The strongest soldier

Chapter 3048 The Tucheng is also empty

At dusk, the setting sun disappeared after its last rays of light. The sky in the west was covered with red sunset clouds. The colorful light falling on the desert was particularly beautiful. The dunes cast long reflections, blending with the golden light of the vast sand. The black and white light complement each other, forming a monotonous black and white painting, but it also reveals a bit of Zen.

In the camp, Luo Zheng sat on the sand and looked at the red sky, his face solemn. After discovering that the enemy had withdrawn, Luo Zheng led the two hundred Guojiatou special forces in a circle to remove all exposed hiding places. After a few rounds, the enemies fled upon hearing the news. Before escaping, they without exception blew up their hiding places without leaving any clues.

After the troops returned to the camp, Luo Zheng sat on the sand and thought about countermeasures. The rebels' tactics were very flexible and they did not give themselves any chance. The opposing commander was very smart and it was not easy to defeat the rebels. At this time, Jackson held Some dry food came over, an aluminum lunch box, which contained cooked compressed biscuits with some dried meat added. He handed it to Luo Zheng and sat down. He said in a deep voice: "We have been busy all day in vain. Fortunately, we can force the enemy." After blowing up the hiding place, we finally gained something.”

"We are not familiar with this desert at all, and we don't know if there are similar hiding places for troops around, but the enemy is very familiar with it, so we still can't be careless. Have all the light and dark sentries been sent out?" Luo Zheng asked in a low voice, seeing Jack Sen nodded and added: "Let's push it further to five thousand meters. It's better to stay far away so that you can react in time if something happens."

"Okay, I'll notify you." Jackson promised. The light and dark whistle was only sent out for three thousand meters, which was supposed to be enough. But Luo Zheng asked for five thousand meters, and Jackson naturally wouldn't object. He was in danger. It was better to be cautious. Seeing that Luo Zheng didn't say anything else, he started eating the food and quickly sent the order through the headset.

The climate of the desert is dry. It will be very difficult to swallow the compressed biscuits directly. If there is no water, it may scratch the throat. The best way is to boil the compressed biscuits in water. If you add some fresh meat, wild vegetables, etc., it will be delicious. , the desert area was completely silent, no living creatures could be seen, and no fresh meat or wild vegetables could be found at all. Everyone added the dried meat they brought and cooked it. It tasted much better than eating it dry.

Soon Luo Zheng finished a box of food, and Jackson also finished. He waved for a soldier to come over and take away the aluminum lunch box. He clapped his hands and whispered to Luo Zheng: "The enemy has evacuated. It seems he doesn't want to fight." Let's go head-to-head. If the enemy doesn't fight, wouldn't our work be in vain? What are your thoughts next?"

"Don't worry, we will attack the enemy's Tucheng after dark." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"That's right, that's their stronghold. Although no one is worthless, people outside don't know that as long as they capture Tucheng and publicize it to the outside world, it can also affect the reputation of the rebels to a certain extent." Jackson whispered, Agreeing with Luo Zheng's plan, he turned his wrist to look at his watch and added: "It will be dark in an hour. When should we take action? I have to let the troops prepare in advance."

"The Jarhead Special Forces have been tired for a day. Let the newly arrived reinforcements come in. Bring a hundred people with them and equip them with RPGs. Let them carry as many Rockets as possible without using other weapons. In addition, pick a three-man team. A ten-man sniper team will accompany us and will be responsible for breaking up the rear when necessary." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Okay, I'll get ready." Jackson agreed and got up.

Luo Zheng looked into the distance and continued to meditate. His whole body remained motionless, like a sculpture. Only his eyes occasionally blinked. The noise around him gradually subsided, and he unknowingly entered an ethereal state. In this state, Luo Zheng thought about countermeasures selflessly. The rebels were like slippery loaches. How could they be caught? I'm afraid there is no one in Tucheng anymore. Is its political significance really that great?

Unknowingly, an hour passed. The troops responsible for the attack were ready to go. Jackson ran over to ask. Luo Zheng stood up, picked up his sniper rifle and checked it. Without saying anything else, he walked towards Tucheng with a cold face. Jackson was stunned for a moment, without asking any questions, and quickly packed up the prepared troops, who followed closely under the leadership of their commanders.

Soon, the team caught up with Luo Zheng, and the sniper team ran to the front to clear the way. Thirty people spread out in a circle and advanced quickly. The other troops lined up three columns and trotted forward in a uniform pace. Soon, Luo Zheng Zheng and Jackson fell at the end of the team.

While running, Jackson whispered: "When we attacked Tucheng last time, we didn't find any hiding place for soldiers under the sand dunes. I don't know if there are any enemies hiding inside."

"There should be no more." Luo Zheng whispered.

Jackson was startled and saw that Luo Zheng was thinking about something. He didn't ask the reason anymore and just thought about his own affairs. The large army continued to march forward. After more than two hours, they arrived at the outhouse of Tucheng without encountering any obstacles along the way. , Luo Zheng quickly deployed his troops and took cover. He also found a place to hide himself and raised his binoculars to look out.

It was quiet inside Tucheng. There were ruins everywhere and no one could be seen. It was exactly the same as when we came here before. The only difference was that many houses in Tucheng were bombed. After the last experience, Luo Zheng did not immediately let the troops opened fire and instead sent a troop to investigate.

The reconnaissance team rushed down the sand valley and soon came to the bottom of a sand dune. The dune was also collapsed. Apparently it was once a hiding place for soldiers. The collapsed area was too large and excavation was time-consuming. The team leader quickly reported the situation to Jackson. Jackson told Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng saw that the situation was exactly as he expected. Although he had expected it, he still felt a sense of frustration as if his fist was hitting the cotton. The enemies had obviously all evacuated and abandoned this area. Why did this happen? Has the political significance of Tucheng disappeared? Or does the rebel army have another real headquarters base?

The reconnaissance force quickly entered Tucheng to search the situation. Luo Zheng waited patiently. After more than half an hour, the reconnaissance force reported back that there was nothing gained in Tucheng. Luo Zheng helplessly whispered to Jackson: "It seems that the enemy has given up. Once you have captured this earthen city, you can arrange filming and send out the news, saying that we have occupied the rebel base and the enemy has fled."

"This?" Jackson looked at Luo Zheng with some confusion.

Luo Zheng explained in a deep voice: "The rebels obviously don't want to fight us head-on, but people outside don't know that doing so can discredit the rebels, and we can also gain a certain say in politics. If it can stimulate the rebellion It would be better if the army came to us proactively."

"Understood, I'll make arrangements." Jackson promised.

"Hurry." Luo Zheng warned helplessly. The sudden withdrawal of the enemy's troops caught Luo Zheng off guard. Luo Zheng had no idea how to fight in the next battle.

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