Ye Feng into the confinement room, see the confinement room space is not big, on a bed, behind the bed is a toilet, behind a window, nothing else.

Ye Feng took a look at the situation around him. At this time, he thought, in fact, it's good. Don't bullfighting terriers want to kill themselves? Now they are in the confinement room. These guys can't come here any more!

Ye Feng lay on the bed to rest for a while, anyway, it's time to rest. Ye Feng fell asleep directly on the bed. Anyway, the whole cell was alone, and there was nothing to worry about.

The next morning, Ye Feng heard a sound of music outside the window. After opening his eyes, he looked at the ceiling for a while. Then he sat up and looked at the door. He didn't know if there was any air here. If there was no air, it was estimated that someone would come to deliver food.

Thinking of Ye Feng standing up, he went to the toilet to pee. At this time, he heard a sound outside the window. After he zipped up, he went to the window and looked outside.

Just outside the window, facing a sports ground, behind a circle of barbed wire, a group of female prisoners in prison clothes are running on the sports ground in the morning. Look at the vast team, there are 100 people.

Ye Feng couldn't help staring at the group of women prisoners who were running in the morning. At this time, he heard a whistle coming from one side of the window, and then someone called, "Hello, beauties!"

The female prisoners who ran there in the morning could not help but look this way. A person's face was full of disdain, so they quickly made a detour and ran to the other end of the playground.

At this time, someone knocked on the iron gate. Ye Feng recovered. Looking to the iron gate, he saw a small door opened under the iron gate. A hand came in, put down a lunch box and left. He closed the door again.

Ye Feng knows that it seems that confinement is not allowed to let the wind, and then went to pick up the lunch box on the ground, eating it.

After dinner, Ye Feng put the lunch box on the side of the small door, and then continued to lie in bed in a daze. The so-called closed confinement is to isolate them from the world.

At this time, Ye Feng heard someone knock on the wall beside his bed, and then came a weak voice, "next door, what's your name?"

Ye Feng can't help but frown when he hears the speech. It's like the person who just called beauty in the window, but Ye Feng didn't reply.

Don't want to knock on the wall sound again, "brother, say a word, here, are friends, I first introduce myself, my name is Miyamoto, Japanese American, and you?"

Ye Feng just casually said, "Jack Lee, Chinese American!"

As soon as Miyamoto heard this, he immediately said with a smile, "then we are all Asian Americans, and we can be regarded as fellow townsmen."

Ye Feng hum a, then no longer speak, Palace this see he don't speak, immediately say again, "brother, how do you come in?"

Ye Feng is cold hum a way, "arrived in Angola of, still can how come in, is not all homicide?"

Miyamoto said with a smile, "I didn't kill anyone!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but a burst of surprise, Angola is not all heavy prisoners, this palace didn't kill? Why are you locked in?

Miyamoto listen to Ye Feng did not ask himself, but asked Ye Feng, "why don't you ask me why I came in?"

Ye Feng said coldly, "if you want to say it, say it, if you don't want to say it, don't say it!"

Miyamoto sighed, "man, don't talk so coldly. Maybe we'll still be friends in the future!"

Ye Feng said lightly, "I'm not here to make friends!"

Miyamoto said with a smile, "those who come in here, don't think about going out. It's hard to survive here in Angola without friends!"

Ye Feng was silent again, and Miyamoto immediately said, "well, I tell you, I committed a crime against the country!"

Ye Feng this meeting was really surprised, "crime of endangering the country? To which country? "

Miyamoto said with a smile, "in the United States territory crime, can harm which country?"

Ye Feng then Dynasty Palace this way, "is such words, you also shouldn't be shut in here?"? There are many rooms in the NSA! "

Miyamoto then a smile way, "this is my ability!"

Ye Feng listen to confused, but also not interested in know too much.

Miyamoto said to Yefeng, "what's the reason for coming here to shut down?"

Ye Feng asked Miyamoto, "are you boring here?"

Miyamoto said with a smile, "it's a bit boring. That's why I'm looking for someone to chat with. I haven't been around for a long time. It's rare for me to come here alone. Of course, I have to chat!"

Ye Feng asked Miyamoto, "long time? Have you been locked up for a long time? "

Miyamoto said, "wait a minute, and then he didn't speak for more than ten seconds. Then he said," I counted. I've been here for more than four months! "

Ye Feng is surprised way, "about so long confinement?"

Miyamoto said with a smile, "it depends on what you've done and you've been locked up."Ye Feng asked casually, "then why are you?"

Miyamoto's tone with a bit proud of the way, "because of prison break!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan eyebrows slightly a wrinkle way, "prison break?"? Isn't prison break in Angola the same as death? It's a big deal that you can live and be locked up! "

Miyamoto said with a smile, "the general prison break is of course a near death, or even a ten death without life, but I didn't walk on the ground, I walk underground!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, originally still lie, at this time immediately sit up, surprised way, "underground?"

Miyamoto said with a smile, "of course, you don't know? In fact, there are many underground pipes under the Angolan prison, which lead to the outside. I've dug through them, but my roommates have a high incidence of them, so I failed! I've been here for so long because I'm afraid I'll go back and continue digging. I know the basic pattern of the sewers under the Angolan prison! "

Yefeng listen to Miyamoto said, can't help but good strange way, "you just said you are a crime against the country, what did you do?"

Miyamoto said with a smile, "I rented a house from the street next to the White House and dug a tunnel from the ground to the bottom of the White House."

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but wonder way, "you really can ah, it seems that you are a mouse of ah, so can dig a hole?"? What are you going to do for nothing? "

Miyamoto said, "it's said that there is a basement under the White House. I'm just curious, so I want to go and have a look!"

Ye Feng asked Miyamoto, "then why are you locked up here?"

Miyamoto said with a smile, "my first prison was not here. Later, I broke out and was arrested in Las Vegas, so I was locked up in Las Vegas. Then I broke out again, and then I was locked up in several places in succession. I broke out several times in succession, and finally I was locked up here. Maybe they think Angolan prison is the most difficult one to cross!"

Yefeng listen to Miyamoto so say, can't help but wonder way, "so say, you are still a prison break master ah!"

Miyamoto complacent smile, but listen to Ye Feng said, "you did not think, in fact, they may also want to use you to test the safety of each prison?"

Listening to Ye Feng's words, Miyamoto couldn't help pondering, "why didn't I think of it? It's really possible that, to say, I've spent more than half of the prisons in the United States! "

At this time, Ye Feng pondered, "if so, the palace dug through the underground road before, it seems that the underground road has been dealt with, and then it should be impossible!"

Miyamoto then said to Yefeng, "man, why are you locked up?"

Ye Feng said, "it's nothing. Someone wants to kill me. I've disabled him!"

Miyamoto immediately said with a smile, "brother, you are very cruel. Are you using Chinese martial arts?"

Ye Feng didn't pay attention to Miyamoto, but asked Miyamoto, "it seems that you can't get out this time, and will die in Angola?"

Miyamoto then said with a smile, "if it's what you say, I'll figure out why they want to keep me here for a few months. It's estimated that they are checking the safety of the underground water channel outside. But I'm not worried. As long as I want to go out, I can definitely find a way!"

Ye Feng can't help praising, "you are really a talent!"

Miyamoto said with a smile, "I've been interested in these since childhood!"

Ye Feng then took a deep breath and said, "if you still want to go out and need help, I can help you!"

After hearing the words, Miyamoto said with a smile, "man, you're wrong. If you want to go out, you want to ask me for help!"

Ye Feng smell speech a dismay, it seems that this Palace this is not silly, immediately smile a way, "you not all call me elder brother?"? Don't worry about it, guys! "

On hearing this, Miyamoto said with a smile, "OK, I can help you then, but I just don't know how long I will be locked up here!"

Then he said with a smile, "but after that, I don't want to go out yet!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "don't you want to go out?"

Miyamoto immediately said, "I think I'm in love!"

Ye Feng confused, but listen to the Palace this way, "I now see a girl every day, I may fall in love with her!"

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