The strongest soldier

Chapter 1336 Fierce Attack

The mountain eagle led his team to let go of sniping, and continuously sent sniper incendiary bombs to the enemy's garrison camp. The terrifying incendiary bombs ignited tents, war horses, and people who were accidentally hit. The entire camp ignited a fire. There were frightened people and horses everywhere, as if a cauldron had exploded.

After a few minutes, the garrison quickly regained its composure. When it was discovered that the attack was only coming from the top of the mountain, they immediately organized themselves. Some people put out the fire, some went to collect the horses, and the other people tried to go up the mountain in a roundabout way. Luo Zheng watched this scene calmly and took a look. Watch, a cold murderous look appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Boom, boom, boom!" A series of earth-shaking explosions sounded, and the entire cliff seemed to be shaking, followed by the sound of countless boulders rolling down. Hong Meihua, who was observing the situation on the edge of the cliff, was scared to retreat, but Luo Zheng rushed out. When I came to the edge of the bunker and took a look, I found that a large piece of the protruding cliff below had been blown down. I couldn't help but laugh. With so many rocks falling, the people in the temple must not be able to stay still.

"I'm afraid a big fish is about to come out." Lan Xue also ran up to take a look excitedly and said loudly.

"Be careful." Luo Zheng responded, looking sharply at the valley, and found hundreds of people rushing towards the col. He couldn't help but smile coldly, and said into the headset: "Ghost Hands, Snow Leopard, put in the attack, don't Waste bullets, delay as much time as possible, mountain eagle, and continue to cause chaos."

"Yes." Everyone responded in unison.

Luo Zheng believed in his brothers' ability to seize opportunities and command, and did not worry about the mountain col at all. He stared at the direction of the temple below and kept observing with a sniper scope. He soon discovered that a large number of lamas were rushing out of the temple. Holding the torch in his hand, he couldn't help but smile, it was like a living target.

The straight-line distance between the top of the mountain and the ground is only about 500 meters. Although it was night, the people below were holding torches. The torches exposed their positions and facilitated sniping. Luo Zheng quickly set up his sniper rifle and searched, but found that these lamas were all wearing scarves. There are more than a dozen in total, all of about the same age. From top to bottom, it is difficult to distinguish the real target.

Lan Xue also noticed this situation, glanced at Luo Zheng, and quickly shouted: "Little sister, can you identify the target?"

"It's too messy down there and there's not enough light. Even if I can distinguish it, I can't give you guidance." Lanxing said.

"Stop distinguishing, kill them all." Luo Zheng's face turned cold. He had gone through so much trouble to get here. This is the moment he had been waiting for. He would rather kill by mistake. The lamas who can come here are not good ones. He quickly aimed at one person and adjusted After getting a good angle, he coldly pulled the trigger.

"Whoops!" Zhizhi pounced from top to bottom with a terrifying impact, as if a roaring lion opened its claws and directly smashed the target's head into pieces, which was particularly weird in the firelight.

The sudden appearance of the sniper attack scared the other lamas and fled. Countless soldiers rushed up and used their bodies to cover the retreat of the lamas. More people fired wildly at the top of the mountain. Luo Zheng did not bother to dodge and stood motionless. He quickly aimed at the second target and pulled the trigger.

The fierce sniper bullet penetrated the body of a soldier who was protecting the target and knocked the target to the ground. Luo Zheng continued to shoot calmly, venting the anger in his heart. From parachuting to now, he has been almost surrounded and beaten by the enemy, although he killed There were many enemy soldiers, but he was almost killed by missiles, buried in a wilderness valley by an avalanche, and narrowly escaped death. The hatred he had held in his heart was released at this moment.

In the blink of an eye, Luo Zheng knocked down five lamas. The incendiary agent exploded from the sniper incendiary bomb ignited several soldiers guarding the surroundings. Lan Xue also eliminated several lamas, and the two of them continued hunting with cold expressions. Looking at the visible target, the lamas also found that they were the key targets of attack and ran towards the temple one after another.

Without the target, Luo Zheng looked up and saw fierce gunfire from the direction of the mountain col. From time to time, there was a loud noise of landmines being detonated, as if the entire night was about to collapse. The red light tearing apart the night was extremely terrifying, but Luo Zheng He smiled coldly and searched for the enemy's garrison again.

The enemy obviously also discovered the deployment of Luo Zheng and others, and tried their best to increase their troops towards the mountain col. The two sides fought extremely fiercely. Luo Zheng knew very well that Guishou, Snow Leopard and others could not hold out for long. This kind of attrition war was not good for him, but he could not A premature retreat must create panic for the garrison.

"The enemy troops in the camp have begun to retreat." Hong Meihua shouted loudly.

Luo Zheng raised his sniper scope and observed the past, and found that the enemies in the camp were retreating quickly, trying to distance themselves. As for the tents in the camp, many of them had been ignited by the fire. Before they could be dismantled, the war horses were also pulled away. He immediately shouted through the headset: "Mountain Eagle, target, war horse.”

"Yes, target, war horse." Mountain Eagle shouted coldly.

The members of the mountain eagle team quickly adjusted their guns, aimed at the horses and started shooting. A row of guns passed by, and several batches of horses were hit and set alight. They suddenly started running wildly, knocking over several people, and two rounds of guns passed by, and more The war horse was frightened, exploded, and started running around.

Seeing that the war horse was frightened, the enemy simply let go of the reins and let the horse go away to avoid breaking up the team. Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng sighed helplessly. It was time to retreat. If there was a way out, Luo Zheng would definitely dare to lead people down the cliff. , directly attack the temple, but after going down, there is no way to go and can only give up.

This attack mainly focused on creating panic and destroying enemy supplies. So far, the tactical goal has been achieved. Luo Zheng shouted through the headset: "Mountain Eagle, take your people to cover the retreat of Ghost Hand and Snow Leopard."

"Yes." The mountain eagle agreed and led the people there.

Luo Zheng put away the rope and arranged the upper shoulder of the backpack. Seeing that Lan Xue had also arranged the equipment, he handed the other backpack to Hong Meihua and said, "We have to withdraw. There may be a long and urgent march. Can you do it? If not, just say so. , you can’t hold on, understand?”

"Don't worry, my physical fitness has also been specially trained. It won't be a big problem to keep up with you." Hong Meihua said quickly, taking the backpack on her shoulder, seeing that Luo Zheng and Lan Xue had already rushed forward in tacit understanding, she quickly followed. This kind of different battlefield was very novel and exciting for Hongmeihua, who was used to fighting on the secret front, as if the blood in her body was boiling and burning, and she wanted to shout out.

Not long after, the mountain eagle shouted through the headset: "Report, get in position."

"After the sniper attack, Snow Leopard, Ghost Hand, retreat alternately. Everyone, follow me, use the bullfighting tactic, and eliminate the pursuers on the move." Luo Zheng shouted, retreating and rushing down the mountain.

"Yes!" Everyone's eyes lit up, they shouted excitedly, and began to retreat in an orderly manner.

Hongmeihua didn't know very well what the morning glory tactic was, she only knew a rough idea, and she was even more curious. She followed Luo Zheng closely, fearing that falling behind would bring trouble to everyone, she gripped the Type 95 assault rifle tightly, and her eyes gradually became sharper. As a spy worker, Hongmeihua also has passion and fighting genes, and is also eager to fight the enemy happily on the battlefield.

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