The strongest soldier

Chapter 1017 Exquisite Sniper

After about an hour, the sky turned white. Luo Zheng lurked behind the big tree on the hillside. He slightly raised his head to look at the sky. The rising sun was like a fiery red ball. It was not dazzling and gave people stability and tranquility. Luo Zheng took a deep breath. After taking a breath, he withdrew his gaze and looked at the valley ahead. It was quiet, and under the sunlight, it seemed to be covered with a layer of morning glow, which was particularly beautiful. The birds were singing happily in the woods, welcoming the arrival of another beautiful day.

Luo Zhen set his sights on the mountainside in front, where many traps had been laid out. Looking at both sides, the brothers were hiding in foxholes behind the big trees. The foxholes could cover their bodies, and the big trees could block their heads. Shooting in a foxhole behind a big tree can give full play to the advantage of being at a commanding height, and there are no less than ten such foxholes for each person, which are used to deal with RPG attacks.

Everyone huddled tightly in the foxhole, ate dry food, relaxed their bodies, and waited for the war to come. Cheng He also hid in a foxhole and ate the dry food given by Luo Zheng. He failed to fully gain Luo Zheng's trust. Cheng He was a little depressed because he didn't have a gun and couldn't directly participate in the battle.

Not long after, there was sudden movement in the valley ahead. A figure appeared in everyone's field of vision, walking warily towards where we were. When we passed through the valley and came to the foot of the hillside, two more figures emerged from the valley, also wary. I walked over very slowly, as if waiting for the person in front to confirm whether it was safe.

The people in front have already entered the shooting range. Everyone is waiting patiently for Luo Zheng's order. Luo Zheng's muzzle is also locked on the target. He concentrates calmly, his eyes are slightly closed, not letting a trace of murderous intent leak out, and the muzzle moves down, aiming at the opponent. At the position of his thigh, suddenly, the tiger's eye exploded, and his index finger decisively pulled the trigger.

"Whoops!" The sniper bullet came out of the barrel with a screaming sound, drawing a terrifying sound wave in the void, like the grin of the god of death. It hit the target's thigh fiercely. The powerful bullet's kinetic energy encountered resistance and spun at high speed. The target's thigh was crushed to pieces, and the broken leg flew far away.

The target looked forward with a horrified face, an incredible expression in his eyes, and stood on one leg, as if he didn't know that his leg had been broken. After the gunfire disappeared, the target suddenly felt a overwhelming pain. , looked down and saw that one of his legs was no longer there.

"Ah——!" The target screamed in horror, and his body went limp, falling to the ground, rolling over, blood gushing wildly, and the shrill moans made the entire forest change color.

Luo Zhen watched this scene coldly, unmoved. Enemies who dare to challenge the authority of the country must pay the price. This is the duty and mission of soldiers to defend. As for the blood leech, Luo Zhen did not even know his existence beforehand. Even if he knew, he wouldn't care, but after snatching the starting device, the situation changed. Strangers became enemies and would not stop fighting. For such people, the only way to deal with such people was to kill and use their blood to wash away the country's shame.

The screams made the two people behind hide themselves, but it didn't take long for them to rush forward regardless. Luo Zheng even saw a commotion on the mountainside. More people must have learned about the situation and came. Luo Zheng remained unmoved. Waiting coldly, he said: "Don't shoot, wait for my order, they belong to me."

"Yes." Everyone understood Luo Zheng's idea of ​​not wanting to expose his combat power too early, and quickly agreed. At the same time, they also wanted to see Luo Zheng's sniper skills, especially Zhou Gang and others from the Mountain Eagle Team, as Luo Zheng's former teammates. , everyone wanted to see how advanced the old captain Luo Zhen's sniping ability was. This was a rare opportunity, so everyone was excited and looking forward to it.

Soon, a member of the Blood Leech rushed up, and the other one hid behind to cover. It was a standard alternating rush tactic, but for Luo Zheng, this tactic could be ignored directly. The bait was already there. Unless the enemy ignored the bait, otherwise You have to rush forward, and the tactics of rushing are of little significance.

Concentrating and aiming, Luo Zhen found the opponent ducking out from behind a big tree in the sniper scope and rushing towards another big tree. The running speed reached about ten meters per second. Canby is the world sprint champion. This speed is very difficult to aim at. , Moreover, the opponent's movements were erratic, which made sniping more difficult. Luo Zheng calculated the distance between the two sides, which was about three hundred meters. This distance does not need to consider the offset. The wind speed was three levels, the visibility was excellent, and it was a good sniper condition. However, because The opponent's speed is too fast to shoot.

Luo Zhen gave up shooting without hesitation. He slowly removed the trigger with his index finger, took a deep breath, and waited patiently. The opponent soon entered the two hundred-meter shooting range. He continued to run at high speed relying on the trees, unable to shoot. Luo Zhen calmed down and took a good breath. Then aim again.

Soon, the opponent entered within a hundred meters of shooting range. The difficulty at this distance was even lower, but the opponent's speed was still undiminished and it was difficult to aim. Luo Zhen was angered by the opponent. Seeing that there were no particularly large trees around where the target could hide, Xiao Xiao There were quite a few trees. With an idea, he controlled the sniper rifle with one hand, pulled out the pistol from the outside of his thigh with the other hand, and raised his hand to fire.

Luo Zheng didn't aim this shot at all, and didn't think it would hit. He focused on deterrence. After shooting, Luo Zheng quickly put the pistol aside, quickly picked up the sniper rifle and aimed again. When the pistol fired, the opponent instinctively He looked for cover in nearby trees, his movements were clean and agile, and he was very skillful.

"Phew!" Luo Zheng fired decisively. The M99 sniper rifle was 800 meters away and at an angle of 30 degrees. It could penetrate a 10mm homogeneous steel plate. The two sides were only a hundred meters apart. The sniper bullets fired fiercely. It sank into the tree trunk without any resistance.

The tree the target was hiding in was only as thick as an adult's arms, and the wood was not hard. The bullet penetrated directly through the tree trunk. Although the flight path deviated from the original trajectory due to the tree trunk, it still penetrated the target's body without any suspense, tearing apart the muscle tissue. A blood hole as big as the mouth of a bowl was formed, and the remaining kinetic energy of the bullet gradually dissipated, and was stuck in the bone, remaining in the body.

The target screamed, fell to the ground, and rolled slowly in pain, but the opponent gritted his teeth and refused to scream. He was also a man. The people around him were stunned by Luo Zhen's exquisite sniper tactics. When it comes later, aren't we afraid that the big tree in the bunker will not be penetrated and the efforts will be in vain?

Everyone looked around in surprise, and soon discovered that the surrounding trees were all about the same size, unlike the trees further away that required more than three people to hug each other. With this discovery, everyone had a more comprehensive understanding of Luo Zhen's sniping ability. , this understanding made everyone's admiration for Luo Zheng even deeper.

Luo Zhen himself was unmoved and searched for another blood leech member again. There were three people in total. One person was injured, one person was killed, and another person was injured. However, the woods ahead were quiet, the birds were silent, and the insects were silent. Only painful moans could be heard in the woods. Luo Zhen's face darkened and he lowered his voice and said, "Snipe freely when you find the target."

Note: The other two chapters will be updated at noon. Please forgive me. Recommended tickets, monthly tickets, etc. Lao Lang looks forward to your support, thank you!

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