The Pulsatilla said, patting Ye Feng on the shoulder, and said to Ye Feng in a deep voice, "from now on, you are a member of our foreign help. You can come to me for anything!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning and looking at the white headed man. In fact, his heart is like a mirror. From the time he was in the canteen, some bald men deliberately set themselves apart, Ye Feng understood.

They began to distrust themselves, and they didn't believe in their abilities, so they wanted to test themselves with the help of the bull terrier, who wanted to assassinate themselves.

Just now, the battle between himself and the polar bears has proved his strength to the Martians. So the Pulsatilla has come out to appease himself immediately since he didn't show up.

Seeing Ye Feng frowning and looking at himself, the white headed man immediately said with a smile, "I know what you are thinking. Just now, in the canteen, we deliberately set you apart. There is no other meaning. We are mainly..."

Ye Feng did not wait for the Pulsatilla to finish, immediately interrupted the Pulsatilla's words, "I understand, this kind of thing does not need to explain too much with me! I'm an ordinary person, and I don't deserve your attention! "

The Pulsatilla patted Ye Feng on the shoulder and said, "don't belittle yourself. As we all know, the prisoners who come into Angola don't leave. In the future, we will spend the rest of our lives here. For people like us, Angola is all we will have in the future, so to survive here, we must respect the rules here, and of course we must have this spirit My friend in the house

Ye Feng looked at the Pulsatilla and said with a smile, "are we friends?"

The white head Weng hears a speech to be stunned, immediately a shrug shoulder, smile a way, "now don't calculate is, but sooner or later will be!"

Ye Feng smokes a cigarette and stares at the prisoner. He doesn't expect to stay here all his life or make friends here. He has another purpose here.

But so far, in Angola, we can only talk about the rescue of Monica with polar bears. However, as far as the current situation is concerned, polar bears and themselves are not in the same strength range. It is estimated that it is difficult to have a pleasant conversation with polar bears.

At this time, Ye Feng thought, do you want to go to the Bull Terrier camp first, so that you can be in the same camp with the polar bear.

Anyway, for Ye Feng, it's impossible to make intimate friends in Angola. For him, these people are not worth making at all. There's no face at all.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng secretly said that this method is feasible, but if you don't take the risk to go there directly, it's estimated that the people on the bullfighting Terrier side will not believe in themselves, and there is also such a problem, that is, the bullfighting Terrier side has received Zhang Wei's chase order, and wants his own life. This is the most important thing. It's impossible to change this problem if you go there.

At present, for Ye Feng, any problem is not a problem, but there is no solution to this problem. After all, it is a fact that he killed Brooke. Although Zhang Wei may not dare to write about himself, it is reasonable to kill himself for the sake of his brothers.

So now, there is no choice to choose the power of the Martians. If so, it's better to think about it in a different way. Can the polar bear take refuge with the Martians?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at the Pulsatilla and said, "how much do you know about polar bears?"

The white head Weng smell speech complexion slightly move ground looking at leaf maple way, "this problem I also want to ask you, just now you and polar bear fight, is how to return a responsibility?"? Didn't you say you were friends with him? "

Ye Feng understood the meaning of the Pulsatilla, and then said, "the polar bear should be the one sent to kill me by the bullfighting Terrier! He's killing me

In fact, just now Ye Feng and polar bear fight in his eyes, completely can not see the two people are cheating, polar bear really want Ye Feng's life.

Thinking of this, the Pulsatilla said to Ye Feng, "Bull Terrier people have always suspected polar bears! So if I don't make a mistake, I'll let the polar bear kill you this time. The main purpose is to see if the polar bear really has two hearts for him! "

On hearing this, Ye Feng frowned at the Pulsatilla and said, "why do you suspect polar bears? What did he do? "

The Pulsatilla shrugged and said, "we are not particularly clear about the situation over there, but according to my limited sources, it should be related to the polar bear and Martian chatting alone once!"

Ye Feng can't help but look at the white headed man and say, "have polar bears and Martians talked alone?"

The white headed man shrugged his shoulders and said, "I have chatted, but no one knows what I have talked about. The Martians didn't tell us, and the polar bear didn't tell bullfighting terrier. That's why bullfighting Terrier doubted him!"

At this point, after taking a puff of his cigarette, the Pulsatilla lowered his voice and said, "according to my guess, this is probably a deliberate move made by the Martians!"

Ye Feng listened to Pulsatilla say, can't help staring at Pulsatilla look, "you mean, Martians deliberately plot against polar bears? Even if there's no rebellion, it's intentional to let bullfighting Terrier suspect polar bear? Is it worth it? "But the Pulsatilla said to Ye Feng, "it's worth it! Polar bear is not only the top hitter on the Bullterrier side, but also his seniority here is older than Bullterrier and bear people. He knows a lot of unknown things in Angolan prison! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng can't help but think of what Tom said to himself before. He told him to contact the polar bear after he entered Angola. He said that there was nothing polar bear didn't know in the Angolan prison. He was known as the know it all in Angola. It seems that this is true.

However, Ye Feng still looked at the Pulsatilla curiously and said, "polar bear is so old. Why didn't he become the boss himself? Instead, he became a member of bullfighting Terrier?"

The white headed man shrugged his shoulders and said, "this is not clear. Maybe it has something to do with the character of the polar bear. He is usually silent and not good at communicating with people, so after so many years, he has not become the boss."

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng looked at the Pulsatilla and said, "have you ever thought about bringing the polar bear over?"

The Pulsatilla immediately sighed, "Martians have thought about this, but polar bear is a native of Louisiana, and we will be excluded here. Moreover, the qualifications of the native faction in Angola are older than those of our foreign faction. Polar bear is the oldest of the native faction. He must be very sad to come!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "but bullfighting Terrier has suspected him!"

The Pulsatilla immediately said, "Bullterrier suspected a person before, and that person disappeared that night, but it's not a day or two for polar bear to be suspected. Do you see anything about him?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng could not help but look at the Pulsatilla. The Pulsatilla patted Ye Feng on the shoulder and said, "the network of relations in Angola is complex. Many things are not as simple as they seem. Moreover, I tell you that besides the local faction and our foreign faction, there are also third-party forces in Angola prison! We call them neutrals! "

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but eyebrow a frown ground looking at the white head Weng way, "neutral faction?"

At this time, the Pulsatilla turned around, looked at a place not far away and said, "do you see that building?"

Hearing the speech, Ye Feng could not help turning around and looking along the eyes of the Pulsatilla, but saw there was an independent red building on the third floor. He could not help nodding and said, "what's that?"

The Pulsatilla immediately said, "the people who live there are extremely serious criminals. Some of them have been locked up for decades. It can be said that when we were still passing on the missing crotch, they had already served their sentences in Angola. They are not only senior, but also have some connection with the Angolan prison. Several wardens have taken good care of them, even the Martians and bullfighting terriers No one dares to do anything to the people in that building? We can see how extraordinary their influence is! "

At this point, the white headed man said to Ye Feng, "your friend polar bear has a different relationship with the people in that building, so no matter how bullfighting Terrier doubts polar bear, he will not do anything to polar bear. So this is the reason why polar bear has lived until now, and also the reason why Martians want to woo him."

Ye Feng can't help staring at the red building. After a long time, he said, "how many wardens have taken care of them? Is it because of the money? "

The Pulsatilla shrugged his shoulders and said, "that building is a taboo for chatting in Angolan prison. No one can talk about that building. Moreover, all activities of prisoners over there are separate canteens, separate places for rest and entertainment, so no one knows about things over there, but Maybe your friend, the polar bear knows! "

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