The strongest soldier

Chapter 3727 Impromptu decision

The poisonous smoke attack is the key to victory. If the poisonous smoke cannot penetrate into the cave, then everything will be in vain and will fall into passivity. Shi Qian was shocked when he looked at the dark bunker and quickly took out a flashlight, not caring about being exposed directly. Open it and shine it through the shooting hole.

The bunker is about ten square meters and is rectangular. The walls and floor are all steel-concrete structures. Even the roof is deconstructed concrete. It is empty and has nothing. There are some shell casings and a few bullet chains scattered on the ground. There is no gun in sight. There was no one around, so Shi Qian was startled and suspicious, and the flashlight quickly shone on a door.

The door was not big and could only be used by one person, but there was an iron door to close it. Shi Qian was surprised and quickly made a cover for Stannie, then turned over and entered the bunker. Stannie did not expect that Shi Qian was so bold. Shocked, he quickly aimed at the door in the bunker and got ready to shoot.

Shi Qian quickly rushed to the door, leaned his back against the wall, and used his hands to pull the iron door. The iron door didn't move at all. He guessed that it was locked on the back, so he secretly summoned up his inner strength to reach for it, but the iron door still couldn't be opened. Shi Qian looked at it. He glanced at the door lock. It was a very ordinary lock. Shi Qian was confident that he could open it in a second, but he didn't make a move. There must be someone defending on the other side of the door. Opening it directly would be terrible and disadvantageous. What should he do?

At this time, Stannie also jumped in, patted Shi Qian's arm, and pointed below. Shi Qian lowered his head and saw that there was a crack below. The mountain wind poured in from the shooting hole and penetrated into the cave through the crack in the door. , couldn't help being overjoyed, and immediately motioned for Stanley to leave together. When they arrived outside the bunker, they handed Stanley the bag containing the poison pills.

Stannie immediately took out a lighter knowingly, lit a bag and threw it into the bunker. He also lit another bag and threw it in. He set up a weapon alert. Shi Qian whispered through the headset: "Brothers, the bunker is closed." Human defense, iron door confinement, there is a gap under the iron door, the poisonous smoke can flow back into the cave through the gap with the wind, just light the bag and throw it into the bunker, move quickly."

"Good idea." Someone said in surprise.

"We have discovered this situation and are making preparations." Someone echoed.

Shi Qian breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. The poisonous smoke was the key to victory. The enemy had an iron door to isolate the bunker and the cave, but the gap in the door was left as a hidden danger. The poisonous smoke was pervasive and flowed back into the cave with the wind. This battle was basically nothing. The suspense was over, and Shi Qian couldn't help but look in other directions. Many brothers were releasing poisonous smoke. Unfortunately, it was too late at night to see clearly, so he raised his weapon and aimed at the iron gate.

The poisonous smoke is colorless and odorless, so there is no fear of the enemy discovering it, but once a coma occurs in the cave, the enemy will definitely guess something. It will be troublesome to open the door to put out the fire. Shi Qian became a little nervous, secretly praying that no one would come out, holding the steel There was a little cold sweat on the palm of the gun.

After waiting for a while, the bag burned hotter and hotter. Shi Qian knew that more poisonous smoke had penetrated through the crack in the door. He couldn't help but be overjoyed and continued to wait patiently. After a while, there was a click sound, and then the big iron door opened. He was shocked and shot without hesitation.

"Click, click, click -" The bullet hit the iron door, sparks flew everywhere, and gunfire rang out from behind the slightly opened iron door. Someone started to fight back. Shi Qian was overjoyed when he saw the iron door ajar. Duoduyan was able to get in smoothly, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Someone comes out, stop them, and they must not be allowed to put out the fire."

"Da da da -" Stannie responded quickly by firing. The iron door was not big, and a gun was enough to block the enemy. Shi Qian stopped firing, but took out a grenade and quickly opened the safety. After a delay of two seconds, He threw it in with all his strength, and entered through the gap in the ajar door. Then there was a huge explosion, smoke filled the air, and the iron door was completely opened by the shock wave.

"Haha, it's better now." Stannie shouted excitedly. Without stopping, he fired fiercely at the iron door to prevent the enemy from coming out. He quickly emptied a magazine and shouted: "Brother , change the bomb."

"Understood." Shi Qian responded in a deep voice, and opened fire quickly. The fire blocked the iron door again, not giving anyone a chance to come out. Stannie quickly changed the bullets, but did not fire immediately, but calmly observed, from time to time Take a look around in case someone comes out to attack you.

After waiting for a while, Shi Qian's bullets were empty, and Stannie immediately picked up the fire and continued to block the iron door. After Shi Qian replaced the bullets, he said in a deep voice: "Brothers, it's best to blow open the iron door if you have the chance. The gap in the door is too big." Narrow, the attack effect is too slow, please handle it flexibly according to the situation."

"Understood." Everyone responded in a deep voice. They were all veterans and knew what to do.

Soon, dull explosions and gunshots were heard everywhere. Shi Qian knew that everyone was attacking without looking or asking. With so many people attacking at the same time, it would give the enemy the feeling of an overwhelming force. Shi Qian knew that everyone was attacking at the same time. I can't help but feel anxious when I think about the enemy having nuclear warheads. If the enemy thinks that the soldiers have launched a general attack, will they detonate it directly?

After thinking about it, Shi Qian felt relieved. The enemy is also a human being, and he is also afraid of death. It is impossible for all of these elite troops to be left here. Before detonating the nuclear warhead, they will definitely escape through the secret passage and wait two kilometers away before detonating it. , the two-kilometer secret tunnel will take some time. This time is enough for the poisonous smoke to take effect, and the people inside are afraid that they will jump over the wall after seeing a large area of ​​coma.

"Break the iron gate and speed up the attack, but no one is allowed to rush through the iron gate. Move quickly. Shi Qian, how much time will it take to finish burning?" A majestic voice sounded in the headset, with a bit of anxiety, It was Luo Zheng. As a veteran with rich combat experience, Luo Zheng thought more and further.

"It will take five minutes to finish burning." Shi Qian quickly replied. The poison pills are specially made. They don't burn fast but release a lot of poisonous smoke.

"Five minutes is too long. I give you two minutes to open the iron door and hold on for one minute. One minute is enough for a large amount of poisonous smoke to pour in. Enemies close to the bunker will be knocked down, and enemies deeper in the cave will be knocked down even if they rush out. If you pass out on the road, a large area of ​​coma will appear within five minutes, and the enemy may jump over the wall in a panic. Therefore, you must evacuate quickly in three minutes. Is my calculation accurate?" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, with a firm tone, With a certain degree of doubt.

"Very accurate. We have a maximum of three minutes. Everyone, hurry up and retreat after three minutes. No matter whether you succeed or not, you must retreat, just in case." Shi Qian immediately agreed, his face became solemn. In fact, Shi Qian knew clearly that three minutes Minutes are risky, and two minutes is best, but two minutes is too short, and three minutes is safer.

"Brothers, this battle is very important. Let's fight it." Tie Diao's voice sounded in the headset.

"Fight-" everyone shouted in a deep voice, murderous aura filled the night sky, and as the mountain wind poured into the cave, bringing a biting chill, everyone sped up their actions.

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