The strongest soldier

Chapter 3726 The weird bunker

In the gray canyon, dozens of bonfires burned, illuminating the surroundings. The orange flames exuded green light, which was particularly strange in the night. A team rushed out of the cave and rushed towards the fire with guns in hand. , but a few sniper shots rang out, and one person fell to the ground motionless. More people continued to rush forward, opening fire as they ran, howling and screaming like hungry wolves in the wilderness.

A few hundred meters away, Luo Zheng raised a telescope with night vision function and found that the person who came was very special. He was not a defeated ninja, nor did he look like a new holy warrior. Before receiving the news, the rebels didn't know what to do. In addition, the troops were controlled by the Dark Church in platoon units. It was reasonable to be forced to come out to check the fire group, but it must be stopped.

"Block them." Luo Zheng put down the telescope and said coldly, with an unquestionable murderous intent.

No matter who came, they could not stop the implementation of the plan. Luo Zhenghan raised his sniper rifle with a face, aimed at the rushing team and opened fire quickly. Others also opened fire and killed them. They were six or seven hundred meters away, and the enemy could not see at all. Luo Zheng and others who are not far away can only fire randomly, but Luo Zheng and others can completely locate the enemy's fire points and determine their location, so as to carry out precise shooting.

It was clear that the enemy fell on the way to charge, but more people rushed out of the cave. Perhaps the enemy realized that something was wrong with the fire ball, and everyone should figure it out at all costs, right? Soon, hundreds of people rushed out of the cave, quickly dispersed, and rushed towards the fire ball from different angles. Luo Zheng and others were shocked because they could not kill them.

Suddenly, everyone saw the people rushing in front falling down in pieces. It didn't look like they had been shot at all. They couldn't help but were stunned, but they quickly realized that this scene was so familiar. It's done, the poisonous smoke was successful. Everyone was overjoyed and stopped shooting. Luo Zheng also stopped shooting. He raised his telescope again and found that most of the enemies who rushed out fell down. Many enemies didn't know what was going on and retreated in panic, but they also fell to the ground one after another. Can get up.

Everyone has already seen the power of poisonous smoke, and they are still filled with emotion when they see such a scene. If this kind of poisonous smoke is released on a large scale on the battlefield, wouldn't the enemy win without killing them? The fourth group had been watching and learning from behind, and they also saw this scene. Everyone was shocked and didn't know why. No one told the fourth group that the poisonous smoke was powerful. Xiaolang and Tigress knew it, but they didn't know it without Shi Qian's order. Did not say.

Poison smoke is the secret weapon of the Secret Bureau. Luo Zheng even asked Dongfang Ling of the Scientific Research Department to make a grenade. The technology has been conquered and is in clinical trials. It will not be long before it can be put into mass production. I didn't catch up this time, otherwise it would be Shi Qian didn't have to go through the trouble of making poisonous smoke, so he just used hand grenades.

"It's done." Luo Zheng was overjoyed and couldn't help but look at the burning fire. The fire was getting stronger and stronger. Unfortunately, it was too far away and the sky was too dark to see the poisonous smoke. He couldn't help but said: "Shi Qian, you are the best in this battle. A great achievement."

"I just made something, and the credit belongs to everyone." Shi Qian said politely.

"Is it possible to carry out the second stage of the attack?" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"That's enough." Shi Qian replied with his mouth full.

The second stage of the attack is very simple. It still creates poisonous smoke, but this time the distance is closer. The first stage is mainly to deter the enemy and force the enemy to hide. Under the poisonous smoke attack, the people hiding in the bunker cannot hide at all. As long as the enemy in the bunker retreats, there will be no danger in the second phase of the attack.

"Little Wolf, Tiger Girl." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Understood." The two men immediately agreed and rushed up with the fourth group. Each person was carrying a big bag in their hands. Shi Qian and Tie Diao led their own people to meet them, took the bag and ran, disappearing quickly. In the darkness, a member of the fourth group whispered with envy: "Deputy leader, why don't you let us in?"

"What do you know? If you go up, you will faint and fall to the ground." Xiaolang whispered angrily.

"Then why wouldn't they?" the team member said unconvinced.

"You ask me, who am I going to ask?" Xiaolang cursed angrily, looked at the others and continued to warn: "Brace yourself, spread out and keep an eye on the surroundings, be careful of enemy sneak attacks."

Luo Zheng, who was not far away, couldn't help laughing when he heard this conversation, and sighed secretly. Xiaolang was becoming more and more calm. I'm afraid he had already revealed the reason before. As a veteran who had fought several battles with the main force. , of course Xiaolang understood that Shi Qian had a wooden bottle with an antidote in it, and he would give everyone a sniff to prevent the poison later.

Tie Diao and Shi Qian rushed forward with their troops, and soon came to the vicinity of the fire. Everyone hid on the spot. Shi Qian raised his telescope and observed for a moment, and found that there was no gunfire in the cave, and no one could be seen. Knowing that the poisonous smoke had flowed back into the cave from the narrow shooting hole, and the people inside must have withdrawn, he was overjoyed, took out the antidote and called for everyone to gather around.

Shi Qian smelled it himself and gave the antidote to everyone in turn. Everyone knew how to use it, so they put it under their noses and took a deep breath before handing it to the next person. Shi Qian pointed to the front and whispered: "This time Attack is particularly important. Put the poisonous smoke as far forward as possible, preferably near the bunker halfway up the mountain, but it must be upwind, so be careful."

"I propose that we work in teams of two, with one person responsible for covering and one person responsible for poisoning." Tie Diao Old City suggested.

"Yes, everyone can form a team freely." Shi Qian agreed.

Soon, everyone successfully formed a team freely. Shi Qian divided the team into two and attacked a mountain respectively. With an order, everyone quickly dispersed, ran over quickly, and disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye. Shi Qian and Stanley formed a team. , the two thief kings of the East and West have joined forces again. Both of them are very excited, and their movements are as fast as flying.

Soon, the two of them rushed to the foot of the mountain and found a safe-looking place to hide. When they looked up, there was a bunker on the mountainside, only ten meters away from them. They were not overjoyed. Shi Qian pointed to the bunker above. Stanley Nodding knowingly, the two of them quickly climbed up the mountainside, one on the left and the other on the right.

The mountainside is not steep, and it would be impossible for the two of them to rush here normally, but now the enemies are afraid of the poisonous smoke and have all hid in the caves. No one cares about the opponents who are rushing up. Perhaps they think it is enough to just defend the cave. Or should we let the opponent come in and fight again?

For some unknown reason, Shi Qian successfully reached the vicinity of the bunker and took a look. The bunker was made of steel and concrete and was more than two meters thick. With such a thickness, sniper bullets could not penetrate at all. No wonder the shot just now was useless. The long and narrow shooting hole No weapons could be seen and no one could be heard inside.

Shi Qian walked to the side of the bunker in confusion, and cautiously took a look. It was gray inside, with no people or light visible. It was like a closed cabin. He couldn't help but be shocked. Could it be that the bunker was independent? The door can isolate the cave from the outside. If so, wouldn't it be able to block poisonous smoke attacks? Wasn't that all your busy work just now in vain?

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