairs. Only the lion came up to the white headed man and said in a deep voice, "you can win him over, but I think this boy is rebellious. He doesn't have to live under others. You should be more careful yourself!"

Lion said immediately also went downstairs, leaving only the Pulsatilla standing in the window looking at the downstairs, staring at Ye Feng after a moment, also immediately went downstairs.

After waiting for the Pulsatilla to go downstairs, Ye Feng was standing in front of the barbed wire on the other side of the rest area, staring at another rest and sports area more than ten meters away.

The anemone walked toward Ye Feng. Planck came over at this time and said to the anemone, "boss, this guy should have won the polar bear by luck, right? Or the polar bear is always suspected by the bullfighting Terrier, so deliberately releasing water is to make the bullfighting Terrier unhappy

But the Pulsatilla said to Planck, "Planck, sometimes it's his own advantage to admit that others are better than himself!" Then he patted Planck on the shoulder, no longer talking to him, and walked directly towards Ye Feng.

As he walked, the Pulsatilla took out his cigarette and immediately handed it to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng is staring at the other end to see, see Pulsatilla to his cigarette, this just looked at Pulsatilla, then took the cigarette in his mouth.

While the Pulsatilla lit the cigarette, Ye Feng followed Ye Feng's eyes and looked at the barbed wire fence in another rest and sports area. He said, "do you like any girl? If you like it, you can tell me that I'll help you with it! "

After taking a cigarette, Ye Feng stares over there and scolds Virgil in his heart. He comes to help him save his sister, but he doesn't even show himself a picture of his sister. The rest area over there is obviously a women's rest area. Ye Feng looks at several people and doesn't find anyone like Monica.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said with a smile, "I don't have this hobby!"

But the Pulsatilla patted Ye Feng with a smile and said, "that's because you didn't come in very long. After a while, when you can't stand it, you can see that all the female prisoners over there will be beautiful! Don't worry about it. In a word, if you need anything, just tell me and I'll take care of it for you! "At this time, Ye Feng said to the Pulsatilla, "can you get the female prisoners over there?"

The white headed man shrugged his shoulders to Ye Feng and said, "it's a small matter. I can tell you so. As long as you like anyone over there, I can handle it..." Then he added, "except for one, you can't think about it, let alone touch it. Everything else is OK!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the brow can't help a wrinkly way, "in addition to have a?"

The Pulsatilla immediately said to Ye Feng, "that's what the Martians like. It's said that the bullfighting Terrier also likes it. So if you offend that woman, not only the Martians will not let you go, but also the bullfighting Terrier will be furious!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move, mouth but a smile way, "I even if have this thief heart thief gall, this male and female prisoners are separate, I also have no chance to contact!"

But the Pulsatilla said, "on Sundays, there are several hours of contact. There is a rule in Angola that on Sundays, male and female prisoners can have common activities in a canteen and a rest and sports place."

Ye Feng smell speech facial expression tiny move tunnel, "isn't that disorderly set up?"? There are a lot of people here who have been locked up here for several years or more. In your words, they all look beautiful. If they come into contact with each other, what's more? "

The white headed man then said with a smile to Ye Feng, "you think too much. Even if you have ideas, no one dares to do anything. The warden has given death orders. If anyone dares to do anything to female prisoners on that day, there is no place to die!"

Ye Feng can't help but wonder, "what's the significance of collective activities?"

After taking a puff of cigarette, the Pulsatilla said with a smile to Ye Feng, "don't you understand?" Said slowly spit out smoke, this just and Ye Feng explained, "is to let you meet, but want to eat but can't eat, this time warden can rely on this to earn money!"

On hearing this, Ye Feng suddenly said, "what do you mean..."

The Pulsatilla immediately shrugged his shoulders with a smile and said, "yes, the so-called collective activities are just social gatherings. You can tell the warden who you like at that time, and the warden will help you solve it! Of course, it costs money! So if you force yourself to solve this problem, it is tantamount to destroying the warden's way of making money. How can he let this happen? "

Said the Pulsatilla deeply smoked a cigarette way, "but this is not happened, a guy fell in love with a female prisoner, directly dragged people to the lounge. Violent!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "what happened later?"

The Pulsatilla smoked a cigarette. He looked at the wall in the distance and said to Ye Feng in his mouth, "later, that guy was over there. He was dismembered by a group of crocodiles in the bathtub not far away from the outside. On that day, both men and women prisoners stood nearby to watch how he died!"

Ye Feng heard here, can't help heart next move, for a long time did not speak.

At this time, the Pulsatilla sighed, "so since then, no one has ever dared to do this again. It can be solved with money, but it's not worth changing. Don't you think so?"

Ye Feng then said to the white headed man, "do you think the warden can arrange the female prisoner who is favored by Martians and bullfighting terriers?"

On hearing this, the Pulsatilla couldn't help looking at Ye Feng, and then said in a low voice, "then he doesn't dare. After all, the two big men in Angola like it. Even if the warden dares to arrange it, who dares to buy it? Why not

Ye Feng can't help asking the Pulsatilla, "what's the name of this female prisoner?"

But the Pulsatilla looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "you won't be really interested in her, will you? I tell you, don't even think about it! "

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