The strongest soldier

Chapter 1018 Angrily Sniping Strong Enemies

The rising sun penetrates the atmosphere, and the sky seems to be dyed red and orange, forming thousands of morning glow, which is particularly charming. The leaves above the primeval forest are rustled by the wind, and the glow falls through the gaps between the leaves, forming beautiful lines. The phantom light added a bit of beauty to the deep forest, but this beauty was broken by the wails in the woods. On a hillside, Luo Zheng and others stared coldly at the woods on the mountainside, as if facing a formidable enemy.

Because the sunlight is blocked by the dense tree canopy, the ground temperature is not high and is still a bit humid. The air is mixed with the smell of rotting corpses, which is very unpleasant. In the silent mountain forest, the painful wailing sounds are getting weaker and weaker. They were killed by snipers. The vitality of the blood leech member who lost his entire thigh was getting weaker and weaker, and he might bleed to death at any time. However, the last blood leech member did not appear, which made Luo Zheng extremely vigilant.

A person who can control his emotions and remain calm at all times is terrifying on the battlefield. This kind of person only sees fighting and will not be affected by any emotions. He is a pure fighting machine. Luo Zheng had to give orders only to shoot, while Look for targets everywhere.

"Boom!" Suddenly a gunshot broke, breaking the solemn atmosphere above the woods. Everyone looked out, but no one could be seen, and everyone became suspicious.

"No hit, damn it." Wu Yuan's voice sounded.

Regardless of Zhou Gang, Liu Xun, Zhang Bin, Meng Zhu or Wu Yuan, they were all Luo Zheng's old subordinates. It is very clear how effective they are in combat. Wu Yuan's sniper skills are in the middle of the action team. He actually missed a hit during a sneak attack. It can be seen that The opponent was very tough. Luo Zheng's face became more serious and he lowered his voice and said: "Keep silent, Yuanzi. Find an opportunity to change the sniper point. Your position has been exposed."

"Yes!" Wu Yuan lowered his voice and agreed.

Wu Yuan's position was on the side. The opponent obviously wanted to outflank him. However, Wu Yuan's ambush position was more than 300 meters away from the enemy's last exposed position. The opponent actually moved past without everyone's sight. This latent ability was very good. Terrified, Luo Zheng moved his gun quickly and looked around for suspicious targets through the sniper scope.

In the woods, the phantom beam of sunlight shining through the leaves was very beautiful. It fell on the ground and swayed, as if an elf was dancing. Suddenly, Luo Zheng found a beam of light reflected from the woods. It was as fast as a white horse passing through the gap. If he hadn't happened to see it, , absolutely cannot be found.

Luo Zheng moved the sniper scope to look over in surprise, constantly distinguishing suspicious things about the surrounding trees. At this time, the commotion in the opposite valley was much closer, and some figures could be seen rushing up from the mountainside with murderous looks. Luo Zheng ignored it. Instead, continue to lock on the target you just discovered.

Soon, there was a loud sound of gunfire in the woods. Everyone and the Blood Leech members were fighting together. They were looking down from a high position, and there were sniper rifles. The deterrent effect was very strong. The Blood Leech members all hid themselves when they heard the gunshots, and did not show their heads high. Luo Zheng ignored the battle. situation, but felt that the blood leech just now was very powerful and must be treated with emphasis.

However, the other party was well hidden and could not be found at all. Luo Zheng kept searching, not missing any detail. After a while, Luo Zheng suddenly discovered a suspicious spot. There was an empty space that originally had nothing, but not Knowing when there was a bush, Luo Zheng's eyes sharpened and he observed the bush carefully.

At first glance, the bushes didn't look anything special, they looked very ordinary. However, they were mostly blocked by three trees, making it difficult to distinguish the authenticity. Luo Zheng kept a close eye on the bushes and stared at them. Soon, Luo Zheng discovered the bushes. It is moving, although the moving speed is very slow, but there are three trees as reference, so it is obvious.

"So that's it." Luo Zheng suddenly relaxed, took aim, replaced the sniper bomb with an incendiary sniper bomb, loaded the bullet, and continued to observe. The opponent's position was very tricky, and he was actually hiding in the blind spot of three trees. Difficult to aim, obviously a master.

When a strong man meets a strong man, he becomes stronger. Luo Zheng's will to fight was stimulated. He adjusted his breathing and did not look at the fighting scenes of other brothers. He locked the target firmly. Soon, Luo Zheng found a gun barrel sticking out. The gun body was also camouflaged and aimed forward, but because of the angle of my position, I couldn't see the opponent's position. I was shocked. It was a sniper. I couldn't let this guy shoot, otherwise I would be in trouble.

"Phew!" Luo Zheng fired without hesitation. The opponent was a sniper. The other brothers were all focused on fighting. They were unprepared and could easily be attacked by the opponent. For the safety of his brothers, Luo Zheng was not completely sure. I had to shoot to stop him.

The distance was only three hundred meters, and the wind in the woods was very weak. It was impossible to consider the impact of offset, wind speed and other factors on the sniper attack. It was also too late to consider that once the opponent's gun fired, someone on his side would be shot.

The bullet whizzed away with Luo Zheng's endless worry and anger, creating a terrifying death shock wave in the woods, instantly hitting the trees near the opponent's barrel. The lead bowl at the end of the steel core inertially squeezed the incendiary agent to cause it to burn. And exploded, causing fragments to fly around. What was even more terrifying was that the incendiary agent exploded and splashed everywhere.

The location where the incendiary bomb exploded was very close to the target. The incendiary agent flew around, and some of it splashed onto the target. The scorching high temperature instantly burned the target and set it on fire. Luo Zheng even saw the bushes being ignited. He couldn't help but be overjoyed and quickly did something. Ready to snipe.

The other party could bear it, so he shrank back and hid behind the big tree without moving. Luo Zheng had no better way. He was extremely angry and his face turned cold. He quickly replaced it with an armor-piercing explosive and incendiary bomb and locked the target again. There are not many Luo Zheng belts with this kind of functional bullet. It can penetrate a 10mm homogeneous steel plate at a distance of 800 meters at an angle of 30 degrees. Luo Zheng is reluctant to use it until the critical moment, but the opponent is too powerful, so Luo Zheng has to take it seriously. treat.

The distance between us and the enemy was only three hundred meters, and the armor-piercing explosive and incendiary bombs were more powerful. Luo Zheng aimed at a tree as thick as a human's arms, estimated the opponent's hidden position, adjusted the angle and impact point, and decisively pulled the trigger again. , facing a master who could endure the pain of incendiary agents and was good at hiding, Luo Zheng used all his strength.

"Whoops!" The armor-piercing explosive incendiary bomb whizzed away, with murderous intent soaring into the sky, as if it was about to break the whole world. It instantly sank into the big tree. The big tree was not hard. A bullet that could break through a 10mm homogeneous steel plate at a distance of 800 meters would The big tree penetrated and exploded. Fragments flew around and opened many bullet holes. The incendiary agent sprayed out from the bullet holes, like a flamethrower, with terrifying power.

"Ah——" In the sniper scope, Luo Zheng saw a figure running out from behind the trees, his whole body was set on fire, and he let out a shrill scream. When the pain reached the limit that humans can bear, no matter how strong a soldier is, he couldn't bear it. Hold on, the incendiary agent quickly swallows up the opponent's life force, like a fire god crawling out of hell.

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