After chatting with Miyamoto for a while, this guy really stinks and can't find anyone to talk to. He started to talk about it when he was a child. Until he first found out that he was interested in prison break, he was influenced by Mi Shuai in prison break. He thought that MI Shuai was just acting out. He was no more stupid than anyone and had no less perseverance, So I can do it myself.

Ye Feng is sleepy when he hears it. In fact, he hears it from Miyamoto's words. This guy is actually an otaku. Every day he thinks about some strange things. If he doesn't attach himself to Cao Yihai, now it's Cao Yihai who comes to face him. Maybe he can't finish it.

At this time, Ye Feng was not interested in saying anything more. He was thirsty. Although there was a water pipe, it was on one side of the toilet. It looked rusty. Ye Feng didn't want to drink at all.

Miyamoto also seems to see that Ye Feng is not willing to speak, and finally said, "in the blink of an eye, it's almost noon, tired, have a rest!"

Ye Feng, after a hum, lies on the bed and closes his eyes. By the way, he is waiting for lunch. His days in the confinement room are expected to be like this in the future.

Just thinking about it, Ye Feng heard the iron door ring, sat up and took a look, originally thought it was to put rice, did not expect that the iron door was completely opened.

A warden stood at the door and said to Ye Feng, "come out, warden wants to see you!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words, "warden?"

The C.O. said impatiently, "cut the crap and get out!"

At this time, Miyamoto of the other room said to Ye Feng, "man, you spent a lot of money. It's estimated that there is VIP service. Maybe the warden asked you to go and have a look. How much are you going to spend to leave this ghost place?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng thinks that what Miyamoto may have said is reasonable. This Angolan prison warden is greedy for money and can extort anything. He was so happy that he spent five million yuan on it before. Now he may be imprisoned and blackmail himself again.

But Ye Feng also thought, anyway, the money is not his own, at that time, let Virgil give the money.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he said to Miyamoto, "if so, man, do you want to leave here? I'll pay you to leave? "

As soon as Miyamoto heard this, he immediately said, "I'm so sorry!"

When Ye Feng hears this, he knows that Miyamoto's original intention is to leave. He hasn't said anything yet. The prison guard over there starts to rush again. Ye Feng says wait, and then he goes out of the detention room and follows the prison guard.

After leaving the confinement building, Ye Feng is handcuffed and taken to the warden's office. At this time, the warden has poured red wine on the table, holding two cigars and baking them with a kerosene lighter. When Ye Feng comes in, he immediately asks the prison guard to help Ye Feng release his handcuffs. Then he asks Ye Feng to come in and sit down.

Ye Feng moved his wrists and went to the warden's desk to sit down. As soon as he sat down, the warden handed over the baked cigar.

Ye Feng guesses that the warden must be planning to bleed himself. Since he has decided to pay, he is the boss. There is nothing to be polite with him.

After taking the cigar, the warden stood up and leaned forward to light the cigar for Ye Feng. Then he sat down and said to Ye Feng, "this cigar belongs to Apollo. It's different from the taste of Gao Xiba last time. Smoke it!"

Ye Feng took a sip and nodded, "it's really good!"

At this time, the warden frowned and looked at Ye Feng. He didn't speak for a long time.

Ye Feng was smoking a cigar and looking at the warden. He sneered in his heart and said, "don't you want money? How can you even install it?"?

After the warden pondered for a long time, he said to Ye Feng, "by the way, why are you so careless this time? You've been shut down? "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "nothing? I'm used to it. I'll just go in and get out of the wind! "

On hearing this, the warden frowned at Ye Feng and said, "avoid the wind!"

Ye Feng did not give the warden face at all, but said straightforwardly, "someone spent a million to kill me, you can't not know?"

When the warden heard this, he couldn't help laughing. He pointed to Ye Feng with his cigar in his hand and said, "I just heard that, too! I heard it was made by Brooke's younger brother Zhang Wei? "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I don't care who did it. For me, it doesn't make any difference!"

The warden then said to Ye Feng, "I know you have some skills, otherwise you won't dare to kill Brooke! However, in Angola, it's better to be careful. You know, if you don't guard against the day and night, if you don't guard against the day and night, there will always be times when you are negligent! "

Ye Feng shrugged, looked at the warden and said, "come on, call me this time. You can't just invite me to smoke cigars!"

But the warden laughed and said, "happy, I just like to talk to happy people! But it's just a matter of helping each other! "

Ye Feng hears that the warden hasn't directly mentioned the money yet. He can't help but frown and say, "speak up!"The warden immediately said with a smile, "I can help you get rid of the bull terrier's killing order! From now on, there will be no Zhang Wei's hunting order in Angola! "

Ye Feng hears the warden say so, can't help frowning a way, "talk about the condition!"

The warden immediately laughed and said, "there's a condition. It's easy for you!"

Ye Feng impatiently said, "say it directly, don't beat about the Bush!"

After the warden smoked a cigar, he said to Ye Feng, "help me kill the Martians!"

When Ye Feng heard this, his face suddenly moved. He always thought that the governor's condition was money. He was just trying to make the lion open his mouth.

But Ye Feng wanwan did not expect that the warden's condition was to help him to kill, and the killing was still Martian.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, the warden immediately said to Ye Feng, "I know it's not easy, so I thought of asking you for help!"

But Ye Feng said to the warden, "with your power and ability, it's easy to want Martians to die. If you use your brain a little, you can solve him. Why do you need my help?"

But the warden sighed, "I understand what you said, but I just don't want his death to have anything to do with the prison side. If I die in the hands of the prisoners, I will be reprimanded at most, but if I die in the hands of the prison side, I may lose my job."

But Ye Feng frowned and said, "is this Martian a person with any background?"

The warden immediately said with a smile, "I really didn't find the wrong person. That's right. This Martian is a rich second generation in New Mexico. He has a lot of money in his family, and many of them are officials. He also has some rights in his hands!"

Ye Feng can't help but wonder, "such a person, how did he come in?"

The warden said with a smile to Ye Feng, "of course, it's because he killed someone with a stronger background than him!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and look at the warden. He doesn't say anything for a long time.

When the warden saw that Ye Feng didn't speak, he immediately took the red wine glass and touched it in front of Ye Feng. "It's not urgent. You can think about it! Drink first. I just changed this red wine. I've been awake for more than half an hour. I've been waiting for you all the way! "

But Ye Feng didn't reach for the wine glass. He looked at the wine glass and the wine cabinet on one side. There were several bottles of new red wine on it. At first sight, it was expensive, which was several grades higher than what the warden drank last time. In addition, today's cigars are obviously new. Most smokers have a habit. After they get used to a certain taste, they can get rid of it If you buy it yourself, it will be that brand. If you suddenly change the brand, it is likely that he didn't buy the cigar himself.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to the warden, "this red wine and cigar, if I am not wrong, should be given to you by the person who is more powerful than the Martian background in your mouth?"

On hearing this, the warden's face suddenly moved, but then he resumed his smile and said, "it's a pleasure to talk to smart people! Yes, he did

Ye Feng can't help frowning at the warden and said, "that is to say, the one who wants to kill Martians is also the one with strong background?"

The warden shrugged, smoked his cigar and nodded, "yes, that's him!"

Ye Feng then asked the warden, "how long have the Martians been here?"

The warden can't help but look at Ye Feng in amazement. "It's been many years, isn't it? What's the matter? "

But Ye Feng asked, "he has been in for so many years. Why do you think of killing him now?"

As soon as the warden heard this, he immediately looked at Ye Feng. After a long time, he said to Ye Feng, "you don't have to worry about these. You just need to answer me. Do you do it or not?"

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