The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 1112: Layers of routines

Mr. Jin decided to attack Xuanwumen, because Mr. Jin thought that Xuanwumen was not kind.

But Ji Feng told him: "Now we only have such a credential, it is impossible to crusade Xuanwumen."

Mr. Jin said angrily, "What should we do if we can't do this? We can't allow them to do such harmless things, right?"

After thinking for a moment, Ji Feng said, "What you said makes sense. We will do it after I find out."

Mr. Jin said to Ji Feng a little worried: "Mr. Ji, the people in Xuanwumen are very small. You must be careful not to fall into their trap. They are best at using beauty tricks."

Ji Feng raised his brows and said, "Then I want to see how powerful the trick they used."

At this time, the hall master of Xuanwumen had already told the above, after all, this would require a large dose.

This has always been done by the deputy head of Xuanwu Sect. The last time the deputy head of Xuanwu Sect was severely humiliated by Ji Feng, he held a grudge, but he couldn't fall out with Ji Feng.

The deputy head was not reconciled. He didn't want Happy Valley to fall into the hands of the Panlong Gang at all. Everyone knew how high Happy Valley's turnover was, but it was a pity that the two sects together were not the same. Ji Feng's opponent.

How could the deputy head hold such a breath? He thought about it in his heart, it would be better to sell super medicines to Happy Valley, and then grab the guests from Happy Valley to him. If Happy Valley has no business, the turnover will definitely decline.

In addition, there is a big guest who has asked so much now, of course they are in short supply, so the deputy head contacted the contact person.

This connector turned out to be the vice president of the Imperial City Chamber of Commerce.

When the vice president learned that someone needed such a large dose, he couldn't help frowning and said, "Have you ensured the information of the guests?"

The deputy head believed in his downline quite a bit. He thought that his hall master did not need to lie to him like this, so the deputy head said: "Vice president, don't worry, we have already ensured this matter, and there is indeed a super leader. The big class requires us to take so many doses. It’s just that we don’t have that many on hand, so this business is likely to fail. I wonder if you can share some of it for us?”

The vice president is a member of the gray organization. He also has rosters and bills in his hands. The main reason is that some gray organizations in several places have been wiped out, so the vice president is also a little worried. He has to suffer too.

Now is the time to strike hard, and the vice president will definitely weigh some in his heart.

However, the vice-chairman and the deputy head have cooperated for so long, of course, he also knew that the ministers did not need to lie to him.

"Hua Leopard, I can give you more goods, but you also know that the goods I have on hand are limited. If I give it to you, I can't get the goods elsewhere."

Hua Leopard is another name for the deputy head, because he usually likes to wear fancy clothes and acts like a leopard, so others gave him the nickname and called him Hua Leopard.

Hua Leopard immediately said, "If the goods are gone, they can be reproduced. Besides, how can the person who took our goods go to get the goods from others? You also know how special our batch of super potions is, as long as It is impossible to quit once you are infected.”

The vice president thought, what Hua Leopard said was indeed the same, but he was still somewhat worried.

The vice-chairman said: "You go and ask again to see if that person is reliable. If it is reliable, I will send the goods to you. Be sure to ask for the detailed information and not take it lightly. If something happens, we will send it to you. Can't afford it."

Hua Leopard was a little dissatisfied in his heart, this was the time to make a fortune, but the vice-chairman was timid, so Hua Leopard had no choice but to agree first.

After hanging up the phone, Hua Leopard approached the hall master and asked, "Fat Da Dahai, he has already spoken with the above, he said to ship the goods to us, but we must find out the details of the other party, you must find out the other party's details. Give me a report in detail, so I can keep up with the report, and when they ship it to us, we will send it."

After listening to Fat Dahai, he nodded again and again. Of course he couldn't do it himself, so he called Xiaojie and asked Xiaojie to handle it for him. If he could squeeze down, he would not waste time and effort, let's talk about it. This client was introduced by Xiaojie. Even if he wanted to investigate, he asked the primary school to investigate.

Xiaojie agreed, and then he called Ji Feng, Ji Feng had already been there, and it was not easy to let go, so he gave Xiaojie a report and asked Xiaojie to send it over.

Not only that, he also gave Xiaojie a lot of sweetness, and even cured the skin disease that had plagued elementary school for many years.

You must know that Xiaojie, a dealer who doesn't know how many things, doesn't get that high profit, and it's not as good as the money Ji Feng gave him.

This report was quickly handed over to Hua Leopard. Hua Leopard checked it out and felt that there was not much discrepancy, so he gave the report to the vice-chairman. The vice-chairman used his own connections to verify. After that, I decided to get the goods for Hua Leopard.

It's just that they didn't know that Ji Feng applied the information sent by the application to get the roadmap, because there were tracking medicines given by the system on this information.

Others can't see it, only Ji Feng knows it. After Ji Feng got the roadmap, he learned that the report was sent to the vice president of the chamber of commerce. In fact, he suspected that the chamber of commerce here was very good. It may be related to the gray organization, which seems to be true now.

Ji Feng and Ming Xue'er talked on the phone and told him that what he had checked was Michelle, the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce. Bring him to justice!"

"Although it has been found out that it was the vice president of the chamber of commerce, I think it's better not to be alarmed, because the entire chamber of commerce is likely to be working for the gray organization."

Michelle hurriedly said: "If this is the case, then you must be careful, and don't be discovered by them. By the way, how did you find out this news?"

Ji Feng said: "Shan Ren has his own plan. I have already found out that this matter is related to a sect in the imperial capital, and I don't know if it has anything to do with the other sect. I have to investigate this matter, and I will contact you when I come back. The staff of the special operations team can do it, right?"

Michelle nodded and said, "I have sent my senior sister to the imperial capital, and she will contact you then!"

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