The strongest soldier

Chapter 2713 Countering Sky Stone

Dragon Tooth Bullets have always been Luo Zheng's reliance against the Dark Church. With bullet-proof armor and dragon tooth bullets, they are definitely a killer weapon and have a combat advantage. The death of Brother Liangzi made Luo Zheng realize this advantage. There was nothing left. The enemy had imitated dragon tooth bullets. Fortunately, they were only dragon tooth bullets for sniping, not rifle dragon tooth bullets. Luo Zheng's face turned cold and he shouted in a deep voice: "Brothers, change to dragon tooth bullets."

"Change the dragon tooth bullet, avenge Liangzi, no matter what the kill, rush in for me, kill-" Xu Gang roared, his tiger eyes stared straight ahead, his eyes were about to burst, a strong murderous aura burst out, his whole person seemed like a piece of billions The never-melting ice is daunting. He quickly changes the magazine in his hand and pushes the dragon tooth bullet up.

"Kill -" Xu Gang suddenly roared and rushed forward.

Others also replaced the dragon tooth bullets, and rushed forward with guns in hand. Their bodies were slightly bowed, the guns were held flat on their shoulders, and the sights were put in their eyes. They were walking quickly under their feet, and the rain on the ground was splashed by the trampling, and their hands He loaded the gun and fired continuously, sending bullets out one after another.

Luo Zheng saw that Xu Gang and his brothers were about to rush forward and fight for their lives, but did not stop them. Liangzi's death made everyone sad and needed to vent. Moreover, the terrain where everyone was hiding was open and not an ideal bunker. Before, everyone was not afraid of enemy bullets. Now, If you find that the enemy has imitation dragon tooth bullets, you will become a living target if you hide in place. You can rush up and fight the enemy in close combat.

"Phew -" Luo Zheng aimed at a light machine gunner at a window and fired. The opponent fell to the ground, but soon another person continued to fire wildly down with a light machine gun, while making strange screams. Luo Zheng knew that his brothers were charging. , you need cover at this time, aim at it immediately.

Suddenly, Luo Zheng found that the light machine gun had misfired, and was startled. Then, Luo Zheng saw Tiediao's body flashing past the window, and couldn't help but smile. He quickly searched for other targets, and saw a window suddenly stretched out. When a sniper rifle came, Luo Zheng was shocked. He quickly aimed at it, estimated the opponent's position and then fired.

"Whoosh whoosh--" Luo Zheng fired three bursts. Three sniper dragon tooth bullets whizzed away in a Z-shaped pattern and penetrated the wall. The sniper rifle disappeared. Luo Zheng didn't know if he hit the target, so he continued to lock the window. , not daring to be careless in the slightest.

There was no sniper rifle sticking out of the window again. Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that Xu Gang and other brothers rushed into the manor despite the enemy's bullets, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. As long as they entered the interior, with the combat power of Xu Gang and others, they would definitely be able to Meet all dangers.

Luo Zheng continued to search the windows of the manor and found that all the firepower points had disappeared. He estimated that they all retreated and readjusted his defense. He quickly picked up the sniper rifle, hunched his body and rushed forward. The battlefield between the enemy and us had moved from the outside to the inside. , Luo Zheng naturally would not wait outside.

Soon, Luo Zheng rushed to the door. The strong inertia of the impact caused his body to hit the wall of the door hard, making a dull sound. As if he didn't know the pain, Luo Zheng quickly looked inside the door and found that there was a tall man inside. The spacious living room is hollow to the top. Three huge crystal lamps hang from the roof, illuminating the hall. Many enemies shoot fiercely down from the corridor on the second floor.

Xu Gang and others had already dispersed, each finding a place to hide and exchange fire with the enemy. Luo Zheng took a quick glance and knew that it would be beneficial for him to continue fighting like this. He quickly rushed in and hid at the corner of a wall, with his back against He leaned against the wall and shouted in a deep voice: "Tie Diao, speed up your actions, cancel the silent tactics, and use force attacks instead."

"Understood." Tie Diao is leading his men to hunt the target using silent tactics. This tactic emphasizes killing at close range without exposing yourself or making any noise. Now that the enemy and we are in a fight, the enemy's firepower is basically exposed. , if we use this method again and the effect will be minimal, we might as well let go and kill for a while.

"Brothers, use your guns to beat these bastards hard." Tie Diao shouted angrily. Liangzi's death made Tie Diao hold back his anger. This anger can only be extinguished by the blood of the enemy.

Soon, Tie Diao and others who had infiltrated on the second floor showed their hidden positions and fired fiercely with their guns, catching the enemy by surprise. The exposed fire points on the second floor were cleared at once, and there was no more fire threat. Xu Gang Rush in quickly with people and disperse the attack.

They launched attacks upstairs and downstairs at the same time, using newly developed rifles and Dragon Tooth bullets. The enemies were defeated step by step. Luo Zheng saw the ferocity of the brothers' charge and quickly chased after him. He rushed into the hall and saw that on the ground It was full of corpses. Both the enemy and us rushed into the backyard and chased each other in different rooms. Luo Zheng immediately shouted through the headset in a deep voice: "Headquarters."

"Arrived!" Lan Xing's voice sounded in the headset.

"Keep an eye on me and report immediately if you find the enemy fleeing." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Blue Star responded solemnly.

"No, I have a headache." Suddenly a voice shouted urgently.

Luo Zheng was shocked, and suddenly he felt pain in his head, as if there was a needle pricking him. He was horrified, knowing that it was radiation from the sky stone. He gritted his teeth and quickly took off his backpack and took out a device from it. At this time, Luo Zheng Zheng felt as if his head was going to explode. The brothers' screams of pain rang out from the headset, and his consciousness was somewhat lost.

"Asshole! Ta-ta-ta-" Xu Gang's roar sounded in the headset.

The radiation from the sky stone is an indiscriminate attack. The enemy is about to jump over the wall in a hurry, but the radiation from the sky stone is too powerful. If everyone hadn't shouted loudly in martial arts and had strong willpower, and then passed out, Luo Zheng felt that his consciousness had been lost to the collapse stage. The brain felt more like someone was scraping it with a knife. The pain was unstoppable, and I was horrified. I quickly pressed the start switch of the device.

This set of anti-sky stone radiation equipment is an upgraded version. The early version can only protect one person, but the upgraded version can protect a radius of 100 meters. After the equipment is started, a mysterious radiation element is emitted, which is harmless to the body. , but it can neutralize the harmful elements radiated by the sky stone to a certain extent. In addition, a special low-frequency sound wave also spreads out quickly, bouncing back the neutralized sky stone radiation with a certain pattern.

Soon, Luo Zheng felt that his headache was relieved a lot. Then, Luo Zheng heard Xu Gang's angry roar: "You bastard, you want to run away, die for me, kill - da da da!" intensive gunfire sounded, obviously also He woke up from the radiation and went after him.

"Kill-" More brothers roared.

Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Skystone radiation is the dark church's killer weapon. As long as this killer weapon loses its effect, there is nothing to worry about. Luo Zheng turned over a sofa and turned it over to cover the equipment to avoid being attacked by the enemy. If it was found that it was broken, it would be troublesome. I found a place to hide myself, guarding the equipment and not daring to leave.

Once the equipment is destroyed and the sky stone radiation continues to take effect, everyone will be in trouble. Luo Zheng stared at the surroundings coldly, his whole body tense like a cheetah ready to go, not daring to be careless.

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