Miyamoto heard Ye Feng say so, can't help but sigh, "I have been waiting for several months, thanks to my goddess, otherwise I don't know how to survive these days!"

Ye Feng said to Miyamoto, "think about it, you can still see your goddess now, and as long as you stay up to time, you can take your goddess away from here, day and night! Is it more comfortable to think of this? "

Listening to Ye Feng's words, Miyamoto immediately said with a smile after pondering for a while, "although I know you are just enlightening me, I feel more comfortable when I hear you say that!"

Then Miyamoto knocked on the wall and said to Yefeng, "brother, look at your bedside. Is there a wooden plug?"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but go to the bedside to look at the head of the bed, there is really a wooden plug, and then stretch out his hand to pull the wooden plug, found unexpectedly and opposite is connected.

Just lying on the bed, looking at the room facing Miyamoto from the cave entrance, a hand appeared at the cave entrance. Then he put in a cigarette and lighter and said, "smoke, man!"

Ye Feng see this, immediately take out cigarettes and lighters from the hole, after lighting, this just toward Palace this way a thanks.

Miyamoto said to Yefeng, "by the way, man, how old are you?"

Ye Feng said casually, "nearly thirty!" In fact, he didn't know exactly how big Cao Yihai was. He could only guess roughly according to his appearance.

Miyamoto said to Yefeng, "I'm only twenty-six. Your accent seems to be bigger than me. We'll be brothers in the future. You'll be my elder brother!"

When Ye Feng heard this, he couldn't help laughing bitterly. He said in his heart, "I'm your elder brother. If you can dig a tunnel and take me and Monica out of here, you can be my elder brother.".

But though he thought so, Ye Feng said to Miyamoto, "it doesn't matter who the elder brother is..."

Speaking of this, Ye Feng suddenly thought of a question, can't help asking Miyamoto, "by the way, how long have you been in?"

Miyamoto said, "didn't you say it? I've been locked up for several months..."

Not waiting for Miyamoto to finish, Ye Feng immediately interrupted, "I don't mean closed, I mean, how long have you been transferred to Angola prison?"

Miyamoto said, "it's been more than half a year since I came in! When I first came in, I observed for a few months, and then I began to dig the tunnel. After more than a month, I was told that I was locked up here! "

Ye Feng smell speech immediately ask Palace this way, "that you belong to which influence?"

Miyamoto immediately said with a smile, "Oh, do you want to ask this? I don't belong to the local school or the Foreign Gang! "

Ye Feng smell speech facial expression immediately move a way, "that you are the neutral faction over there of red mansion?"

Miyamoto immediately said, "no, I don't belong to any school!"

Ye Feng was surprised, "how did you survive?"

Miyamoto said with a smile, "because I don't offend either side, and I promise to take a few people with me! I have promises on both sides, so there's no one to deal with me! "

But Ye Feng asked Miyamoto, "if so, why would you be sent?"

As soon as Miyamoto heard this, he immediately said, "that boy has been unhappy with me since I was put into prison, and I didn't say to take him away, so he told on me, but he told on me, and he didn't have any good fruit. I heard that he was beaten half dead by a Bullterrier, and almost lost his life. I don't know whether it's worth it or not!"

Yefeng listen to Miyamoto say so, can't help a while pondering, listen to Miyamoto's words, that is to say Miyamoto and bullfighting Terrier people shut together.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help asking Miyamoto, "have you ever thought about changing the cell?"

Miyamoto said to Yefeng, "do you mean to change a cell with Martian strength? In other words, do you belong to the Martian side? "

Ye Feng sighed, "I shouldn't belong to any force, but bullfighting terriers want to kill me now. I have no choice!"

But Miyamoto was surprised and said, "why would bullfighting Terrier kill you? How did you offend him? "

Ye Feng then said to Miyamoto, "not to mention offending, I killed a man to come in, that man's younger brother gave bullfighting Terrier a reward order, killing me can get a million!"

But Miyamoto pondered, "a million? Your life is worth a lot of money. No wonder bullfighting Terriers are killing you! "

With that, Miyamoto immediately said to Yefeng, "do you want me to help you talk to bullfighting Terrier?"

But Ye Feng was surprised, "can you talk to bullfighting Terrier?"

Miyamoto immediately said, "I just said that. I promised bullfighting Terriers and Martians that if they dug through, they would take them away! They also ask for me, so I may have some say in it! "

But Ye Feng said to Miyamoto, "even so, why do you want to help me? We just met! Do you know who I am? "

Miyamoto said to Yefeng with a smile, "who are you? For me, it doesn't make any difference. I just haven't heard anyone next door for a long time, and you have said so many words with me. I feel a little kind. Besides, don't you want me to take you away? Anyway, after integrating various factors, I feel that you are OK, and I don't plan to continue to make friends with you after going out. It's all when I'm chatting with you these days. Besides, if I find that you are not good after chatting with you these days, I will forget to remember this after I go out. You can rest assured! In Angolan prison, no one can always believe it. This is my experience. I will tell you that even if I promise to take you away now, maybe I will break my appointment because of various factors. "Ye Feng listened to Miyamoto's words and said with a smile, "it seems that you've only been here for half a year, and you've seen through the rules and human nature of Angola?"

Miyamoto shrugged his shoulders and said, "that's not true. What are the people who can go to Angolan prison? Who's not a murderer? Here, it's because of the limitation of the environment, so many things just have to be done. Once you change the environment, maybe what I say that you don't like to hear has become your soul under the sword! Do you think so? "

Ye Feng said with a smile, "so, in the final analysis, you are willing to help me, or because you think maybe I can help you!"

Miyamoto also said with a smile, "it's not about helping each other, just helping each other. I can't take a useless person to increase my risk of escaping from prison, don't you think?"

Ye Feng nodded and smoked a cigarette. Then he said in a deep voice, "this is the truth!"

Miyamoto said to Yefeng, "why do you want to kill that man?"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow a wrinkly way, "not why!"

Miyamoto said with a smile, "if you don't tell the truth, there's nothing wrong in this world. There's a cause, there's a result! You don't want to say it! I'm not a gossip. I just feel that I haven't spoken for so long, and I'm almost out of breath. That's why I don't have any words to talk to you! "

Ye Feng didn't say a word, but he was thinking that if he could really catch up with Miyamoto, maybe he had a chance to leave with Monica relying on Miyamoto.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help but ask Miyamoto, "that woman is so beautiful, you must be more than the one who likes her, right?"

Miyamoto immediately said, "who says it's not? As far as I know, bullfighting Terriers and Martians like her, and as far as I know, the identity of this woman seems not simple! "

Then he lowered his voice and continued to say to Ye Feng, "when you came in, did the warden blackmail you?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "yes, I gave five million!"

As soon as Miyamoto heard this, he immediately said, "man, you are a local tyrant. Are you so rich? It's probably the high price here, isn't it

Ye Feng did not say a word, but listen to Miyamoto immediately continue to say, "warden is not to you arranged for special services?"

Ye Feng heart next move tunnel, "you mean, looking for female prisoners?"

Miyamoto immediately said, "yes, I tell you, the warden has never found my goddess!"

Ye Feng is toward Palace this way, "perhaps the warden is two ends earn money, here you give money, give you arrangement, there as long as give money, don't give arrangement, this is normal!"

Miyamoto can't help nodding, "all the female prisoners over there can't be poor, but just my goddess doesn't have this requirement, which shows that it's not just a matter of money. I can tell you that my goddess's position in the female prisoners is equivalent to our bullfighting terrier and Martian!"

Ye Feng pondered for a while, thinking that with Virgil's ability, money is certainly not a problem. He helped remit five million yuan on his own side, but he didn't know how much money he managed on his own sister's side.

And knowing that Monica is in this prison, Virgil will certainly arrange a lot of intimate people to come in and secretly protect her. Therefore, it is reasonable for her to become the head of a female prisoner.

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