The strongest soldier

Chapter 2954 The brain trust returns

Bullet-proof armor can block bullets, but it cannot block the kinetic energy of bullets. One or two bullets can only hit the body. Renren can resist it, but as more bullets are fired at it, each bullet hits like a heavy hammer. The pain was throbbing, and Luo Zheng felt as if his body was about to fall apart. His consciousness was a little loose, and all his strength disappeared like a tide. He couldn't help but be horrified. If he continued like this, he would definitely die. However, retreating meant turning his back to the enemy, which was also death. what to do?

"Boom boom boom, boom boom boom--" At the critical moment, gunshots suddenly rang out from behind, and the dense bullets formed a terrifying fire net, shooting towards the target accurately. All those who were shot immediately fell to the ground.

Luo Zheng looked back in surprise, and saw dozens of black shadow cheetahs rushing up like crazy, holding their guns flat on their shoulders, arching their bodies and striking fiercely. They were coming like a rainbow, with murderous intent. It was Shi Qian and others. Luo Zheng was overjoyed. , finally came, and suddenly I felt that all my strength was gone, endless darkness surged up like a tide, my vision went dark, and I passed out.

When he woke up again, it was already dawn. Luo Zheng slowly opened his eyes. After adapting to the bright light, he found that there were many people sitting quietly around him. They were all silent and looked sad, as if the sky had fallen. Luo Zheng I was startled, and memories came flooding back to me. I couldn't help but shout in surprise: "What happened? Where is this place?"

"Tou, are you awake?" When Shi Qian and others heard the voice, they gathered around in surprise. They all smiled, their eyes were red, and there was a touch of moisture in them. Tie Diao and others also gathered around, their faces full of happiness. .

"What's wrong with you?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"It's okay, just wake up." Shi Qian said in surprise, turned around, secretly wiped away the tears that almost fell, and this time turned around again, looked at Luo Zheng and said eagerly: "You How do you feel? Does it matter? Do you want something to eat or drink?"

"Ahem—" Luo Zheng couldn't help but cough a few times. He felt a dull pain in his back. He couldn't help but look at Shi Qian and asked in a deep voice, "What's wrong with me? What happened, tell me."

"Let me tell you, everyone should spread out and keep the air flowing." Tie Diao came up and said, motioning for everyone to give way, came to Tie Diao, sat down on the ground, and said after seeing everyone spread out. : "Your kid was too desperate last night. He was hit by more than a dozen bullets. If it weren't for the bullet-proof armor, no matter how much life he would have, his back ribs should be damaged. You can't use force until he recovers."

"Is that so?" Luo Zheng was startled, then realized what happened last night when he blocked the enemy from being injured and fell into coma. He smiled nonchalantly and said, "It's good that he's not dead, he's just injured. What a big deal, who doesn't have a few scars on his body?" It’s just the right time to use force. I’ll leave this rough work to you from now on. Let’s talk about what happened after I passed out.”

"Hahaha, that's interesting. You're quite optimistic. No wonder everyone supports you so much." The wise man came over with a smile and sat down on the other side of Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng was lying on the ground. It was a little difficult to get up. His back hurt even when he moved. He simply stopped moving. He turned to look at the think tank. He saw that the shackles on the think tank's hands and feet had been untied and he had put on a relatively quick combat uniform. , I don’t know where I got it from, my long hair was tied up with a linen strip, and my complexion looked much better than last night. I couldn’t help but smile: "You look like an artist, where did you get this skin? Where are the shackles?" ?”

"Brother Shi Qian helped to untie it. He is indeed a master. He can open it and take it. As for this skin, it was taken off the enemy. Tie Diao said that he was at least a Knight of the Round Table. He also had bullet-proof armor inside. He was imprisoned. In the past few years, I didn’t expect those bastards of the Dark Church to change so quickly and be equipped with so many cutting-edge weapons. But you, on the other hand, have found a way to solve them. I admire them." The think tank replied with a smile.

"Do you know everything?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Well, it's the afternoon of the second day after you fell into coma. Last night plus a broad daylight, it was enough for Tie Diao to explain the situation to me. I have to say that I missed a lot of wonderful things. I hope I will have the opportunity in the future. ." The think tank said and looked at Luo Zheng, with a flash of hot expectation in his eyes.

Luo Zheng was startled, then understood, and said with some excitement: "I was afraid you would run away." The think tank is the head of a god-level military king, and is supported by everyone. With the help of the think tank, I believe the cooperation between the two parties will be even better. Closer and more efficient.

"Hahaha, okay, your words make me feel at ease. I was worried that you would look down on the defeated general. In fact, I am not a general. I am at most a smart person. I am lucky to be alive. , However, this revenge must be avenged, and just like Tie Diao and the others, this life will be left to you." After the wise man said this, his face became solemn, his eyes were firm, and his words were even more serious.

"You're too polite. We will be brothers from now on. We will fight side by side to kill the Dark Church." Luo Zheng said excitedly. With the support of the think tank, he believes that the combat effectiveness of the entire team can be greatly improved, and a lot of tasks can be shared with him. , the eyes looking at the think tank became eager, revealing a deep desire.

How shrewd the think tank was, how could he not feel Luo Zheng's desire? His heart warmed, and he felt calm. He smiled bitterly and said: "As long as you can respect me, a loser, tell me, what can I do?"

"I need someone to serve as chief of staff, help me draw up plans, remind me all the time, and fill in the gaps. I hope you can help me." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"Old profession?" The wise man was stunned, then smiled and said gratefully: "I am mentally prepared to be a soldier. You have raised me to such a high position, are you not afraid that I will fail again? Don't forget I'm a loser, not as strong as you think."

"I believe you." Luo Zheng said solemnly. As for why, Luo Zheng couldn't explain it. He just felt that the person in front of him was trustworthy and worthy of entrustment. This was a mysterious feeling. Luo Zheng believed in his feelings.

"Okay, since you think highly of it, I feel ashamed to accept it. The general is injured, which damages morale. Next, I have a suggestion." The think tank said in a deep voice, and quickly entered the role, his eyes were filled with light, and he seemed to be holding the pearl of wisdom again. Returning to the time when he once guided the country, his whole person burst out with a convincing momentum.

"What's the proposal?" Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he saw the think tank accepted the arrangement and stepped into the role, and asked quickly.

"The Dark Church will definitely retaliate after suffering a loss, but they never thought that we would hide under their noses. I proposed to go back to the top of the mountain and take the opportunity to wipe out their helicopters and not give them any chance to escape. There are big fish in the underground base. We must not let them escape." The think tank said in a deep voice, his words were sonorous and powerful, with a bit of murderous intent. He was worthy of being a think tank, with extraordinary decisiveness in killing.

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