Dead silence!



Sun Wutian looked at the explanation of the five-star difficulty given by the system and was completely dumbfounded.

"Holy shit, is this a five-star difficulty?"

"Is this the fifty-star difficulty?"

"One-star difficulty involves fate, and two-star difficulty has intrusions from other dimensions or worlds, time and space, which is fine. I can accept it. I am the God... cough cough, I can suppress all enemies."

Sun Wutian said, and stopped in time. After two dry coughs, he subconsciously pretended to be a wave, and then he almost screamed:"But, system, tell me, what are the three stars and above?"

"The starting point of the three-star difficulty is that the God of Destruction will kill me in advance for some reason. If the strong people you specially marked are measured by this standard, I am afraid that they will all start with the God of Destruction. By then, those below the God of Destruction will be worse than dogs, and the God of Destruction level will be everywhere? Will there be any way for ordinary people to survive?"

What did he do?

Did he destroy the universe, destroy a lot of time and space, or cause the destruction of all twelve universes? What made the three-star difficulty God of Destruction hate him so much? They even came up with the idea of killing him in advance. Obviously, as long as they meet, they will never show any mercy to him. Even if he is as powerful as the terrifying potential of the ancestor-level Saiyan bloodline, it will be useless without development and growth space.

What's more, there will be unknown strong people from other time and space?

This is only the three-star difficulty.

Let's see what the four-star difficulty is?

The adventers of other time and space, the ones who gaze into the future. Aliases: time travelers, reborn people.

Either they are from a modern society that travels through Dragon Ball, or they travel from other Dragon Ball worlds. For example, in some fan worlds, the reborn people who directly return to this era from the future with memories are all within the scope of the adventers and future people marked by the system. Inside.

My goodness, what virtue does Sun Wutian have?

The targeted killing of the God of Destruction, and the enemies of other travelers and reborn people? ?


Let’s say, even if it is a certain emperor who claims to suppress all enemies, a certain emperor who has been arbitrary for eternity, or even a great celestial being who has experienced billions of calamities before reaching the Golden Palace, they don’t have this treatment, right?

That’s fine.

The eraser of this world, the absolute authority dog, the Omni-King, has also jumped out? ?

And it’s unreasonable, without any signs, just a whim to directly erase the seventh universe? ?

What the hell is this?

Sun Wutian already felt short of breath when he reached the four-star difficulty. With his unyielding pride, he had to bow humbly to the system:"Well, system, I admit that I am too young, I spoke too loudly just now, and my attitude was not very good. Can I withdraw the difficulty trial card? ?"

If there is a solution to the three-star difficulty, as long as Sun Wutian becomes stronger too fast, the God of Destruction will be targeted. At worst, he can just kill the God of Destruction with one hand.

With the powerful blood of the ancestral Saiyan, given time, it won't take too long. In a few years, he will definitely surpass the God of Destruction. Sun Wutian has this confidence.

But the Omni-King... is too stupid.

He only has the blood of the ancestral Saiyan. He has not become an ancestral Saiyan and can say to the whole universe that he is an ancestor who doesn't eat beef.

Not to mention, unless there are some crappy time travelers and reborn people in the female frequency.

But for those who start in the male frequency, are there any crappy reborn people or time travelers?

The most terrifying thing is that although the time travelers and reborn people these days are not easy to get along with, they are all equipped with gold fingers, and even the system is It's almost common.

If you meet a lousy time traveler with a cheat code, the threat is not that big.

But who knows when the reborn person was reborn, and whether the cheat code he brought is very big?

Thinking that there might be a reborn person hiding in some corner of the universe, quietly developing, waiting to ambush him, even though Sun Wutian maintained the form of Super Saiyan 3, he couldn't help but shudder.

This is simply ruthless.

Not to mention, there is also the threat of the almost unsolvable Omni-King.

That thing is completely unreasonable, it is a direct obliteration of the rules, it is a pure authority dog, a completely unknown field of strength. Sun Wutian even suspected that his combat effectiveness had to be improved to the level of infinite number, before there would be a slight possibility that he could withstand the targeting of the Omni-King, the most supreme god in the universe.

"Five-star difficulty, will it definitely appear?"

Sun Wutian took another look, and then took another look without believing it. His heart almost collapsed:"What the hell is this? Just lie down and die."

There will definitely be an invasion of the heavens-level natural disasters!!

According to the more detailed explanation given by the system, the fourth natural disaster is considered a natural disaster of the heavens-level, the invasion of worlds such as the main god space and the reincarnation paradise is also considered a natural disaster of the heavens-level, and some travelers who have the golden fingers of the heavens-level system, leading other worlds to invade, are also considered a natural disaster of the heavens-level.

Then, highlight the key points.

The last type of natural disaster of the heavens-level may appear when a traveler who travels to the prehistoric world brings a large number of prehistoric worlds, or even dozens of prehistoric worlds’ avenues, heavenly ways, chaos demons, saints, and Daluo to invade.

What the hell is this?

If this kind of natural disaster invasion really occurs, for some reason, such as someone in the Dragon Ball world asks the heavens to help, or a system goes to a prehistoric and undeveloped chaotic era to draw blood, and is chased by the traveler Pangu with a group of chaos demons, this kind of natural disaster of the heavens-level will appear.

Let alone the current Sun Wutian, let the Emperor of the Desolate World, Gu Chensha, Dr. Chen, Gu Shaoshang and the like come and lie down on the spot and wait for death.

Of course, other worlds of the heavens Level 1 natural disasters are not easy to deal with.

I won't introduce them one by one here.

If the invasion of natural disasters of the prehistoric world is an extremely low probability event among low probability events.

Then let's look at other options that are bound to appear, the rule-favored ones, alias: the owners of the system or the golden finger, for example, some people who are hanging with the intellect against the sky, but are actually the system cheats, belong to the ranks of the rule-favored ones.

There will definitely be a system owner.

There is no need to introduce this in a lot of nonsense. Those who have a system are 99% of the hangers-on, and none of them are easy to deal with.

Time travelers, alias, the ones who run around in the heavens.

According to the explanation of the system, this kind of existence is the kind that can travel through the heavens and the worlds at will without restrictions.

Today, you can pick up girls and show your sainthood in the martial arts world, tomorrow you can travel to a modern world and not eat beef, the day after tomorrow when you are bored, you can go to the fairy world to claim the sect as the ancestor, and you can also travel to the west to learn scriptures in the morning, travel to the east at noon, and participate in the Conferred God War in the afternoon.

The main point is outrageous.

The speed of becoming stronger is much more terrifying than many hangers-on who have systems.

How can Sun Wutian play this?


Play with the shit, wait for death.

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