The strongest soldier

Chapter 3389 Risking the Charge

In a slum area.

Countless cars rushed out of the slums like crazy. The cars were packed with armed men. They were yelling and looking extremely angry. They quickly rushed out of the gate checkpoint and roared away from the van of Luo Zheng and others. , the long convoy formed a line, and the brothers in the car laughed excitedly, but Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and relaxed his frown: he took the bait.

No one knows how much pressure Luo Zheng has been under, and no one can see that Luo Zheng's entire plan actually has a big flaw, and that is everyone's identity. If all this is really instigated by the Dark Church, the evil forces can Knowing that the sneak attack on the model aircraft that night was carried out by Chinese people, they would never rush to the press conference after hearing the news.

If the evil forces knew that it was a secret attack by agents that night, would they go to the press conference with great fanfare if they knew that Chinese people were coming to rescue them? The evil forces are not stupid, they certainly won't. Luo Zheng used the name of his family to hold a press conference and used the name of a mercenary to hide his identity. Only then did the evil forces believe it and rush to cause trouble. If his identity was exposed, the evil forces would not be able to hide in time. , how is it possible to break out of the slums? How could the Dark Church let the evil forces die?

All of Luo Zheng's plans were based on the premise that the evil forces did not know everyone's identities. He had a certain gambling mentality and the odds of winning or losing were 50-50. However, the trick of issuing a press conference in the name of his family completely dispelled the evil forces' intentions. Doubts, from the current point of view, the enemy has been fooled, the prerequisites of the plan are in place, and the rescue is half successful.

Seeing countless armed men rushing out screaming, pedestrians along the way gave way for fear of being hit by bullets. It took more than ten minutes for the convoy to end. Luo Zheng made a rough estimate. At least two thousand people rushed out, and he didn't know the poor people. How many troops are left in the district?

After waiting patiently for a while, Luo Zheng contacted the headquarters through the headset and learned that the three ambush teams had killed the frontline troops and were evacuating. There was no big safety problem. Luo Zheng was completely relieved and received the Dragon Tooth Shield. After backpacking, he immediately looked at everyone and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, the other three ambush troops have succeeded, it's our turn."

"Understood." Everyone responded in a deep voice, their murderous aura soaring, and they pulled the bolts of their guns one after another, getting ready for battle.

The brother in charge of driving started the car, slammed the accelerator a few times, looked at Luo Zheng, Luo Zheng nodded decisively, and felt that the car suddenly flew past like an arrow from the string, the speed increased rapidly, and the engine It is also a humming roarer, as if the invincible God of War is roaring, with an indomitable momentum.

As calculated before, the van rushed to the first checkpoint in about a minute and reached a speed of 120 yards per hour. Everyone heard a loud bang and saw the wooden beams in front of them being knocked out. The armed men opened fire one after another, and the bullets instantly shattered the car window glass, and the car body was also hit by many bullets, but everyone lowered their bodies to hide and did not fight back at all.

"Da da da -" The dense bullets hit the van hard, the glass shattered into pieces, and the roof of the van was also raked by bullets. I don't know what these armed men were thinking, but the bullets were all hitting it. , everyone lurked under the chairs, bullets passed by their backs, buzzing, it was terrifying, but no one panicked.

In less than thirty seconds, the van rushed to the second checkpoint. Everyone felt the van jolted, as if it was going up a certain step. Soon they heard a thud, and then everyone saw countless wooden boards passing out of the window. He passed by and disappeared in the blink of an eye, and his ears were filled with the sound of intensive bullet fire.

Everyone held their breath and let the enemies outside fire. The speed of the car was too fast, and the accuracy of the bullets fired by the armed personnel was very limited. There was no need to worry. Faintly, everyone heard a violent explosion behind them, and the brothers behind the car roared excitedly. : "Haha, the rocket missed."

"Kill -" Luo Zheng roared after stabilizing his body, raised his weapon and fired fiercely outside. Seeing the car door suddenly open, Luo Zheng dodged to the door, leaned against the car door, and stood at the car door facing the enemies outside. The shooting started, and when others heard Luo Zheng's roar, they also opened fire.

The van rushed forward at high speed without any intention of slowing down. After more than ten seconds, everyone's magazines were empty. Before they could replace the magazines, they heard Luo Zheng's roar of "jumping out of the van". Everyone climbed up without hesitation. They jumped out of the car window one after another. The enemies hit by the fierce counterattack just now evaded, gaining precious three seconds for jumping out of the car.

Three seconds is very short for ordinary people, but it is very long for well-trained soldiers. It is enough for everyone to climb up the car window, jump out quickly, roll on the ground, find a place to hide, and change the magazine. This series of actions is lightning fast. , yet it moves like flowing water, as if it had been practiced thousands of times.

The van continued to rush forward without anyone controlling it. The strong inertia drove the vehicle speed and slammed into the third checkpoint. The armed personnel inside the checkpoint were so frightened by everyone's precise shooting that they hid in the bunker. , finally the sound of bullets disappeared. Everyone looked up to check and prepare to fight back, only to find a van rushing over like crazy. They were all shocked, forgetting to fight back, and looking for places to hide.

This dodge wasted a few seconds and missed a precious opportunity. However, Luo Zheng and others used these seconds to change their magazines, find a favorable bunker, and shoot accurately. The armed men who had just evaded were instantly killed. After killing more than a dozen, the others were shocked and hid themselves, not daring to move.

Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he saw that everything was being calculated and that the situation and rhythm were controlled by his own people. He glanced at the drug manufacturing factory not far away. There were more than a dozen people rushing out with guns in hand. He rushed forward without hesitation. He fired a precise burst at the enemy who rushed out, and roared while running: "Brothers, rush up and kill--"

"Kill -" Wu Jin also raised his gun levelly, with the butt of the gun on his shoulder, constantly aiming to shoot the target. There was even more anger under his feet. He quickly rushed up, and Luo Zheng left and right, and was solved in the blink of an eye. He killed dozens of armed men who rushed out of the drug factory.

When the other brothers saw how fierce Luo Zheng and Wu Jin were, they also howled in excitement. They rushed over like tigers descending the mountain, looking for advantageous terrain, and implemented it according to the original plan. Luo Zheng believed that the brothers could do everything well, and his head was clear. He rushed into the drug factory without looking back.

There were several assembly lines in the drug manufacturing factory. They were full of workers wearing work clothes and masks. No armed personnel were seen. Luo Zheng had no time to check the crowd. Time is everything. Once the enemy troops who had gone out to support came back, everything would be in vain. Not to mention, brothers will also be trapped here.

"Go up -" Luo Zheng rushed to the window and roared at Wu Jin who was following behind him, his whole body burning with fighting spirit, with an aura that looked down on the world.

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