
The difficulty is gradually increased, not the 5-star difficulty at the beginning?

That's fine!

Waiting to die is impossible.

I, Sun Wutian, can hold up the sky with one hand and suppress all enemies.....What a P

"Even so, I was still panicking."For the first time, Goten felt that sometimes a man only needed to harden the hard parts, and he didn't need to be so hard if he had a big mouth.

Now, it was a bit too much.

The four-star difficulty was the King of All, and if the five-star difficulty had a small probability of the great fusion of the heavens and the worlds, or the great invasion of the heavens, wouldn't the entire twelve universes, or even the entire Dragon Ball space and time, be waiting to die together?

At this time, Goku and Vegeta, who had been cured, followed Gohan, God Jepiter and others to fly over. As soon as they approached, they found that Goten, who maintained the Super Saiyan 3 transformation, had a wrinkled face and looked sad.

""What's wrong, Goten?"

Son Gohan saw this and asked with concern,"Did the battle just now consume too much energy? Why do you look listless, uh, and sad?"


Sun Wutian almost cried.

It's fun to show off, but it's a crematorium after that. This is the most true portrayal.


Sun Wukong held his chin with one hand, looked at Sun Wutian carefully, clapped his hands, and said in sudden realization:"Could it be that maintaining the Super Saiyan 3 transformation is causing his physical strength and energy to be consumed too quickly?"

"Don't worry too much. When Dad first transformed into Super Saiyan 3, he also discovered the disadvantages of this transformation. Even if you don't fight, your physical strength and energy will quickly disappear. As long as you don't use it for a long battle, it's fine."

At the end, Sun Wukong even smiled and comforted Sun Wutian.


Vegeta glanced at Sun Wukong, snorted coldly, and reminded:"Kakarot, Wutian is definitely not worried about this. Don't you find that Wutian's anger has not decreased, but has been constantly rising?"


After Vegeta's reminder, Son Goku was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise:"It's true, although the growth rate is not as fast as when fighting with Gogeta, it is also very impressive. Isn't it because of this?"

Seeing Son Goku looking at him again, Vegeta turned his head away speechlessly.

As Son Goten's family members, Son Goku and Son Gohan didn't know what Son Goten was worried about. How could he, an outsider, guess it?

"Haha, no...Is it because you feel you have no rivals after defeating Gogeta?"

Although Krillin just said it casually, Son Goku, Son Gohan, Vegeta, Piccolo and others were enlightened and felt that what he said was indeed reasonable.

""Tsk, damn brat, is this something he should worry about at his age?" Vegeta snorted in dissatisfaction, and turned his head away as if he had eaten a few boxes of lemons, feeling so sour inside.

The previous Son Goku, when fighting against the demon kid Buu in the King of the Gods Realm, showed a power that completely surpassed him, which made Vegeta sigh in admiration. Before that, Son Gohan also showed a mysterious form. Son Goten is even more outrageous.

Whose seven-year-old Saiyan can actually hang up and beat a combined warrior like Gogeta?

That was Gogeta, the combined warrior of him and Kakarot.

He has surpassed Super Saiyan 3 again, and on this basis, he has raised it to a level that Son Goku and Vegeta can reach in the short term. Gogeta is so high that no one can imagine.

He was defeated by Son Goten just like that.

The Son family is simply more outrageous than each other.

After Vegeta complained, he put himself in his shoes and thought that if he were Son Goten, and at this age he had completely surpassed his father's generation, and even defeated an invincible existence like Gogeta, he would probably have the same distress as him that he might not have an opponent in his future life, right?

Damn it, Vegeta really envied him and wanted to have this kind of worry.

At this moment, it's not just Vegeta, except for Son Goku, who else doesn't want to replace Son Goten and have this kind of distress in the future?..

At this time, Goten saw that everyone was looking thoughtful because of what Krillin said casually, so he sighed and knew that he had to explain.

Didn't he see that his brother Gohan was already trying to organize words to comfort himself?

Didn't he see that his father Goku was already full of excitement and unwillingness to admit defeat, and seemed to be thinking about the next plan to become stronger?

Didn't he see that Vegeta and his son over there were envious eyes as red as rabbits, as if they had eaten a lemon?

"Uncle Krillin, I'm not worried about this."

Son Goten shook his head, revealing an expression of wanting to cry but not being able to:"If I were really invincible, then what would I be worried about? I would be so excited that I would roll around in the Kaioshin Realm."

"On the contrary, I am distressed. There will be too many enemies in the future."

When mentioning this, Sun Wutian's face was full of worry.

If he knew that the difficulty card would directly show five stars, but in fact it might be 'fifty stars', Sun Wutian would definitely weigh the pros and cons, think twice, and be very careful.

Now, it's too late to regret.


Hearing Goten's words, Krillin, Goku, Gohan, Vegeta and others were all stunned, not knowing what Goten meant.

Could it be that in the future there will be many enemies that Goten cannot defeat?

But if so, how did Goten know?

Goku, Vegeta and others were not stupid, especially Piccolo, who was known as the think tank of the Z Warriors, and Gohan, the academic master. They grasped the key to the problem in an instant.

Even the old Kai and Jepitel pricked up their ears.

They had a hunch that they would hear a shocking secret next.

"Dad, Uncle Vegeta, and Old Kai."

Son Goten did not rush to speak, but organized his words in his mind, considering which angle to start his speech from, and then he made a decision in his heart, looking at the three people and said:"You should know that I have mastered the ability of time, right?"


"So it really is the power of time, huh?"

Old Kai, Son Goku, and Vegeta all nodded. They had a feeling that what Son Goten was going to say next would be very important, and it must be related to the power of time that Son Goten was talking about.

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