An Haoran wandered around the company idle for a while, and then felt that he had nothing to do. He went downstairs to the coffee shop for coffee, and happened to hear someone discussing something there.

"Hey, did you know? I heard that our eldest lady talked about a boyfriend!"

It was just lunch break, and everyone gathered together in twos and threes to relax and discuss.

An Haoran was indifferent to these things at first, but when he heard that his eldest sister, who was like an iceberg, even talked about a boyfriend, he was also very curious. Not long ago, his eldest sister had a scandal.

"It seems that he is the son of an aristocratic family. Anyway, he is very rich. Do you think the eldest miss is planning to compete for the company's shares by doing this?"

"No, I heard before that the company's shares are all given to the third young master..."

When An Haoran heard them say that the shares were for himself, he felt very happy, because he felt that no matter how the uncle and the second uncle died, all the money they had on hand should be given to him.

"Are you stupid? After this woman gets married, she will be one with her husband. The two of them don't have to live. They must be thinking about how to get more money. The third young master wants to take all the property for himself, then It's unlikely."

The more An Haoran listened, the more angry he felt. He stood up and walked towards the few employees who were discussing this issue. The employees couldn't help trembling when they saw An Haoran next door. They immediately lowered their heads and took it. Coffee hurriedly left An Haoran, clenching his fists as he watched their backs leave.

An Haoran did not know that after these employees left, there was an extra amount of money in their mobile phones. In fact, these employees knew that An Haoran was in the coffee shop, and they said this to An Haoran on purpose. of.

Mingzhe glanced at his phone, he knew that An Haoran must have been hooked, and then he asked An Jiajia to invite An Haoran out for dinner.

An Haoran and the second sister were not so good either, they would pinch each other when they met before.

"I called you out for dinner today because I wanted to discuss something with you. You didn't go to grandpa's house for dinner that day, so you don't know what happened at that time."

An Jiajia's face became very serious, she didn't even care about eating, "eldest sister recently talked to a boyfriend, I heard that he is a wealthy businessman from Donghai City, he is very rich, and he has also begged uncle and eldest brother. Auntie is very happy. When we went back to grandpa’s house for dinner that day, he also gave grandpa king royal jelly.”

Of course, An Haoran knew the efficacy and price of royal jelly. After hearing this, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, "Really or not? That guy made such a big shot?"

An Jiajia nodded, "How could I lie to you, this is indeed true. Grandpa was so excited by him. He also said that he was good at medicine, so he treated Grandpa's body. The more Grandpa looks at him now, the more pleasing to the eye. ."

An Haoran took a sip of red wine and said with little interest: "Grandpa likes whoever he likes, what does it have to do with me?"

An Jiajia's eyes widened, "Look at what you said, do you know that if grandpa favored the uncle and aunt's family, wouldn't the company's property be given to them in the future? You also know that the entire family business was The ones who brought them were the uncle and aunt."

An Haoran disagreed, "There is only one male grandchild like me. You two will have to get married when the time comes. As the saying goes, the water splashed by the married daughter, you can't go back to the An family to fight for property!"

An Jiajia thinks that An Haoran is really stupid and confident. He actually thinks that he is a man, so he should be able to get everything.

Although An Jiajia was not used to An Haoran's appearance, An Jiajia also knew that it was time to sow discord, so the An Jiajia sighed and said, "Of course I know that I am married, these things are not Maybe I will take it to my mother's house, and I also have a very good husband, Mingzhe. I will never fight with you. But I don't fight with you, it doesn't mean that some people won't fight with you. "

An Haoran remembered what he heard the employees discuss in the cafe, and he couldn't help frowning, "You mean that the eldest sister and her boyfriend will compete with me for the family property?"

An Jiajia nodded, "Your eldest sister is also a capable person. Now he has found such a powerful boyfriend, and he openly pleases his grandfather. It seems that he is interested in the family property. Besides, the uncle and aunt are in control of their hands. The shares of the company will be transferred to An Menglan and her boyfriend at that time, so wouldn't that be a loss to you?"

An Haoran said angrily, "That's mine! No one can rob it!"

An Jiajia secretly scolded An Haoran for being an idiot in her heart, but she didn't say it.

"I also think it belongs to you, but some people don't think so. Now the eldest sister doesn't have such a big case at hand, but she is really married to Ji Feng. She is amazing, and her husband is also amazing. When the time comes, the two will fight for each other. Property, do you think you can beat it?"

An Haoran's words to An Jiajia made his heart beat a little bit. He always thought that the family property was his, so he never worried, but now he is inexplicably flustered.

"If you sit still like this, sooner or later you will be eaten by them with no bones left, so now at the time of Viking, the two of them must be separated so that they cannot be together smoothly, so that you can protect your own rights. "

An Jiajia continued to say bitterly, "I did have a lot of conflicts with you before, but now it's time to share the enemy. If you really let the two of them dominate, you and I will definitely not have a good life in the future. passed."

An Haoran licked his dry lips, and after he left the dinner table, he kept thinking about this question, and the more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt, so he told his father, who was also the youngest of the three brothers.

In the past, he was spoiled by Mr. An, but now he has given birth to a son, but his character is no different from when he was young.

An Haoran's father was furious when he found out about this. He beat the table hard, "How can they covet our property?"

"Dad, what should we do about this? If we don't break up the two of them, when the two of them join forces to annex the company, we'll be finished."

An Haoran was very worried.

When An Haoran's mother Zhang Cuifen heard about this, she was also quite angry, "The property belongs to our family Haoran, she is a woman who is going to marry, how dare she oppose us like this?"

An Haoran's father's face showed a vicious look, "Then break them up, so that they can't stand the wind and waves!"

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