The strongest soldier

Chapter 3725: Putting poisonous smoke

The gray canyon was deathly silent, so quiet that it was hair-raising. If it weren't for the whistling of the night wind, he would have thought that he was in a silent dark world. Luo Zheng held up the telescope and looked ahead. He didn't see anything suspicious. On the contrary, there was something faintly hidden inside the cave. The lights flickered, and I couldn't help but secretly rejoice. It seemed that the enemy had learned the lesson after suffering heavy losses in several consecutive sneak attacks. They clung to the cave and gave up the outside. This was good, and it gave me an advantage.

Everyone lay down on the ground to take cover, and turned to look at Luo Zheng. After seeing Luo Zheng raise his hands and make an offensive gesture, the first group of others dispersed with a bag and disappeared into the gray night. Tie Diao led the group The third group also infiltrated forward with bags, and each person's bag contained poison pills created by Shi Qian.

Luo Zheng, Shandiao and others did not move. They lay quietly on the ground and set up their sniper rifles to lock the front. They were waiting seriously to provide sniper cover for everyone. A few minutes later, the first group and the third group rushed to the cave some distance away. There was only about two hundred meters away, so everyone spread out and looked for their respective positions.

Before coming, Shi Qian clearly explained everyone's location. Everyone had also observed during the day and knew their respective positions. With the help of tactical eyepieces, they moved quickly on the hillside, like ghosts, and quickly found their respective positions to ambush. Get up and report through the headset and Luo Zheng.

A few minutes later, everyone was in place, like the god of death lurking in the dark mountains, silently but with a fierce murderous intent. Luo Zheng and Shi Qian exchanged a few words and were about to issue an order. Suddenly A heavy machine gun rang out in the cave ahead, and it was exposed. I couldn't help but be shocked. I quickly aimed at it, locked the position of the heavy machine gun, and fired three rapid bursts, while shouting: "Quick, set fire."

Everyone lay on the ground and did not dare to move. They looked nervously at the machine guns that were shooting wildly. After hearing the order, they all took out lighters and lit the bag. The bag was soaked in oil and would ignite when exposed to fire. The poison pills inside would also be ignited. , the fire was very abrupt in the gray night, attracting more enemies to shoot.

"Quickly retreat." Luo Zheng shouted, and fired three more rapid bursts. He misfired a heavy machine gun and was about to attack other firepower. Suddenly he saw the heavy machine gun firing again. He couldn't help being shocked and urged urgently. Said: "Sniper team fire cover, brothers, light the bag and evacuate quickly, quick."

"Understood." Everyone responded solemnly.

Luo Zheng's face changed drastically when he saw dozens of lines of fire coming out of the cave in a short time. He quickly aimed at a heavy machine gun, but the distance was a bit far away and the sniper scope couldn't see clearly, so he couldn't distinguish the real ones. He could only shoot based on his general feeling. Three sniper bombs roared and hit who knows where. The heavy machine gun continued shooting as if nothing was wrong.

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng was shocked. He had always been confident in his marksmanship, but he was unable to kill the opponent. There was only one explanation, and that was the angle troops. The opponent's shooting hole was narrow and long. From the inside, there was no obstruction from the outside, but from the outside it was difficult to shoot from the inside. The difference is that the long and narrow shooting hole is made of concrete. From bottom to top, bullets cannot shoot into the inside, and there is a certain degree of death.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng went crazy with depression. In the face of this kind of permanently prepared fortifications, except for attack bullets, it is almost impossible for ordinary bullets to destroy this kind of steel-concrete fortifications. Neither can sniper bullets. Unless they are at the same height as the opponent's shooting hole, directly from the shooting hole. Shoot the bullets in, otherwise it will be impossible to hit the people hiding behind the shooting holes, but the place where everyone ambush is lower than these bunker shooting holes.

As long as there are strong fortifications and enough bullets, a heavy machine gun can block a position and block the attack of thousands of people. Luo Zheng knew how powerful it was, so he immediately replaced the incendiary bombs and notified others to also use incendiary bombs to attack. The penetrating power is worse, but after hitting the target, a lot of incendiary agent will be exploded, and the incendiary agent will splash out, possibly splashing onto people behind the fortifications.

More than thirty snipers opened fire together, and more than thirty incendiary bombs roared away, tearing open the gray night sky and drawing a dazzling light in the void. They hit hard near the enemy's fire point and the incendiary exploded. A lot of firepower suddenly went silent. Tie Diao, Shi Qian and others took the opportunity to retreat quickly. A few rabbits retreated dozens of meters.

"Boooooooooo-" At the critical moment of life and death, Luo Zheng and others did not dare to be careless and continued to fire to block the enemy, buying time for the brothers to retreat. Incendiary bombs are indeed a weapon that has been dehumanized, and it is terrifying that countries require them not to be put into the battlefield. A killing weapon, the enemies hit by the splashing incendiary agent fled one after another, and the firepower was much smaller.

However, Luo Zheng and others did not dare to be careless and continued to fire and kill. They did not seek to kill people. They only needed to shoot the incendiary bombs to the opponent's fire point. Delaying the enemy's firepower was victory. Tie Diao, Shi Qian and others also understood that life and death were bald. They all rushed with all their strength, and both of them broke out at the fastest speed in history.

After a while, everyone retreated, met up with Luo Zheng and others, and dispersed. They each found a place to hide and set up their weapons. Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice: "Stop firing, and count the number of people in each group."

"Withdraw all the first group!" Shi Qian shouted in a low voice.

"All the third group has been withdrawn!" Tie Diao also said in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief and looked forward. Dozens of fireballs were burning in the gray night sky, swaying in the wind, like ghost fires, exuding a chilling and terrifying atmosphere. The enemies in the cave saw the fire. The fireballs fired at them one after another, but it was of no use. The fireballs continued to burn and became more and more powerful, which was extremely strange.

"Brothers, keep an eye on the enemy to prevent them from coming out to extinguish the fire. If you find the enemy is shooting freely," Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice. , there is no doubt that he will be killed. The poisonous smoke is the key to success or failure and must not be extinguished.

The enemy captured three peaks, separated by canyons in the middle. Strong cave fortifications were built inside the peaks. Poisonous smoke drifted towards two of the caves. One of them was the main peak, the core cave where the enemy was located. As for the other peak, Behind the two peaks, they were blocked and the poisonous smoke couldn't drift past, but Luo Zheng didn't care. As long as he captured two peaks, it wouldn't be too late to talk about the remaining peaks.

The poisonous smoke can stun a person for more than two hours, and there is no danger to his life after he wakes up. Therefore, Luo Zheng detained Wang Defu, denying him a chance to report the news, and did not allow the rebels who wanted to come over anyway to evacuate. , In the current war, any details that may expose the operation cannot be relaxed.

Looking at the fire that was getting stronger and stronger, Luo Zheng became a little nervous. This battle was really too important. If all the hundreds of strong men were eliminated, it would definitely be a heavy blow to the Dark Church, and it would also be able to raise the banner of the Anti-Terrorist Alliance. , if this battle is successful, more countries will inevitably join the alliance, and the road ahead will be much easier.

"Boohoo boom--" Suddenly several sniper shots rang out, and someone shouted: "An enemy is coming out."

I recommend a friend’s new work, which is worth reading. The title of the book is: "The King of Extraordinary Soldiers"

Author: 8difficulties

Hidden Dragon is the strongest army in China, and Ryuga is the strongest Hidden Dragon.

The ultimate goal of every soldier is to become the Hidden Dragon Fang.

Anyone who bullies my brother shall be killed!

Anyone who insults my relatives will be killed! !

Anyone who violates our mountains and rivers will be killed! ! !

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