The strongest soldier

Chapter 1071 Battle stalemate

On the mountainside, in the dense forest.

The coalition forces formed an attack formation and attacked the mountainside. They quickly spread out and hid behind the big trees. As long as they were sure that there was no bullet threat, they quickly leaned out and fired quickly. Each shot was able to hit a Huk tribesman. Extremely cold, decisive, slow and slow, completely different from previous attacks, as if he didn't care whether he could attack or not, he mainly focused on shooting.

This style of fighting is fatal to the people of the Huk tribe. Breaking out of the defense line means being exposed. The coalition forces only need to retreat while fighting. There is nothing they can do if they hide in the defense line, except to shrink their heads and not shoot. As long as it is exposed, even for a moment, the powerful coalition forces will seize the opportunity and shoot fatally.

The distance between the enemy and us is only two hundred meters. The coalition forces can maintain this distance and no longer rush upward. There are a large number of button bombs and traps buried in the two hundred meter space zone. In the last sneak attack, these traps worked a lot, but this time they did not. It became a decoration.

Lan Xue was anxious when she saw that the coalition forces were using this tactic to eat everyone to death, but as there was no better way to solve the problem, she had to hand over the command of the defense line to Zhou Gang and others, and organized a reserve team to prepare for a roundabout sneak attack. Zhou Gang Seeing that the situation was not good, the others gave up the platoon tactics and let everyone find opportunities to shoot freely. I also found a place to hide and look for opportunities to snipe the targets ahead.

Everyone has high special warfare literacy, but has no experience in commanding such large-scale operations. Let a group of people without systematic training shoot on their own, which will undoubtedly give up their own advantages. In a short time, the first line of defense force of the Huk tribe armed The loss was more than half. Seeing this situation, Zhou Gang became angry and panicked. He quickly reported the situation to Lan Xue, hoping that Lan Xue would come up with a solution.

Lan Xue had no better way to face the powerful coalition. Attacking meant being exposed. In that case, more people would die. It was okay to outflank the two sides, but the team had just been organized, and outflanking also meant giving up. Can the bunker advantage really defeat the coalition forces? Lan Xue was unsure. In this dense forest, the coalition forces only needed to fight and retreat, using guerrilla warfare and mobile warfare, to gradually eliminate everyone.

It was for this reason that Lan Xue couldn't help but ask about Luo Zheng's location. When she learned that Luo Zheng was coming, she breathed a sigh of relief for no reason. She immediately issued an order for everyone to resist, while asking the reserve team to outflank Luo Zheng from both sides to form a pincer attack. However, he did not rush forward and stopped within a distance of two hundred meters to disperse the coalition's firepower.

Encircled on three sides, the coalition forces fought very hard and began to suffer casualties. In this stalemate, it was very difficult for the coalition forces to withdraw. They would hand their backs to their opponents. This was a taboo on the battlefield. Lan Xue's three-sided attack The tactics finally ended in a draw with the coalition forces. For the time being, neither side could do anything to the other, and both sides were injured.

The Huk tribe's armed forces had the upper hand, and the damage was too high. The coalition forces were limited and could not afford the losses. Captain Snow Bear hid behind a big tree, suddenly leaned out like lightning, and fired quickly, killing two armed members of the Huk tribe. The gunshot hit the target, but it also caused a barrage of bullets. Captain Snow Bear had to retreat and continue to hide behind the big tree, his face as cold as frost.

After Piero's death, Captain Snow Bear seized the command and arranged the attack plan. In Captain Snow Bear's calculation, the people of the Huk tribe would pursue them, and even deployed a back plan to divert the pursuers. , but the people of the Huk tribe stood firm on the top of the mountain and refused to move. All their calculations failed and they were trapped in a deadlock. Captain Snow Bear was also very angry and kept shooting at targets to vent his anger. No less than ten people died at the hands of Captain Snow Bear. indivual.

"If we continue fighting like this, both sides will suffer losses at best. What should we do?" Mr. Blood Leech of the Blood Leech Mercenary Group roared not far away.

"The one who beats you is to promise that you will not lose a penny of the money." Captain Snow Bear cursed angrily. After Piero's death, Captain Snow Bear found the blood leech and agreed to a hiring fund on the condition that Blood Leech brought someone to accompany him during the operation, and the robbery would activate the device. Blood Leech agreed after receiving 50% of the commission, and the two parties began to cooperate. As for the past hatred, Blood Leech certainly did not forget it, but he had to wait until the matter here was over. .

The two sides continued to confront each other with firepower. Lan Xue estimated that the ammunition of the Huk tribe's armed forces was getting less and less, and they would definitely lose if they continued to fight. His face turned cold, and he had the idea of ​​leading his team to counterattack, but he still restrained himself. Ke Yin came over with a sullen face. Seeing his people being shot and killed, Hu Ke was heartbroken and filled with anger.

"Charge, we can't keep fighting like this." Hook shouted.

"Charging means giving up the advantage of the defensive line. It plays into the enemy's hands and more people will be sacrificed. No, just hold on and wait for him to come." Lan Xue forced herself to calm down, and suddenly felt something was wrong, so she took advantage of him. Clark entered the trench within the third line of defense, and a sniper round whizzed by.

Hook scratched his head and broke into a cold sweat, but he quickly shouted angrily: "How long will it take? Otherwise, I will lead people to go back behind the enemy and beat him."

Lan Xue was a little moved. She pondered for a moment, and was about to agree when Luo Zheng's voice came from the headset: "I'm here, brothers, take command immediately. This battle can't be fought like this. Stay hidden for me. Don't shoot. Wait. I order you to speak quickly."

"Quickly, ask your people to hand over the command to my people and cooperate with my people. He is here." Upon hearing this, Lan Xue quickly said to Hook, feeling relieved in his heart.

Without any hesitation, Hook quickly contacted his officers through the walkie-talkie and asked everyone to assist in the command. The three lines of defense and the attackers on both sides suddenly stopped shooting and took cover one by one. Hook did not expect this order and was a little surprised. Looking at Lan Xue, Lan Xue made a silent gesture, became alert, raised her ears, and asked in a low voice: "What should we do next?"

"Wait a moment, I need to observe again." Luo Zheng's voice sounded in the headset.

Luo Zheng returned to the mountain and saw that the enemy and we were at a stalemate. Even if they won, they would suffer heavy losses. Luo Zheng didn't want Hook's men to lose too much, so he took a brief look at the battlefield and asked everyone to stop shooting and take cover. Leng's eyes searched in front of the woods. After grasping the enemy's general defense, he quietly advanced about thirty meters and hid behind a big tree, making a concealment gesture to the ghost hands and mountain eagles behind him.

Everyone took cover, Luo Zheng continued to observe, and saw that the coalition forces were a little confused by the sudden stop of gunfire, and stopped shooting. There seemed to be only fifty or sixty people, very scattered, lined up one kilometer long, and divided into three attacks. Line, keep a distance of ten meters between people, and the distance between the front and rear attack lines is also about ten meters, I couldn't help but sneer.

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