The strongest soldier

Chapter 3049 Counterattack Plan

A force with strong combat power, erratic movements and flexible tactics is very difficult to deal with. The rebels did not defend Tucheng, but suddenly withdrew after a battle, not giving Luo Zheng any chance to counterattack. This tactic allowed Luo Zheng to fight back. Luo Zheng was very angry, but he had no choice but to look coldly in the direction of Tucheng and think deeply.

At this time, Lan Xue's voice suddenly sounded in the headset: "I discussed it with the think tank just now, and the enemy has actually planned all this."

"Oh, why do you say that?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"There were thousands of ambush troops at the original airdrop point. After we changed the airdrop point, the ambush troops initially gathered in your direction, but suddenly changed direction midway. Now it seems that it was just to confuse our judgment, and then a sudden helicopter attack, if not After preparing enough RPGs, this move can cripple the troops. After the sneak attack failed, they learned that we were attacking Tucheng, so they chose to stand still and let us bombard them, and then suddenly attacked the camp. When we returned our reinforcements, they immediately evacuated and hid nearby. Get up and stand by, if we continue to attack Tucheng, they will continue to attack the camp, if we pursue the enemy, they will evacuate and abandon Tucheng." Lan Xue said in a deep voice.

"In other words, they have long been prepared to abandon Tucheng. They will use helicopters to suddenly attack us while our footing is not stable. If the sneak attack succeeds, we will be crippled and the enemy will ambush everywhere to capture the camp in one fell swoop. If the sneak attack fails, , they just sit still, wait for us to bomb Tucheng, and then suddenly attack?" Luo Zheng analyzed in surprise, frowning.

"Yes, the think tank and I share this view. There must be a reason why the enemy abandoned Tucheng, but we don't know yet. What should we do next?" Lan Xue said with certainty.

"These bastards have a good plan. Where has the enemy retreated? Find me a target. This target should be close to us, have a large number of people, and have a certain value." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"The enemy is still retreating and has no intention of stopping. There are two troops joining together. They number about 2,000 people. They are all camel cavalry. About 20 kilometers ahead of them is an oasis. They should spend the night there. They are already far away from you. It's more than a hundred kilometers away, but it can be considered the closest unit to you, the others are further away." Lan Xue replied seriously.

"Very good, how far is the target from other troops?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"The closest ones are dozens of kilometers away. It doesn't look like they will merge. The two sides are getting farther and farther away." Lan Xue explained.

"Very good, that's the goal. Catch them. If it's confirmed that they spent the night in the oasis, immediately arrange for the action team to parachute over and capture this group of enemies. We will march over here overnight. Remember, the action team soldiers Divide into two groups, choose another target to airborne on one group, arrange for people with relatively weak combat effectiveness, and integrate all the undercover agents into this group to confuse the enemy." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice, with murderous intent in his eyes.

The enemy's withdrawal made Luo Zheng furious, and he would not give up easily. However, the Dark Church's information warfare capabilities were very strong. As long as he moved, his whereabouts would be exposed. Someone had to divert the enemy's attention, and those undercover agents were undoubtedly the most vulnerable. A good choice, Lan Xue agreed with understanding: "I understand, where are our brothers?"

There were more than a thousand people in the action team, which did not include the brothers from the Secret Bureau. Lan Xue had to ask for more information. Luo Zheng thought for a while and asked in a deep voice: "Send all of them out. The combat mission cannot be revealed before the operation. The enemy It is not scary to find the location of the troops through the positioning chip. Once the mission is leaked, the enemy will not be fooled. We are all together, and others are together. We must keep it absolutely confidential before taking action."

"I understand, what else should I explain?" Lan Xue asked in a deep voice.

"Bring more light machine guns and mobilize Shi Qian and Xu Gang's teams. Brother Tie Diao will stay at the headquarters to take charge of security issues. In addition, we will analyze when the satellites of the Dark Church will leave our sky. Also, the enemy has sufficient troops, so we need firepower. Suppress, please discuss the specific plan with the think tank and ask Blue Star to send the target location. These bastards want to run away after the fight, but there is no way." Luo Zheng explained with murderous intent, his tiger eyes flashing.

"Understood, make arrangements immediately." Lan Xue agreed.

After cutting off the call, Luo Zheng saw that Jackson had also called and came over. He thought for a while and did not reveal his battle plan. Instead, he asked: "Without harvesting from Tucheng for so long, this place must be in ruins and abandoned by the rebels." , it makes no sense for us to stay here and we need to move to fight."

"Do you have a plan?" Jackson asked in surprise, looking at Luo Zheng with a bit more joy. The withdrawal of the rebels made Jackson feel angry. Nearly a hundred brothers died in the battle. This revenge must be avenged. .

Luo Zheng carefully looked around, making sure that no one could hear him and then whispered: "The command center has captured a target, which is nearly a hundred kilometers away. It will be dark soon. They also need to rest. They should be together." Camping in the oasis, we should be able to catch up with us by marching overnight, what do you think?"

"Okay, as long as you can bite these bastards, it's easy to deal with them. Chase them and kill them." Jackson said viciously, his eyes full of murderous intent.

As long as Jackson supports Luo Zheng, he won't bother to talk about the details. After waiting for a while, the troops evacuated and the rockets they brought were not fired. The combat tasks in the future are still very heavy and cannot be wasted. After the troops returned to the camp, Luo Zheng immediately contacted the commander The center got in touch and was overjoyed to learn that the target was indeed camping in the oasis.

However, there are still two satellites above the army that will take half an hour to leave. Not sure which one belongs to the Dark Church, Luo Zheng asked Blue Star to send the coordinate map. It is due south, and to the east is the grassland area. Luo Zheng An idea struck, and he quickly called for Jackson to inform the troops to assemble. The troops had already been packed up, and supplies and equipment were evenly distributed to everyone. Luo Zheng gave an order, and the large troops headed east.

No one in the large army knew the counterattack plan. No one knew who the target was or where it was. In order to keep it secret, Luo Zheng did not intend to tell it. Instead, he led the army eastward for half an hour to give the enemy a false impression. Can he confuse them? The enemy was unknown. He quickly contacted the command center half an hour later and learned that the satellite had left the sky and quickly headed south. Soldiers have a bounden duty to obey orders. Everyone had doubts, but no one asked more questions.

Jackson was also full of curiosity, but after thinking about it, he finally asked no questions and strictly ordered the troops to march. For Jackson, as long as Luo Zheng can lead everyone to revenge and win the war, nothing else matters.

The gray moon emerged from the clouds, casting its endless clear light on the vast desert. It stared curiously at the rapidly marching troops. The sound of uniform steps echoed throughout the fields. A lizard emerged from the fine sand on the dune, Looking curiously at the retreating team, shaking his head, thinking about what?

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