The strongest soldier

Chapter 1335 Counterattack at night

The last afterglow of dusk dissipated, and the sky gradually darkened. The cold wind blew across the top of the mountain, making the woods rustle. Other than that, no movement could be heard. After the greetings, everyone lurked and raised their heads. He raised his ears and looked at Luo Zheng, waiting for orders. Red Plum Blossom and Lan Xue stood beside Luo Zheng, one on the left and one on the right, looking quietly in the direction of the valley, their pretty eyebrows furrowed, thinking about something.

Luo Zheng took a deep breath, as if he had made some kind of decision, and pointed to one side of the mountain col and said: "As long as we shoot here, the enemy will definitely climb up from that mountain col. There are blue stars interfering with the surrounding surveillance. Our Don’t worry about being discovered when deploying, Guishou.”

"Arrived!" Guishou quickly jogged up and shouted with a look of enthusiasm.

"Take your men to lay mines, use them all, and ambush them on the left side of the mountain col." Luo Zheng warned seriously.

"Yes." Guishou replied knowingly, turned around, and shouted to his action team: "Brothers, work hard, cheer me up."

"Yes." The members of Guishou's team agreed, stood up one after another, picked up the mines piled on the ground, turned around, and quickly disappeared into the woods.

"Snow Leopard, take your men and ambush on the right side." Luo Zheng continued to shout.

"Yes." Snow Leopard agreed, holding his hands excitedly for a moment, and left with his team.

"Mountain Eagle." Luo Zheng continued to shout.

"Arrived!" The mountain eagle rushed up quickly, its chest puffed up and its fighting spirit skyrocketing.

"Disperse your men and find a place to ambush each other. Target, war horses, tents, officers, and that damn mastiff. Use incendiary bombs to prevent fire and create chaos for me." Luo Zheng ordered seriously.

"Yes." The mountain eagle agreed excitedly, and after a moment, it disappeared into the woods with the person.

In the blink of an eye, the three action teams all left. Lan Xue observed the surrounding terrain and said: "We are condescending and the enemy is passively beaten. The only chance is the mountain col. As long as the mountain col can be defended, our sneak attack will last longer and the enemy will panic." , This method is good, at least we will be invincible. Whether we can get a chance depends on luck, what are we going to do?"

"The squadron leader acts as an observer, responsible for observing the enemy's situation. If you find anything wrong, notify me immediately. Let's see if we can catch some big fish." Luo Zheng said with a smile, with a strong fighting spirit.

"It makes sense." Lan Xue smiled and suddenly had an idea. He took out the rope, tied it to a big tree, tied the other end to his waist, and walked towards the edge of the cliff, loosening the rope as he walked. Luo Zheng was stunned. When asked why, Lan Xue explained: "I've wanted to go down there for a long time. Isn't there a temple down there? See if we can find the explosion point, blow up a piece of the cliff, and bury the temple below."

"Eh? What a good idea." Luo Zheng was immediately overjoyed and shouted: "This is a good idea. At least we can know if there are any secrets hidden in the temple. I didn't tell you earlier. Squadron leader, give me all the button bombs you are carrying."

General Red Plum Blossom put down his bag, took out a pack of button bombs and handed them to Luo Zheng. He said with a smile: "I have heard that these things are very useful. I brought more this time, fifty for each person. Go ahead and give them. I set off a big firework and came out to see it, and finally had the opportunity to see it with my own eyes."

"This is nothing. I detonated it one hundred and one hundred times at the same time. The power is terrifying just thinking about it." Luo Zheng laughed, took the button bomb and tied it to his body, and tied the rope to another big tree. He tied the other end to his waist, picked up two engineering shovels, grabbed the rope and slid down, quickly catching up with Lan Xue.

The cliff is steep and the rocks are rugged. A large piece protrudes from it, blocking the temple below. The bottom cannot be seen from above, and the top cannot be seen from below. The two of them observed the raised rocks for a while, and then carefully poked out the sides. After observing and locking the approximate location of the temple, Luo Zheng pointed to a location and said, "This is it."

Lan Xue took another engineer's shovel, and the two of them searched for gaps in the pile of stones. One person dug out the loose stones and soil to form a hole, and continued to expand the depth of the hole. The stone was very strong and required patience. And endurance, they should not use too much force, and they should not throw the excavated small stones casually to avoid being discovered by people below. The two of them dug slowly, and time passed unknowingly.

Half an hour later, other action teams sent messages through their headsets one after another. They were all ready and waiting for orders. Luo Zheng stopped what he was doing and took a look at the valley. The garrison in the valley was making a fire for cooking. There was no sound. I suspect that even the patrol team is patrolling as a routine and not taking it too seriously.

"Wait a moment." Luo Zheng conveyed the order through the headset, and continued to dig holes in the cliff with Lan Xue. After another half an hour, the two of them unknowingly dug five holes about one meter deep, each hole Ten button bombs were placed in the hole, and they were timed for ten minutes. After doing everything, Luo Zheng and Lan Xue grabbed the rope and climbed up.

"You two are a perfect match." Hong Meihua said sincerely as she looked at Luo Zheng and Lan Xue.

"Thank you." Luo Zheng replied politely, glanced at Lan Xue who was blushing, untied the rope, picked up the sniper rifle, and found a place to lurk on the edge of the mountain top. He looked at Lan Xue and found a place to lurk as well. Afterwards, Luo Zheng looked at his watch and said: "Attention all units, the Mountain Eagle Team will attack in five minutes, and the others will not move."

"Understood." Everyone replied in a low voice.

Hong Meihua had never experienced this kind of battlefield, so she was very interested and excited when she arrived. There was a faint rush of blood in her heart, and she wanted to grab a weapon and join the battle immediately. However, Hong Meihua knew her abilities and position, and kept Luo Zheng's instructions in mind. Hold a telescope on the edge of the cliff to observe the valley below.

Time passed minute by second. Luo Zheng clenched his weapon and thought about his plan in his mind. After making sure that there were no big loopholes, he saw that the time was up and immediately shouted: "Mountain Eagle, do it."

"Boohoo!" Luo Zheng was answered by the attack of the Mountain Eagle Team. Each of the ten-man team was a powerful sniper. Although the enemy was too far away to snipe accurately, the bullet hit the huge target. There was still no problem with the war horses and tents. The bullets made a screaming sound, which was particularly terrifying in the night, as if the god of death was grinning.

"Xilulu!" A war horse screamed after being hit. The incendiary agent in the sniper bullet was so terrifying that it instantly ignited the war horse. The war horse ran wildly and rushed everywhere. Some tents were also hit and burned. Get up, it's extremely weird in the night.

The sudden change startled the enemies in the valley, and they rushed out of the tents one after another. The soldiers who were busy cooking by the campfire lay down on the spot. They looked around and saw that it was a long-distance sniper. He lay on the ground and did not dare to move. He completely forgot that he was still three thousand meters away from the top of the mountain. It was impossible to snipe effectively from this distance.

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