It's just a question of how to break it up.

An Haoran has been spoiled by his parents and he thinks that Ji Feng is drinking An Menglan to get his things. He couldn't just sit still.

An Haoran's father and mother also said that they would have a long-term plan, but An Haoran had already figured out where Ji Feng lived, and bought a lot of people to besiege Ji Feng.

Before Ji Feng got up, he heard a knock on the door. When he went out, he saw a beautiful girl who gave him a letter saying that someone wanted to invite him to talk.

Ji Feng opened the letter, and there was no signature on it, only one sentence - the auditorium in the west of the city tonight.

Ji Feng raised his brows. He didn't know who gave him such a letter, but he was not afraid. He still had time to play with this guy.

Ji Feng crumpled the letter into a ball and threw it directly into the trash can.

At this time, Michelle also called and told Ji Feng that they had made a practical breakthrough.

"We have carefully studied the roster and ledger of the gray organization, and have captured many members of the organization and smashed their conspiracy. It's just that the mastermind behind the scenes is very cunning. We checked and they are currently entrenched in the imperial capital. .I'll go meet you soon, be careful yourself."

Ji Feng originally wanted to say that if the gray organization found was in another city, he would take a plane directly. Who knew that it was so coincidental that he was in the imperial capital, and he didn't have to run around.

At this time, An Haoran had already got in touch with the Panlong Gang brothers in the imperial capital, and he wanted to teach Ji Feng a lesson, so that he would not care about other people's things.

Ji Feng did not tell An Menglan about this. He still hasn't figured out who gave him the gauntlet.

In the evening, Ji Feng drove to the auditorium in the west of the city. It has been deserted for a long time, and now it is overgrown with weeds.

When Ji Feng arrived, it was pitch black and there were no lights.

He looked around, then said, "I'm here, come out."

An Haoran did not go by himself, but gave the brother of Qian Panlong Gang, Da Xiong.

The big bear came out slowly. He was wearing a vest, and his strong muscles made people feel a little scared.

Not only that, but the bears are also covered in terrifying tattoos. He pinched his knuckles, "Are you Ji Feng?"

Anyone who sees a man like Da Xiong will be afraid. But Ji Feng won't, because Ji Feng is sure.

"Yes, I am. What's the matter with you?"

The big bear laughed, and then raised the baseball bat in his hand, "Boy. You have provoked the wrong person. If you know each other, get out of the imperial capital, don't think about marrying An Menglan. You are not qualified!"

Ji Feng raised his brows and said, "Who sent you here?"

The big bear snorted and said, "Who asked me to come has nothing to do with you. You know who you are, and don't play these bells and whistles. Immediately disappear from the imperial capital, you know?"

Ji Feng thought it was funny, he said, "Where I am is my freedom, it has nothing to do with you."

The big bear sneered: "You are right. Where you are is indeed your freedom, and it has nothing to do with us. But what you covet should not be yours, then it has something to do with us."

Ji Feng narrowed his eyes, "What if I say no?"

The big bear laughed grimly, "If you say no, then your life will be in danger! Brothers, come on! Give him a lesson!"

There are five younger brothers behind the big bear. Like him, they all have big muscles, and their hair is dyed in messy colors. Each of them had iron bars, baseball bats, or the like in their hands.

Several people surrounded Ji Feng, and it could be seen that Ji Feng was currently at a disadvantage.

After Ji Feng glanced at it, he said, "Okay, don't waste time, just go straight on."

The big bear gritted his teeth and said, "You are really arrogant. Come together? We can beat you to death if we pick one out here alone!"

Ji Feng shrugged indifferently, "If you can do it, try it."

The big bear was enraged, he shouted, raised the baseball bat in his hand and smashed it at Ji Feng's head!

How could Ji Feng give Big Bear a chance? When the baseball bat fell, Ji Feng suddenly attacked! He actually hit the baseball bat with his fist!

"Bang!" With a loud noise, the baseball bat in Big Bear's hand was bent!

Big Bear was taken aback! Ji Feng actually has such terrifying strength! You know, after smashing the iron for so long, he can only smash the big wooden board with his fist. How can he have such terrifying strength? What the **** happened to Ji Feng?

Just when the big bear was stunned, Ji Feng already knew how to kick it.

The big bear wailed and was kicked several meters away! His pain is called a grin!

When the other little brothers saw it, they rushed over immediately, wanting to avenge the big bear, but these are all little scoundrels, even if they fight Ji Feng together, they are not Ji Feng's opponents.

Ji Feng beat them all over the ground looking for teeth.

Ji Feng watched these people fall to the ground, he shook his head, "You guys are too weak. You're just vulnerable. Who gave me your confidence? Liang Jingru?"

The big bear covered his chest and spat out a mouthful of blood. He said grimly, "Stinky boy! Don't run away! I'll let my brother clean you up!"

Ji Feng really didn't plan to leave. It's been a long time since he used his fists and kicks. "Okay, then go and call. I want to see how much better your brother can be than you."

The big bear struggled to get up from the ground, and he immediately dialed the phone, "Big brother! I am in the auditorium in the west of the city, and someone called us! He is a very arrogant guy! Come on!"

After the big bear finished the call, he sneered and said, "Stinky boy! Wait to die!"

Ji Feng is here, and he is not afraid at all.

After a while, the Heilong Hall Master of the Panlong Gang came. He was wearing a black shirt, his face was quiet, and he looked very thin. Standing next to the big bear, the big bear was more like a big brother.

Ji Feng really saw it, Heilong's footsteps were very steady, he was a trainer.

Heilong looked at Ji Feng up and down, and asked in a deep voice, "Brother, which gang are you from?"

Ji Feng said with a smile: "No gang, no faction."

Heilong sneered: "You have no family and no faction, and you dare to bully my people on the territory of our Panlong Gang. I think you have eaten the guts of a bear's heart and a leopard?"

Ji Feng glanced at the big bear and said, "They attacked me first, and I was just fighting back."

The big bear immediately quibble and said: "Brother, don't listen to this guy, he's just here to play! This guy is very hateful!"

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