Listen to Miyamoto finish, Ye Feng can't help but is surprised, here can fall in love with people? Thinking of this, Ye Feng reminds Miyamoto, "don't forget that the female prisoners here will be sentenced to death in many countries. Do you fall in love with a girl?"

Miyamoto shrugged his shoulders and said, "no one is born a bad man, and everyone has to suffer from a crime! We Asians have a saying that is wrong. To be exact, it should be what you Chinese say. Xiangyouxinsheng is beautiful. She is not evil at first sight. She must have her own difficulties. Besides, I also believe that love can change a person. Even if she is a heinous person, I also believe that I can influence her with my love! "

With that, Miyamoto said with a smile, "don't we just belong to this kind of people? There are several good people who can be locked up in Angola, but they are not good people. Why do you want other people's girls to be good people? It's called congeniality! Even if I can't change her, I'm willing to be changed by her. That's the power of love! "

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but secretly sigh a, this elder brother's disease is not light, but the mouth said, "hope so!"

At this time, Miyamoto said, "come on, now stand at the window and I'll show you. After you see it, you should know that I didn't think much! But you can't continue to take a fancy to her! You have to say ahead of time

Hearing the speech, Ye Feng can't help but get down from the bed, walk to the window behind the bathroom and look out of the window. At this time, the female prisoners outside are moving freely, and many female prisoners are playing there in groups. Ye Feng roughly looks around, but he doesn't find any natural beauty, which makes people want to stop the women after watching.

At this time, Miyamoto said, "do you see the bench behind the basketball shelf?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately began to look for the bench beside the basketball stand mentioned by Miyamoto. He saw a bench. There was a woman sitting there, but she looked very big. It was estimated that she was a small polar bear. Among women, Miyamoto's taste was really unique.

But at this time, Miyamoto said, "do you see the one sitting next to that fat woman?"

Ye Feng smell speech heart can't help but move, originally said is not female version polar bear? He took a closer look and found that there was a woman sitting on one side of the female polar bear, but from his point of view, it was just blocked by an iron bar of the barbed wire. He could only occasionally see the woman's legs, but could not see her body.

Ye Feng changed an angle, also can see half body, but can't see face.

Miyamoto thought Ye Feng had seen it, and immediately asked, "how about it? She looks good. Although she is a westerner, her facial features are as delicate as those of us in the East. If you didn't meet her in Angola prison, you would suspect that she might be a movie star or a model! "

Ye Feng was about to say that he couldn't see it. At this time, he saw the woman standing up and walking to one side.

Miyamoto's voice immediately said excitedly, "do you see that even the walking posture is so graceful! You see her legs are longer than mine... "

Ye Feng saw as like as two peas at this time. The woman in front of her heart was exactly the same as Monica who had met in the virtual world set up by Cao Yihai. The only difference is that Monica in the virtual world is brown hair, and Monica here is pale yellow.

It has to be said that the figure and appearance of Monica, even in prison clothes, are so different. As Miyamoto said, let alone not be in the Angolan prison, even now, if you don't know that Monica is Virgil's sister, you may suspect that she is a female star shooting here.

Miyamoto saw a burst of excitement, did not speak for a long time, then slightly sighed, "unfortunately, I like others, they may not like me!"

Ye Feng then said to the palace, "you haven't been dazzled by love! And even if you like her, she also likes you. What can you do? Can you still take her with you? "

Miyamoto immediately said, "of course, no matter whether she likes me or not, I will try to get her out of here! She is so beautiful that she shouldn't spend the rest of her life here. The colorful life outside belongs to her instead of wasting her youth here! "

Ye as like as two peas in his voice, he is thinking that his purpose here is to take Monica away. The woman is exactly the same as Monica who knows herself in the virtual world. Monica is appointed, and Miyamoto wants to take Monica away. Why not?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to Miyamoto, "in this case, you should make a good plan, how can you take her away from here! And even if you dig a tunnel under the male prisoner, you have to think that she's on the female prisoner's side. How can you take her

Miyamoto can't help nodding, "yes, I just have this idea, but I haven't planned to put it into action yet. If I really want to take her away, I have to make a good plan!"

At this time, Ye Feng can't help asking Miyamoto, "if you are given time without interruption, how long can you dig the tunnel?"

Miyamoto said to Yefeng, "it took me a month before, but now I can't guarantee it. After all, the prison knows that I will dig towards the underground, and it must be arranged in the underground. What's more, they know that I have this ability, and they probably can't release me. I don't know when I will be forbidden here, but fortunately they can see it here The goddess in my heart, otherwise I don't know how to survive these months! "Listen to Miyamoto say so, leaf maple can't help but toward Miyamoto way, "you dig out in this?"

Miyamoto said to Yefeng, "man, this is the second floor. Even if I dig through the ground, it's the first floor! What's more, I have no tools in my hand! I'll tell you the truth, I haven't been out of this iron gate since I was put here in confinement! Moreover, according to the figure of underground pipeline in Angola that I studied, there is no access here. There is only one pipeline leading to the underground in the public toilet on the easternmost first floor, but there are also septic tanks nearby. Can't I dig septic tanks? The best place is on the first floor of the cell building! "

But Ye Feng asked Miyamoto, "didn't you say that the underground passage over there is likely to be blocked?"

Miyamoto said, "the underground passage can't be sealed. Only the ground leading to the underground passage may take some measures. You know, the underground passage in Angola was built decades ago. How can the old one be sealed before there is no new one to replace it?"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "I'll ask you, if you want to escape now, what conditions do you need? I'll see if I can help you meet them!"

Miyamoto said to Yefeng, "first of all, I have to leave the confinement building. Second, I have to live in a cell on the first floor. Finally, I need my roommate's extreme confidentiality and some tools!"

Listening to Miyamoto's words, Ye Feng can't help but move. It seems that it's very simple to list each one separately, but all in all, it's not as simple as it seems. First of all, not to mention whether you can leave the confinement building, even if you can leave, it's a difficult problem to let Miyamoto live in a cell on the first floor. The prison authorities know that Miyamoto will escape from prison, so they have a little brain I won't arrange him on the first floor any more. If it's me, I'll arrange Miyamoto on the top floor directly. I'll see how he digs. I can dig from the top floor one by one.

But Miyamoto said to Yefeng, "how many can you help me achieve?"

After a while of pondering, Ye Feng said, "there should be no problem with the last one!"

Miyamoto is toward Ye Feng a smile way, "so the first two?"

After a moment of silence, Ye Feng said, "have you forgotten what I just said? If the other party deliberately let you escape, then there is absolutely a chance! "

Miyamoto sighed, "maybe it was possible before, but now it's impossible to think about it. If it was possible, I would have been let out, don't you think?"

Ye Feng said to Miyamoto, "well, you are responsible for finding loopholes, while the prison side is responsible for gambling loopholes. You have found a loophole before. It takes a long time for you to find loopholes, not to mention mending loopholes. The time you are imprisoned in the cell is the time they gamble on loopholes. As you said, the underpass under the Angolan prison is full of loopholes It's an old product of several decades ago. It takes manpower, material resources and time to fill this loophole. "

Miyamoto said, "so, I have to wait?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, we can only wait!"

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