Listen to Pulsatilla said so, Ye Feng can't help but look at him, did not speak, the last cigarette after smoking, the cigarette ends will be thrown on the ground to stamp out.

At the same time, Ye Feng took a look at the women's prisoner activity area in the distance. Bai touweng looked in his eyes. At this time, he said to Ye Feng, "is there someone you are looking for over there?"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart immediately move, but haven't spoken, suddenly feel behind a burst of murderous attack.

Ye Feng immediately turned his head to see, but saw a black thin little man with a screwdriver in his hand, is murderous toward his side, never, when he turned around, the black thin little man has come to his face, the screwdriver in his hand immediately toward Ye Feng's chest on the past.

While stabbing, the short black man also made a roaring voice, "I want to be a big brother, too!"

However, his driver looked full of strength, and unexpectedly, saw Ye Feng was about to die on the spot, even the white headed man standing on one side of Ye Feng's face changed greatly.

Don't want to at this time, Ye Feng just slightly a side body, let the man's screwdriver from his heart through the past, directly cut his clothes a hole, the screwdriver along Ye Feng's chest, directly toward the front row in the past, all of a sudden tied in the barbed wire.

Ye Feng took advantage of the situation and grabbed the man's arm directly. The other hand pushed up with his backhand. However, with a click, the man's arm was bent in reverse direction. The whole bone of the elbow was pierced out of the skin. The man's face was black and blue. Before he could scream, Ye Feng flew up and kicked the man, bang He crashed into the basketball frame and fainted.

All the people present were covered, including the Pulsatilla. He took a look at the small black man who had fallen to the ground and passed out. When he saw the flesh and bones of his arm, he could not help frowning.

Everyone on the scene can't help but sigh. Although these guys are habitual murderers and arsonists, they feel a pain in their arms when they see that the black thin man's arm is made like that by Ye Feng.

At this time, Ye Feng walks towards the black thin short man under the basketball frame. For those who want their own lives, Ye Feng has never been soft hearted. Moreover, Ye Feng knows that bullfighting Terrier has received Zhang Wei's order to kill him. If he doesn't do something, it will happen more than once.

Before, Ye Feng was ready to kill the polar bear. It was because he heard the name of the polar bear called by others that Ye Feng suddenly stopped and didn't continue. He didn't expect that after he defeated the polar bear, he was not afraid of death. If he didn't give up the idea of these people once and for all, there would be no end to this kind of thing in the future.

Ye Feng went to the basketball frame, did not look at the black thin man, directly grabbed his collar, pulled him up, leaned against the basketball frame, and then kicked the goods knee, suddenly heard the sound of bone fragmentation, this is not over, Ye Feng instant out of the foot, and kicked the goods another knee, just in a flash, that is The person spread to go down again, the knee of both legs had been kicked by Ye Feng comminuted fracture.

People around can't help but look surprised, and even if it's like this, Ye Feng doesn't plan to just let it go. Just as he's about to kick the black skinny guy, he suddenly hears a siren, and then a person shouts, "stop it!"

Ye Feng pauses for a while, but his foot doesn't stop. He still kicks the black skinny man in the neck. However, because he was called by the prison guard just now, after he pauses for a while, he loses a lot of strength, so this kick just kicks the black skinny man down, and doesn't cause any substantial damage.

At this time, the prison guard has rushed to Ye Feng, holding a baton to greet Ye Feng.

Ye Feng at this time a bad breath is in the heart, how can let the prison guard so big, just was hit, just grabbed the baton, want to say hello to the prison guard.

But at this time, the Pulsatilla immediately rushed over, stopped Ye Feng, hugged Ye Feng and said, "calm down, calm down!"

The prison guard is also stunned by Ye Feng's momentum. However, after seeing the Pulsatilla come out and hold Ye Feng, he points to Ye Feng and says, "you are tired of living, aren't you? How dare you attack the police? "

Ye Feng did not speak, the Pulsatilla immediately said in a deep voice, "the crime of assaulting police here is very big, the prison has the right to shoot you directly!"

Ye Feng listen to the Pulsatilla said, this just a long sigh of relief, the baton toward the ground a throw.

Seeing this, the Pulsatilla also sighed with relief, then picked up the baton and handed it to the prison officer. The prison officer took the baton and was about to rush towards Ye Feng, but he was stopped by the Pulsatilla.

The Pulsatilla quickly took out his cigarette and handed it to the C.O. and said with a smile, "Sir, calm down. He was angry just now. He didn't mean to attack the police! Give me a face of Pulsatilla? "

The prison guard wanted to have an attack, but he saw that the Pulsatilla still took out his cigarette and handed it to him. It was not easy to win the Pulsatilla's face, so he had to light his cigarette and said to the Pulsatilla, "this boy obviously doesn't pay attention to us!"The Pulsatilla nodded and said, "you know, he's not new here. He doesn't understand the rules here. Don't worry. This is Ye Feng. He took a look at the Pulsatilla and took a deep breath. Then he nodded and said," I know! " Then he added, "thank you!"

The Pulsatilla patted Ye Feng on the shoulder and said, "I'll be my brother in the future. You're welcome!"

With that, the Pulsatilla turned to the prison officer and said, "well, the prison officer immediately came over, picked up the handcuffs, handcuffed Ye Feng, and pulled him out of the rest area.".

On the way, the prison guard said to Ye Feng, "you are so brave. Do you know who is the one you beat?"

Ye Feng did not say a word, but listen to the prison guard way, "that is the Bull Terrier under the most effective hands of columbi's brother!"

Ye Feng frowned slightly and said, "I don't care if he's columbi's brother or bullfighting terrier's brother. He just wanted my life. I beat him and didn't break his neck directly. It's polite enough!"

The prison guard sneered and said, "it's a miracle that you can survive a week in Angola prison. You wait. You've made a good feud. Next, you'll enjoy a few days in the confinement first, and then wait for you to come out. I don't know how many people are waiting for your life!"

Ye Feng snorted and didn't speak any more. Then he followed the guards to a building and went to a separate cell on the second floor. After opening the door, he untied Ye Feng's handcuffs. Then he let Ye Feng in and locked the iron door.

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