The strongest soldier

Chapter 1072 Command behind enemy lines

On the mountainside with dense trees, the coalition forces formed a very scattered formation. People were kept ten meters away from each other, both front and rear, left and right. There was a lot of room for movement. Even if a grenade was accurately thrown, it would kill at most one person and not injure anyone. When it comes to the others, the team is spread out, which means that they occupy a large space. In addition, the individual strength is strong and they fight in a precise manner. The fifty or sixty people fight against the nearly a thousand people on the top of the mountain.

Luo Zheng observed for a while and had an idea in his mind. In this situation, the coalition forces had no better way to escape or attack except to continue the stalemate and fight for the best. Once the gunfire stopped on the top of the mountain, the coalition forces had no target and could only hide. He regained his strength behind the big tree, not daring to retreat easily and expose himself.

"Deploy a capable team to move back from the back mountain to the coalition forces, and move quickly." Luo Zheng said calmly.

"Understood." Lan Xue agreed immediately and told Hook about the situation. Hook immediately said excitedly that he would lead the team personally. Lan Xue thought for a moment and said, "Go prepare the team. I will accompany you all the way to facilitate communication. ."

Hook knew that Lan Xue was wearing a headset and could keep in touch with Luo Zheng at any time. He did not refuse, but looked around awkwardly and whispered: "What about here?"

"Leave it to me." Luo Zheng's voice sounded in the headset.

Lan Xue conveyed Luo Zheng's intention to Hook. Once Hook heard Luo Zheng's personal command, he immediately felt relieved and climbed back quietly. Lan Xue followed closely. The two of them went straight to the top of the mountain and reached the cave. The reserve team that had been prepared long ago was taken away. Before leaving, Lan Xue glanced at the five injured members of his team and then at the starting device. The five people nodded knowingly. Lan Xue breathed a sigh of relief and turned around to catch up.

"Don't shoot, please wait patiently." Luo Zheng lowered his voice and continued, staring coldly at the coalition forces ambushing ahead, giving up the idea of ​​shooting, and just hid behind the coalition forces and observed, as long as the coalition forces did not move, Luo Zheng was too lazy to move. He just wanted to give his own men a break and buy time for Lan Xue and others to outflank them. If the coalition forces moved, he could see his position clearly and act accordingly.

After waiting for about three minutes, Luo Zheng still didn't let everyone shoot. A depressing atmosphere filled the battlefield. The coalition forces couldn't bear it anymore. On the battlefield, guns and bullets were nothing to veterans, but the opposite position did not open fire. , who knows what is going on? This invisible pressure makes people think a lot, and even produces various negative emotions, and the fighting spirit begins to loosen.

Five minutes later, the coalition forces began to counterattack. Several people tentatively advanced about ten meters, hid behind the big trees, and fired at suspicious positions. However, the front position was still quiet. There was no order from Luo Zheng. Zhou Gang and others The people controlled the team and prevented everyone from shooting. They lurked under the bunker and kept silent.

When the coalition forces saw this scene, not only were they not excited, but they became more cautious. Someone moved forward more than ten meters. There was still no movement in the position on the mountainside. Luo Zheng looked at the coalition forces that had entered the trap area and sneered secretly, signaling to the mountain eagle behind him. He Guishou stayed calm for a while, but still did not issue an attack order.

After a while, more people pushed forward dozens of meters. They were only 150 meters away from the first line of defense. Everyone was hidden inside the defense line and had no idea what was going on below. No one looked out to observe. Everyone was there. He was frightened by the accurate shooting of the coalition forces.

Luo Zheng calmly watched the coalition forces advance vigilantly, avoiding traps under their feet from time to time. Occasionally, someone squatted down to dismantle the traps, but more people chose to ignore it. Luo Zheng still did not issue an attack order, but lowered his voice and asked Said: "Xue'er, how long do you have?"

"We expect to arrive within half an hour." Lan Xue replied quickly.

The road from the back mountain back to the front mountain is a bit long. Half an hour is already fast. Luo Zheng has no better way. His cold eyes continue to lock on the coalition forces that are cautiously advancing. They have already reached the 100-meter line. There will be more traps further forward. , this distance is already very dangerous, but Luo Zheng is not worried at all.

It is true that the individual soldiers of the coalition have strong combat capabilities, but they are small in number, so fighting at a distance is the best option. This kind of close combat may not be successful, so they did not panic, but continued to wait. Seeing that these people actually stayed at It is no longer hiding near the 100-meter line.

The coalition forces did not move, and Luo Zheng was even more lazy to move. He lowered his voice and said: "The coalition forces have already rushed to the position a hundred meters in front of the first line of defense. Everyone should continue to hide and don't act rashly. I want to see what their plans are. Everyone listen to my orders. Fire again, calm the team and get ready for battle."

"Yes." The voices of Zhou Gang and others sounded in the headset.

Luo Zheng continued to observe the enemy's situation calmly and waited patiently. After a few minutes, Luo Zheng discovered that someone was quietly advancing forward instead of attacking all at once. His face sank and he shouted in a low voice: "One o'clock direction, the enemy is here." Five people, eighty meters away, who is the closest?"

"Me." Wu Yuan whispered.

"Organize fifty people to cover the fire. The direction remains unchanged. The distance is sixty meters. After the attack, take cover immediately and kill!" Luo Zheng whispered coldly. Invisibly, a murderous aura burst out. Fortunately, he was a little far away from the coalition forces in front. , not found.

"Da da da!" Suddenly, in an area of ​​​​the first line of defense, about fifty people poked their heads out from the bunker and fired fiercely at the target without even aiming. The intensive firepower adjusted the angle while firing, and aimed at the five The exposed targets were violently fired at. Everyone had experience in firing volleys before, so everyone took cover after taking a shot.

The coalition forces are not vegetarians. When they see someone emerging, they immediately open fire. Some who were hidden for a moment were shot to death. After all, they have not received professional training. It is good to be able to follow orders and prohibitions. Luo Zheng immediately watched the shooting. Not many of his own people were sacrificed in hiding. Looking at the five corpses lying on the ground, he sneered.

Under the dense firepower of fifty people, the attack was sudden. The five coalition forces who tried to infiltrate had no room for counterattack and were knocked to the ground. Someone even touched the button bomb on the ground, killing two people who dodge bullets quickly. He fell to the ground and was shot randomly.

"Well done." Luo Zheng lowered his voice and said, "Brothers, let me tell you the tactical essentials, ensure accurate fire coverage, hit hard, hide quickly, and also know the direction well. Many people just didn't know how to do it. Once you know the direction of shooting, the rest of the battle will be fought like this, so pay attention to my command."

"Yes." Zhou Gang and others agreed, their fighting spirit rising, and they all went to the officers beside them to explain their tactics.

There was a language barrier, so everyone drew pictures and told everyone how to determine the direction according to the clock, while making gestures. Everyone was not stupid, and nodded in understanding, trusting Zhou Gang and others.

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