Ye Feng stares at the warden. For a moment, he doesn't speak. The warden continues to smoke a cigar. He looks at Ye Feng and says, "you don't have to rush to reply. You can think about it slowly!"

After listening to what the warden said, Ye Feng couldn't help pondering. He came here to save Monica. In order to enter the Angolan prison, he has killed seven people. Although these seven people all die, they are a little forced.

Now they are all in Angolan prison. I just saw Monica. I have no plans. Now I want to help the warden to kill? If this thing must have been refused before, I didn't even think about it. Before I killed myself, it was clearly priced.

Ye Feng can't help thinking to the warden, "what if I refuse?"

After hearing this, the warden pondered for a long time. He just smoked a cigar and looked at Ye Feng. After a long time, he flicked the ash and said to Ye Feng, "of course you can refuse. It's your right. Remember what I said to you when I first saw you? This is the United States of America, where democracy and freedom are valued. Even if you are a prisoner, you have a choice "Freedom!"

while the warden was talking, Ye Feng kept staring at the warden. After listening to him, he immediately said, "then I refuse!"

Warden listen to Ye Feng so say, can't help shrugging a way, "it doesn't matter!"

Ye Feng then stood up and said to the warden, "if there is nothing else, then I will go first?"

But the warden said to Ye Feng, "in addition to this, we can talk a lot! For example, you already know that someone is going to kill Martians. How can you reassure me that you won't tell Martians about it? It's a headache for me! "

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "are you threatening me?"

But the warden shrugged his shoulders and said, "there is no element of coercion. I just want to tell you what I can think of. Now you already know our secret, but you are not with us. I don't care. If someone thinks that you are also a disaster, and they want to solve you and Martians together, then you are giving it to yourself I've got a problem! "

Ye Feng sneered at this time and said, "aren't you threatening me naked?"

Upon hearing this, the warden immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "I emphasize again that this is not a threat, but a kind reminder. You have the right to refuse, but as a friend, I have the obligation to tell you exactly what may happen after you refuse! Then let you choose again

After staring at the warden for a long time, Ye Feng asked the warden, "why did you choose me? There are more and more vicious people here. You know, I can go. If I succeed, it will be two good and one good. But if I fail, I believe that in Angola, like me, there are five million people without frown. They are not without frown, but very few! You may lose a big client! This amount of money may not be much less than you take over this case, and I'm a long-term meal ticket. You can finish it once! "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, the warden frowned and looked at Ye Feng. After smoking a cigar, he took a mouthful of new red wine. Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "long term meal ticket?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "and you know, even if I succeed, it's not good for you in the final analysis!"

But the warden shrugged, "is that right? Why don't I feel it? "

Ye Feng immediately said to the warden, "first of all, the Martian family, although he may not be as strong as the people behind you, but I think even if he is not strong, he should be better than you? Want to deal with a you, should still be able to do it? Secondly, if you take advantage of killing the Martians, even if the Martian family doesn't deal with you, it will certainly need to trace the cause of death. Once you are investigated, even if it is only the people behind you, who do you think is the most suitable person for them at that time? "

The warden hears speech to stare at leaf Feng to see, for a long time also didn't speak.

Ye Feng continued, "I know it will be me, but do you think the Martian family will think so? I'm just a little prisoner. It's only a few days since I came in. Even if I did it myself, do you think they would think there was no one behind me? I may even suspect that my goal of going to Angola prison this time is for Martians! "

The warden continued to smoke cigarettes, still did not speak, just quietly looking at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng continued, "so it's impossible for me to carry the pot, and it's impossible for you to be the person behind you. The bottom and high-level people are all put aside. The warden who is in contact with the middle, do you think it's possible for you to get rid of the dry cleaning?"

After the warden took a sip of red wine, he said to Ye Feng, "go on!"

Ye Feng then said, "also, have you ever thought that although the Martians and bullfighting Terriers are fighting secretly in Angola prison, it's at least calm on the surface now. Once one of the Martians or bullfighting terriers dies, what do you think will happen? The one who is killed will surely think that it is the other. What is the first task of the successor? Even if the successor wants the boss to die, his first task is to avenge his former boss. Here are the examples of Zhang Wei and Brooke! "At this point, Ye Feng also smoked a cigar, gently spit out a puff of smoke, and then quietly said to the warden, "once the undercurrent starts to surge below, the conflagration between the two forces is inevitable. At that time, warden, the prison balance you are trying to maintain will completely collapse. How much more manpower do you need to spend to restore the original peace And material resources? "

After pondering for a while, the warden said to Ye Feng, "what you said is not unreasonable But this matter, I have accepted, I tell you the truth, the advance payment has been in my account, refund is impossible, don't say I don't want to refund, even if it is willing to refund, the other party may not be willing to accept, maybe angry, even I will be killed, how do you say this bureau broken? "

Ye Feng secretly said that the warden is really greedy for money. He dares to take all this money, and he takes it so fast. Even after he has said so much truth to him, he still doesn't want to return money. How much do you love money?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to the warden, "I go back to my original question, why did you choose me?"

The warden shrugged his shoulders and said, "you are a new comer with a fresh face, and I know the Pulsatilla is wooing you. I will introduce you to Martians at that time. This is your chance..."

Before the warden finished, Ye Feng immediately said, "and the most important reason is that you will kill me and kill me. After all, my new comer will not cause suspicion on both sides when he dies! Is that right? "

The warden could not help frowning and then said with a smile, "since your words are so open, I admit that I really intend to!"

But Ye Feng said to the warden, "now after listening to my analysis?"

The warden nodded and said, "I admit that all the problems you said can happen, but I said, I have received the money Let's put it this way. I'm sure I won't refund the money. If you can help me find a way to pass the test, I don't want you to go to Martians. I'll give you half of the money! "

Ye Feng is smoking a cigar for a while pondering, this matter is really a bit headache, the warden see money eye open to a certain extent, to this extent, it seems that do not expect him to refund.

What's more, what the warden said is not unreasonable. At this time, even if he wants to refund the money, it's impossible for him to agree. It's just as the warden said to himself. Now the warden already knows about it. If he doesn't do it, he will find someone else to do it. However, if more people know about it, there will be more risks. The only way to ensure it is to provide insurance Even if you kill the warden together, you will certainly choose to do so yourself. This is the most simple and direct way.

Ye Feng took a sip of red wine and moistened his throat. Then he said to the warden, "you can talk to Martians!"

When the warden heard this, his face suddenly moved and said, "isn't this the man who sold me money in disguise?"

Ye Feng said to the warden, "do you have any other choice? First of all, if you tell the Martians, it is tantamount to selling a person's affection to the Martians. Anyway, the family behind the Martians still has a certain influence. At that time, it will be their business for him and the strength behind you. It won't affect you for the time being! "

The warden said immediately, "it's only temporary. I need a way to get out of trouble once and for all! Not temporarily! "

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