The strongest soldier

Chapter 2953 Difficult to block

It's not easy to guess a person's identity without any clues or hints. Luo Zheng wanted to see what the think tank would guess. He couldn't help but pricked up his ears and secretly paid attention. The think tank glared at Tie Diao angrily and said with a wry smile: "This No need to guess, they are of course soldiers sent by the country."

"Huh? Why are you so sure?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise, and he thought highly of this think tank. To be praised and loved by the god-level soldier king is indeed a well-deserved reputation.

"It's very simple. With your skills and fighting methods, there are no more than four kinds of people, mercenaries, killers, agents and soldiers. Mercenaries and killers work for money, which is despised by us. We will never cooperate with such people, agent. Both the soldiers and the soldiers are members of the country, but the behavior of agents is exactly the opposite of that of soldiers. Agents are suspicious of everything, including the people around them. This is a professional requirement. You are different. You trust Tie Diao very much, and Tie Diao also trusts you. Soldiers The way you act is to have great trust in the people around you, otherwise you won't fight side by side, so you are a soldier." The think tank said slowly, it was a bit difficult to say it, the body is still very weak, it is really difficult to say so much in one breath.

These words struck Luo Zheng's ears like thunder, and Luo Zheng suddenly realized another shortcoming of his own, which was his ability to read and analyze people. He couldn't help but be overjoyed, and looked at the think tank with sparkling eyes, and quickly asked : "It's interesting. What you just analyzed was identity, but what about nationality? You just said that I am a soldier sent by the country. This analysis of the identity of the soldier is somewhat reasonable, so why do you think that I am a soldier sent by the country?"

"Hahaha, this is even easier, because you told me." The think tank smiled excitedly.

"Did I tell you?" Luo Zheng was startled and suddenly realized. What he just said undoubtedly told the think tank that he was indeed a soldier, and Tie Diao and others had their own principles and bottom lines and would never cooperate with soldiers from other countries. , didn’t he just tell the think tank his nationality?

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng also smiled and looked towards the wise man. The wise man also happened to look over. The two people's eyes intertwined, and they suddenly felt a sense of confidant. He couldn't help but smile even more happily. A kind of tacit understanding of similar people came to his heart. Tie Diao was The two of them laughed inexplicably and said dissatisfiedly: "What riddles are you two playing?"

"It's not a riddle. Smart people don't need to explain clearly. With your IQ, how do you understand the way smart people chat? Maybe Sister Xuelian will understand. Tell me about your relationship?" the think tank laughed and scolded angrily.

Tie Diao smiled indifferently, not minding what the think tank said, and said: "It's a long story. I'll explain it to you later when everything is settled. I'm afraid I won't be able to finish it in a day and a night. Too many things have happened in these years. , I guarantee you will find it incredible after listening to it.”

"Okay, give me some water." Zhitan agreed.

Luo Zheng handed over the kettle, and the think tank was not polite. He picked it up and drank a few sips. He coughed. Maybe he drank a little too much. After a while, he stabilized. He drank a few more sips and handed the kettle to Luo Zheng. He said in a deep voice. He said: "It seems that the world has changed a lot, I hope it's not too late." He frowned slightly and fell into deep thought.

"Is something wrong?" Luo Zheng asked in a low voice in surprise. Seeing that the wise man had no intention of speaking, he glanced at Tie Diao and continued on his way without asking any more questions.

After a while, everyone came down to the foot of the mountain under the guidance of Blue Star. Shadow hurried from the other side to join them, and they rushed towards the mountain together. The mountain was a bit steep, but fortunately the iron eagle had strong skills and was carrying a heavy backpack. The speed does not slow down for anyone, as if walking on flat ground.

The enemy chased them fiercely, with an attitude of never giving up. The three of them had to rush up with all their strength. When they reached the top of the mountain, they were all very tired. Luo Zheng saw that Shadow was also breathing heavily from exhaustion, so he exchanged He took out his weapon and said in a deep voice: "You rest for a while, I will stop the enemy's speed, and they will come over in a while. Don't get me wrong."

"Okay, be careful, I have to take a rest." Shadow agreed panting, his face turned red, and he looked like he was exhausted.

Luo Zheng agreed, glanced at the iron eagle, quickly returned to the original route, found a place with a good view and lurked, set up a sniper rifle, and used the family's traditional breathing method to adjust his breath to regain his strength, while putting his eyes on the sniper rifle. Looking down the mountain in the mirror, he soon discovered that the enemy had chased him to the foot of the mountain and was about to go up the mountain. He couldn't help but snorted, quickly locked onto a target and pulled the trigger.

"Wha--" The dragon tooth bullet whizzed out of the barrel, drawing a terrifying stream of light in the night sky, and hit the target's head hard. The target was knocked away, and did not move after falling to the ground. The surrounding enemies suddenly panicked. They all found places to hide and cautiously looked up to the top of the mountain.

The position on the top of the mountain is high. Luo Zheng is condescending and has a wide field of vision. He quickly discovered the target of the probe and pulled the trigger again without hesitation. With the familiar sniper rifle in hand, there was no problem with the accuracy. The gun can bite the flesh, no one can Dodge, as long as you are hit by the Dragon Tooth Bullet, you will definitely die.

Luo Zheng emptied the magazine in one breath. The enemy became more cautious after lying down for a few words and spread out, trying to outflank them from other places. It was a very good tactic. Luo Zheng had to change positions to snipe, but , the enemies have also become smarter. They will immediately lurk as soon as they hear the sound of gunfire. The enemies in other directions will seize the time to climb up the mountain. When Luo Zheng goes to fire elsewhere, the enemies here will seize the time to climb up and cooperate with each other tacitly.

This kind of joint action tactic cannot be cracked by Luo Zheng alone. Running in all directions will only make him exhausted. It is not possible to ignore it. The enemy has spread out from three directions. Seeing the enemy getting closer and closer, Luo Zheng is anxious. I had to retreat and distance myself.

"Ta-ta-ta--" The enemy on one side climbed up and fired fiercely at Luo Zheng's hidden position, catching Luo Zheng off guard. Fortunately, he had a bullet-proof armor to protect his body, otherwise he would have died, but the bullet hurt his body. Unable to stop it, Luo Zheng almost fainted from the pain. Looking at the enemies rushing towards him with strange screams, Luo Zheng's face turned cold. He gritted his teeth and persisted, constantly pulling the trigger to kill the powerful enemies that rushed towards him.

However, there are more and more enemies, and there are enemies climbing up from other directions. These people may also be jealous, and they fire fiercely in the direction where Luo Zheng is hiding, regardless of hiding, without any regard for the risk of being exposed, and without even taking a look to be killed. His companion has a life-threatening fighting style, extremely fierce.

Behind him were Tie Diao and the others. It would be even more dangerous to retreat. Luo Zheng had to grit his teeth and persist. He didn't expect the enemy to be so desperate. This was a strategy of fighting at all costs. What was the enemy going to do? Do you want to get your brains back? Luo Zheng was so frightened that he kept pulling the trigger to shoot the enemies rushing in front, but he ignored them and allowed the enemy bullets to hit him.

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