The strongest soldier

Chapter 3390 Rush upstairs

The gloomy sky is covered with gray clouds, which are as thick as cotton wool that has been left for a long time. The sun cannot breathe at all. The slums are gray and gloomy. Countless armed men are violently attacking the drug factory on the roofs, streets, rooms and other places. Shooting, the bullets were sprayed like water, but they could only break the glass windows, but could not penetrate the walls. Some angry armed men rushed forward screaming, but without exception they fell to the ground.

The street at the gate of the drug factory is full of corpses, and the blood has dyed the ground red. The sultry air is filled with a strong smell of blood. The battle is extremely fierce. One side relies on the number of people, and the other side relies on the wall of the drug factory. With solid and precise shooting, the two sides were evenly matched, and for a while no one could do anything to the other.

On the north wall of the drug factory, two people jumped up like monkeys, using their hands and feet to cling to the sewer pipe at a very fast speed. It was Luo Zheng and Wu Jin. Perhaps they discovered something. The glass of a window upstairs was blocked. Violently smashed open, glass pieces fell down, and soon, a gun stuck out of the window.

Luo Zheng, who was climbing, changed his face slightly when he saw this scene, and jumped into the bay window next to him. Wu Jin was watching all directions while climbing, and saw the barrel of the gun sticking out almost at the same time as Luo Zheng. After jumping into the bay window, which was about two meters long and one meter wide, the two of them ducked into the room. The people upstairs suddenly lost their focus and fired randomly at the bay window below.

Luo Zheng and Wu Jin entered the room without stopping and quickly rushed to the door. They exchanged glances with their backs against the walls on both sides of the door. Luo Zheng rolled out of the ground and aimed his gun forward. Wu Jin also dodged and rushed out, aiming his gun. On the other side, back-to-back with Luo Zheng, a standard two-man cover tactic.

Suddenly, Luo Zheng saw two people rushing out of the front room, holding guns in their hands and looking like they were cursing. Luo Zheng pulled the trigger without hesitation. The brave will win when they meet on a narrow road. Any negligence or hesitation in extraordinary times will bring disaster to him. The disaster came, two gunshots were fired, and the two targets were shot in the head and fell to the ground.

"Come forward." Luo Zheng said in a cold voice.

"This is the fourth floor. Damn it, we were so close. You have to move fast." Wu Jin said angrily.

The target was on the sixth floor, which was still two floors away. Just because someone tried to fire from upstairs, the two had to jump to the fourth floor to find another way. Two floors meant countless enemies, and just the two of them were very capable. It was difficult to kill, but not killing would mean his own death. Luo Zheng said in a deep and understanding voice: "Cover behind me and kill -"

"Kill!" Wu Jin roared without hesitation and opened fire.

Luo Zheng estimated that there was an enemy behind him. Without hesitation, he locked the front with his gun and moved quickly. When he saw several people rushing out from the front, he quickly pulled the trigger and shot all the targets to the ground. Suddenly he saw Someone came out of a house with a micro-gun ready to shoot.

"Not good." Luo Zheng quickly aimed in surprise, and a bullet accurately hit the opponent's palm. They were only five or six meters apart. This distance did not put pressure on Luo Zheng at all. He screamed and was slightly rushed away. On the ground, Luo Zheng stepped forward quickly and fired several shots into the room, killing all the people inside without hesitation.

After clearing the room of enemies, Luo Zheng was about to move forward. Suddenly, he saw a dozen people rushing towards him from the corner of the corridor in front of him. They were all yelling strangely. Luo Zheng's face turned cold and he quickly shouted: "Squat down." As he said that, his body became shorter and he squatted down. He came down, picked up the ground with one hand, rushed slightly, and started shooting violently at the enemy rushing up in front.

The lethality of micro-blast is not as good as that of a sniper rifle, but it is most suitable for close combat. It has fast shooting skills and flexible control. Bullets roar away, forming a small firepower network in the void, knocking down all enemies rushing out from the corner. On the ground, until all the bullets in the magazine were empty, Luo Zheng saw that there were no more enemies rushing out, so he threw away the micro charge and continued to move forward with the automatic rifle.

Wu Jin, who was following behind him, also stood up and walked backwards to keep up. The two of them quickly arrived at the stairs. Luo Zheng kicked open the door without hesitation. When he saw several people rushing down the stairs, he quickly took aim and shot. Wu Jin also He rushed in, closed the fire door, picked up a gun and blocked the door, completely cutting off the hope of the pursuers behind him, and also fired fiercely at the enemies on the stairs.

The two men kept firing, killing all the enemies rushing down from upstairs. In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen people turned into corpses and fell to the ground. Wu Jin shouted: "Come up, I will cover."

"Okay." Luo Zheng agreed decisively, hunched up his body and rushed up quickly. Like a cheetah, he climbed up to the first floor after a few ups and downs. He happened to see someone kicking open the fire door on the fifth floor and trying to rush over. Luo Zheng faced The attackers fired fiercely, several corpses lay on the ground, and the enemy retreated.

Wu Jin rushed up, pointed his gun at the upstairs and reminded in a deep voice: "Close the door."

"Good idea." Luo Zheng agreed, dragged a few corpses at the door, closed the fire door, and blocked it with a gun. In this way, the enemies on the fifth floor could not come over. Luo Zheng quickly took it He picked up the two magazines on the ground and inserted them into his body. He changed the magazines and then aimed at them and said, "Replace the magazines."

"Understood." Wu Jin agreed, quickly changed a magazine, and was about to pick up the other two magazines for use when he suddenly saw a group of people rushing up from downstairs. Without thinking much, he started shooting violently downstairs.

"Click, click, click—" The bullet roared out of the chamber and pounced downwards ferociously, knocking the enemy to the ground mercilessly and swallowing their lives. The blood spread instantly, and the air was full of bloody murder.

Seeing that there were too many enemies below, Luo Zheng quickly took out a few button bombs from his pocket, pressed the trigger detonation mode, and decisively threw them downwards, followed by a series of explosions, and the enemies swarming downstairs were blown up. Screaming again and again, flesh and blood flying everywhere, he retreated.

"I'll cover, get in." Wu Jin roared, obviously showing real fire.

"Follow me quickly." Luo Zheng also shouted in a deep voice, arching his body and walking as fast as flying. He climbed up to the sixth floor in a few steps. The sixth floor was locked. Luo Zheng aimed at the lock and fired a burst of rapid fire. After his head was hit, Luo Zheng did not open the door immediately, but leaned against the wall and watched his surroundings vigilantly.

Upstairs were the steps and the door leading to the rooftop. There were intensive gunshots on the rooftop. The gunshots were a little far away. Luo Zheng guessed that they were shooting at the brothers downstairs. He didn't know that he had already attacked. There were also footsteps and shouts in the corridor inside the fire door on the sixth floor. At this time, Wu Jin hurried up, Luo Zheng pointed upstairs, Wu Jin nodded knowingly, rushed up, hid in the door and started shooting at the rooftop.

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