The strongest soldier

Chapter 2714 Child appears

The battlefield requires not only tactical countermeasures, but also weapons. The Dark Church has bullet-proof armor. Luo Zheng was forced to develop dragon tooth bullet countermeasures. There was a sky stone radiation attack, and Luo Zheng was forced to develop defense. He used equipment to counterattack, and finally attacked and entered the manor. If the equipment was destroyed and there was nothing to counteract the radiation from the sky stone, the brothers would definitely die.

The battle had penetrated deep into the manor, ringing out in different corners and rooms, but there was no one in the hall. Luo Zheng's cold eyes swept across the hall, and found that the hall was empty to the roof. There was a round tower on the roof, and there were four round towers. A skylight was opened on the outside and glass was installed. The dim light from outside shone through the glass to the hall below.

There is a rectangular corridor surrounding the hollow area on the second floor. Standing in the corridor, you can directly see the hall below. There are several corpses lying on the corridor fence. The gun has been thrown away. I don’t know where the gun is. There is blood dripping from some places on the corridor floor. I don’t know. Whose corpse? The hall was filled with sofas, tables and chairs, etc. There were several corpses lying on the ground, and they were bleeding. The gun was thrown aside.

Luo Zheng made a rough estimate and found that a dozen enemies were killed, plus the twenty who were killed outside, which meant that more than thirty enemies were killed, and he didn't know how many were left. He couldn't help but listen to the sound of gunfire attentively. The exchange of fire between the two sides was fierce, and it seemed that there were still many enemies left.

Just as he was thinking about it, Luo Zheng suddenly heard a slight noise. He couldn't help but was startled. He quickly turned around and saw that the fireplace under one wall suddenly rotated, revealing a hole. A head popped out to check the situation vigilantly. Luo Zheng quickly took aim. In the past, sniper scopes locked onto targets.

In the sniper scope, Luo Zheng found that the other party had serious eyes. He was about thirty years old and had a scar on his face that he had never seen before. He thought he was a bodyguard. He was not in a hurry to fire. He hid his body and waited patiently. After a few seconds, Bell, the angle of rotation of the fireplace was larger, and the exposed hole was also much larger. The other party quickly climbed out, squatted down by the hole, raised his gun and aimed forward, observing the surroundings vigilantly.

Perhaps because he didn't see Luo Zheng hiding in the corner, the other person whispered something, and another person came out of the hole. He was in a black suit, wearing a headset, and had short hair. He was about thirty years old, similar to the previous person. , obviously still a bodyguard, Luo Zheng did not move and continued to wait.

Two bodyguards were guarding the entrance of the cave, one on the left and the other on the right. They didn't know that it had been locked. Soon, an older man crawled out of the entrance of the cave. He was wearing a decent suit, his face was gloomy, and his brows were furrowed. Luo Zheng recognized him at a glance. It was Childe. I didn’t know how many times I had seen the photo. I was immediately overjoyed and quickly pulled the trigger.

"Whoosh--" Two gunshots rang out, and two bullets were fired without any warning. They were only seven or eight meters away from each other. The bullets arrived in an instant. The two bodyguards had no time to react. The bullets disappeared between their eyebrows, and their bodies froze. , suddenly fell to the ground motionless, Childe's face froze when he had just emerged, and he stared blankly ahead, his eyes full of horror, and he did not dare to move.

Luo Zheng looked around vigilantly, and after making sure that no one was around, he aimed his gun at the opponent, and slowly came out of the bunker. The tentacle monster soon saw Luo Zheng, and woke up. His face turned gray, and he slowly raised his hands. He stood up, looked at Luo Zheng and said tentatively: "Ten million, let me go?"

Businessmen pursue profits and believe that everything can be solved with money. Childe is no exception. Faced with life and death threats, even if he has a high position and great influence, he cannot remain calm and tries to buy his life with money. Unfortunately, he encounters It's Luo Zheng, how can he care about money? Luo Zheng ignored the other party, but pricked up his ears to listen to the surroundings in case an enemy suddenly came out.

"Twenty million meters in gold, tell me your account number and I'll transfer it to you right away. How about it?" Childe didn't know who the visitor was and thought he was just a mercenary or a killer. Both of these people are desperate for money. As long as he The temptation was big enough, nothing was impossible. Seeing that Luo Zheng didn't take a shot, Childe thought he was attracted and immediately increased the pressure.

"Someone came to repair the broken phone line and was killed." Shi Qian's voice suddenly sounded in the headset.

"These bastards can't stand it any longer. Scatter, outflank, kill them all, leave no one alive, and avenge Liangzi." Tie Diao's angry voice sounded in the headset.

"Mastermind, the first floor has been cleared. Childe is not seen. Please give instructions." Xu Gang's voice sounded in the headset, with endless anxiety and anger.

"Come to the hall, and the other brothers will assist Tie Diao and kill all the remaining enemies as soon as possible." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice through the headset, but his sharp eyes were locked on Childe.

"Understood." Xu Gang didn't understand what happened, but he still agreed decisively.

Childe heard Luo Zheng speaking in a commanding tone and knew that he was the person in charge. He suddenly reacted and realized that Luo Zheng was using the Huaxia Kingdom. He couldn't help but shuddered and was horrified. He knew that these people were not mercenaries. He was not a killer, but an old rival of the Huaxia Kingdom. Knowing that he couldn't survive this time, he simply put down his hands.

When people know their own ending, they will let go of everything and be fearless. Childe is a shrewd person and knows that there is no way to avoid it. He returned to his usual heroic character, looked at Luo Zheng coldly and said, "You guys actually We have a powerful weapon to deal with the radiation from the sky stone, so we won’t lose this battle unjustly.”

"Raise your hands high, walk over slowly, and sit down on the sofa. You may not have another chance in the future." Luo Zheng said coldly in international lingua franca.

Child didn't move, but looked at Luo Zheng coldly. Luo Zheng was worried that there were enemies lurking around, so he didn't move. With his back against the wall, at least he didn't have to worry about his back being attacked. He stared at Child coldly and said: " Where is the sky stone?”

"That's a sacred object, do you think I can say that?" Childe asked coldly.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, we are no longer afraid of the radiation materials from the sky stone. This place will turn into a sea of ​​fire, and all holy objects will be rubbish." Luo Zheng said coldly, and suddenly noticed that Child glanced at the entrance of the cave he just came out of. When facing life and death, how can you take anything else into consideration? It was an abnormal phenomenon. Luo Zheng's corner of his eye fell on the entrance of the cave, and he secretly wondered, could there be someone else inside?

Suddenly, Luo Zheng thought of an unusual question. These people were hiding in the cave just now and didn't know that the radiation material of the sky stone was neutralized. Why did they suddenly come out? Aren't they afraid of the radiation of the sky stone? There is only one explanation. These people turned off the radiation from the sky stone. How did the people in the cave know that the sky stone was turned off? Is there a cave underneath?

"Dong dong dong -" A burst of rapid footsteps came, and then a voice rang in the headset: "Brother, I'm here, eh? This person looks familiar, where are you?"

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